Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum

Jul 8, 2024
Just like I was hoping in ch. 25 Sarah would take the initiative instead of acquiescing to Lester’s demands during sex , the viewpoint of Sarah sympathizing with Lester about getting pregnant is looking mighty dim. Sarah is now hooked on being a bareback cum slut Lester may not give her the freedom to make that choice after he finally located and photographed the birth control pill bottle.
No, but isn't it cool that she likes that Lester plans ways to hurt and humiliate Dan and starts supporting it in some way. I mean cool, in the fact that she has started her slide to the dark side.
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Nov 26, 2024
I actually liked it. It did have some incongruities and some weaknesses, but at least he's finally advancing the brainwashing part of the story (which up until last chapter was completely awol). Now that Don has gotten to the true meat and potatoes of this story. Sarah chose to let Lester in the house when she swore that Lester would not be inside their house again. She also sat there wondering how she could help Dan investigate Lester but then changed her mind when she thought about Lester. She is no longer excited about visiting Dan, in Chicago, but just has to see Lester to feel that excitement. I would bet money that she will turn on Dan and inform Lester what Dan is trying to do. She agrees to keeping an eye on Dan and telling Lester if he goes any further. Eventually, maybe Lester will have her drag Dan back to the bedroom and and seduce him. Sarah tells Lester that she would rather go to his bedroom. He tells her he needs to get his hands on Dan's work computer from DC, to find out his plans and what he is up to for this company. After some cajoling, Sarah takes Dan away, allowing Lester to interfere with Dan's professional life. She only wants to protect and help Lester at this point.

A prediction, a thought, maybe a wish.
On the surface I agree with you Psiber, I think the majority of the chapter was logical in how things playout out, and yet I feel let down or closer to underwhelmed. It was just off and I can't place my finger on why. You had the big buildup in Ch24 to something explosive happening in Ch25. There was a lot of mystery/anticipation around; Sarah's BC method, how would Dan react, would we finally see Sarah turn to the dark side, (someone's listening to feedback me thinks) we even got Mother Sarah treating her kids in a loving manner. We got a lot resolution in this chapter - yet instead of fireworks in CH25 it felt like a sparkler. Okay maybe sparkler is unfair but it didn't feel powerful.

I think Sarah's reaction to the hotel manipulation should have been stronger, more angry and taking longer to subside. I think she would still have been trying to find the neutral ground as written, but if she'd had a stronger reaction, Lester's bombshell in the final scene, of why he did it and her acceptance of, and now willingness to humiliate Dan would have been more impactful.

And Dan, poor, sad, pathetic Dan - his reaction was so anemic. He should have been ready to get all biblical on Lester's ass: "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my marriage!"


Active Member
May 23, 2017
For me, she gets pregnant by the janitor and Lester thinks it's his. She humiliates Dan and he meets another woman, the woman leaves him and out of nowhere life starts to improve, good contracts and life improves.


May 22, 2024
I would bet money that she will turn on Dan and inform Lester what Dan is trying to do. She agrees to keeping an eye on Dan and telling Lester if he goes any further. Eventually, maybe Lester will have her drag Dan back to the bedroom and and seduce him. Sarah tells Lester that she would rather go to his bedroom. He tells her he needs to get his hands on Dan's work computer from DC, to find out his plans and what he is up to for this company. After some cajoling, Sarah takes Dan away, allowing Lester to interfere with Dan's professional life. She only wants to protect and help Lester at this point.

A prediction, a thought, maybe a wish.
Hmm. This reminds me of the time Lester told Sarah that he will make her fuck someone she hates. Maybe things between Dan and Sarah becomes so much worse that Dan will be the person she hates and he asks her to seduce him to get his laptop, fulfilling his wish. Maybe.


May 22, 2024
I can't see it playing out any other way, because I can't see Lester moving forward from that - at that stage Sarah's broken and submitted - so there's no challenge for Lester anymore. What suddenly he's going to stop his kink of control/manipulation/dominance and settle down with just Sarah? Possibly Sarah changes Lester in the end, but it seems unlikely.
One way I see this playing out is Don going full Gone Girl and find a way to eliminate Lester after Sarah is pregnant and completely turned to Darkside. Dan is now stuck with the now cruel-and-sexually-liberated Sarah due to economic & social reasons, a proverbial 'happy ending'. A safe ending, not particularly good one.
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Jul 27, 2024
"She shouldn’t find his body alluring but she did"

"The lingering Cheeto taste on his mouth was like an
aphrodisaic for Sarah,"

"Being so c
lose she could smell their combined sex efforts and found herself incredibly turned on."

These sentiments need to become explicit dialogue. Why is he so afraid of letting Sarah say this to Lester? Or of having Lester ask her and make her admit it? She's never once, in this entire story, talked about her attraction to Lester. Why? Because she falls asleep after sex and they never talk about their intimacy.

He was building up the "I love you" stuff for 2 chapters and then he dropped it. Why wouldn't that be a reoccurring thing now? If Lester wants to implant that in her psyche, he'd be using it everytime they fucked.

But now that's gone and it's about getting her to humiliate her husband. I'm worried, since this chapter started with her fucking Jesse, that this is going down the wrong door. This is going to the generic slut who cucks her husband route. No longer about Lester and Sarah, but Lester making her a slut and her adventures. I hope I'm wrong. Especially since, with pregnancy, he has to ensure no one else fucks her
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May 2, 2023
This is going to the generic slut who cucks her husband route. No longer about Lester and Sarah, but Lester making her a slut and her adventures.
so what? i don't get all the people in this thread reading cuck stories who are getting mad at sarah "cheating" on her not-husband lester with other dudes.

you know the way people complain about NTR because they self-insert and overly relate to the cuck? it feels like you guys are doing that with lester lol
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Jun 30, 2024
And Dan, poor, sad, pathetic Dan - his reaction was so anemic. He should have been ready to get all biblical on Lester's ass: "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my marriage!"
Love the Pulp Fiction reference verisimilnude. Wouldn’t it be great to see Dan dressed up as Jules and recreate that iconic scene before laying down his vengeance upon thee.

Who is Lester Fucking Marshall? Dan doesn’t have the financial means to hire Magnum PI so Dan pinches the bridge of his nose and transform into an Hawaiian shirt shorty shorts wearing mustachioed investigator. HAHA this should be good for a laugh. Anyone expect a novice who is clueless about technology suddenly take down Lester on his turf. Dan has a dismal record with tech. Everything from not installing a passcode on his phone (which allowed Jesse access) to having no clue what Discord was. So with Dan clearly out of his elements you expect him to search for a ghost. I’m sure previously Dan might have used to brute force and intimidation to get his way if his charm didn’t work. Luck may shine and he accidentally finds Lizzie on FaceBook or a Google search, but he won’t be able to muscle his way through the dark web. Dan is also non observant of things around him. Dan couldn’t remember Ned’s name but chose not to intimidate or press him for additional information. So Dan wants to perform a sneak attack. How is that possible when Lester has surveillance on the family and access to their phone, financial, and social information. Dan can install spy cams in Middleton but I’m sure Lester is aware of the purchase and will later manipulate the situation for his benefit.
Jun 30, 2024
"She shouldn’t find his body alluring but she did"

"The lingering Cheeto taste on his mouth was like an
aphrodisaic for Sarah,"

"Being so c
lose she could smell their combined sex efforts and found herself incredibly turned on."

These sentiments need to become explicit dialogue. Why is he so afraid of letting Sarah say this to Lester? Or of having Lester ask her and make her admit it? She's never once, in this entire story, talked about her attraction to Lester. Why? Because she falls asleep after sex and they never talk about their intimacy.

He was building up the "I love you" stuff for 2 chapters and then he dropped it. Why wouldn't that be a reoccurring thing now? If Lester wants to implant that in her psyche, he'd be using it everytime they fucked.

But now that's gone and it's about getting her to humiliate her husband. I'm worried, since this chapter started with her fucking Jesse, that this is going down the wrong door. This is going to the generic slut who cucks her husband route. No longer about Lester and Sarah, but Lester making her a slut and her adventures. I hope I'm wrong. Especially since, with pregnancy, he has to ensure no one else fucks her
I agree with you. Lester kept pushing these thoughts and phases into Sarah during sex until they became part of her psyche. It culminated to the point where she told Lester over and over I love you during their orgasm while Dan watched in disgusted lust. Then the next chapter the phrase was discussed and dismissed as sex talk. Please. Humiliation is one thing, but that phrase was a very powerful element in this story and Don chose to abandon it. I’m afraid reintroducing the words I love you will be meaningless as evident by Jesse announcing it to Sarah and she playing it off.
Jun 30, 2024
For me, she gets pregnant by the janitor and Lester thinks it's his. She humiliates Dan and he meets another woman, the woman leaves him and out of nowhere life starts to improve, good contracts and life improves.
That is why I hate Don introducing these minor characters and giving them bigger roles in the story. Like Lester has said: they are meaningless pawns he uses to further advance Sarah downfall to being his slut and future baby momma. At some point he will need to separate or rid himself of these elements. I’m sure the “honeymoon” vacation I discussed earlier will be at the location where Dan and Sarah honeymooned. There he can further corrupt elements of Sarah and Dan’s past while asking Sarah to role play them having a child of their own.


Jan 9, 2022
I agree with you. Lester kept pushing these thoughts and phases into Sarah during sex until they became part of her psyche. It culminated to the point where she told Lester over and over I love you during their orgasm while Dan watched in disgusted lust. Then the next chapter the phrase was discussed and dismissed as sex talk. Please. Humiliation is one thing, but that phrase was a very powerful element in this story and Don chose to abandon it. I’m afraid reintroducing the words I love you will be meaningless as evident by Jesse announcing it to Sarah and she playing it off.
Everything is increasing, now the phrase "I love you" has no meaning.
At today's stage, it is urgent to call out contempt and dislike for Dan the weakling, who caused him maximum pain and humiliation. To distort Sarah's feelings so that Dan's pain brought her pleasure.
The next stage is Dan's use of a condom, defeat and further humiliation in his fight with Lester.
The finale will be Sarah's plea from the bottom of her heart to give Lester a boy to destroy Dan or force him to accept the consequences of his sick fantasies.


Jul 27, 2024
so what? i don't get all the people in this thread reading cuck stories who are getting mad at sarah "cheating" on her not-husband lester with other dudes.

you know the way people complain about NTR because they self-insert and overly relate to the cuck? it feels like you guys are doing that with lester lol
It's not about identifying with Lester (although he's obviously the main character), it's about the basic structure of the story. There are a million cuck stories of a wife becoming a generic slut who fucks every stranger. This story built up the Lester/Sarah relationship and it's now being diluted by boring characters. Who cares about Jesse and Otis? We've invested 25 chapters in Lester and Sarah, these characters pop up in a few scenes. We don't have their thoughts or feelings. So why bother with them?

Seriously, there's absolutely no reason for this chapter to have Jesse in it and then Lester begging for sex a few pages later. Why not just kick Jesse out and have a session with Sarah and Lester? Why end all sex scenes immediately after they cum?
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Nov 28, 2024
Love the Pulp Fiction reference verisimilnude. Wouldn’t it be great to see Dan dressed up as Jules and recreate that iconic scene before laying down his vengeance upon thee.

Who is Lester Fucking Marshall? Dan doesn’t have the financial means to hire Magnum PI so Dan pinches the bridge of his nose and transform into an Hawaiian shirt shorty shorts wearing mustachioed investigator. HAHA this should be good for a laugh. Anyone expect a novice who is clueless about technology suddenly take down Lester on his turf. Dan has a dismal record with tech. Everything from not installing a passcode on his phone (which allowed Jesse access) to having no clue what Discord was. So with Dan clearly out of his elements you expect him to search for a ghost. I’m sure previously Dan might have used to brute force and intimidation to get his way if his charm didn’t work. Luck may shine and he accidentally finds Lizzie on FaceBook or a Google search, but he won’t be able to muscle his way through the dark web. Dan is also non observant of things around him. Dan couldn’t remember Ned’s name but chose not to intimidate or press him for additional information. So Dan wants to perform a sneak attack. How is that possible when Lester has surveillance on the family and access to their phone, financial, and social information. Dan can install spy cams in Middleton but I’m sure Lester is aware of the purchase and will later manipulate the situation for his benefit.
Lester has passed under the radar of Dan, because Dan has underrated him…big error. Lester has used his kink to get access to Sarah and gets her addicted to sex.
There is no love here but it’s only sex talk between Sarah and her different lovers.

She will never drop Dan for one of her lovers. She has done a big error though, she has though to be under control of his biggest asset, her reproductive window.
She hasn’t caught Lester plan, while Dan is beginning to, so she thinks she is in control and can fuck safely. It’s not.

She will become pregnant of someone, most probably Lester but not sure.

Indeed Lester is playing a dangerous game himself. When a women has sex with someone and orgasm, that one can have her in the future with high probability. And here come the minor characters.

In particular I think Dan, which has underrated Lester but is not stupid, knows well that he cannot overtake Lester in his field and so will seek a help, the most valuable can be Ned which is a nerd too and probably hates Lester.

So I can immagine that Ned could be a big player in “helping” Dan to play Lester AND can use the window to fuck Sarah instead of the twos in the right windows….
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Jul 8, 2024
Just like I was hoping in ch. 25 Sarah would take the initiative instead of acquiescing to Lester’s demands during sex , the viewpoint of Sarah sympathizing with Lester about getting pregnant is looking mighty dim. Sarah is now hooked on being a bareback cum slut Lester may not give her the freedom to make that choice after he finally located and photographed the birth control pill bottle.
Probably not a bottle, most these days are in a plastic card, with a foil backing and the pills are placed in a specific order as to the strength of the estrogen, in order to trick the body into thinking its not the time for pregnancy. The final week is generally a greyish color and filled with a placebo, to act for women who might lose track without taking it every week. Usually there is a week listed on top, starting with Sunday, but they have stickers for any other starting day that come with the pill package, which is generally given to the woman in a tough to tear metallic pocket pack. The only way I can figure out that all of the picture thing and such would work is if Lester paid attention to the starting day, how many pills were gone -- for the monthly schedule -- and found a dark web site that sold fake pill packets counterfitted so well that a user of the pills in question could not tell them apart.

On a different note, I was re-reading the chapter and noticed what was, probably, my favorite line:
"Being part of Lester’s game and domination of her husband made fireworks blow off inside of
her. "
She now admits to herself that she gets off knowing she had a hand in Lester's success over her pathetic and weak husband, wow. Now she can tell Lester and help him plan, possibly.
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Nov 26, 2024
"She shouldn’t find his body alluring but she did"

"The lingering Cheeto taste on his mouth was like an
aphrodisaic for Sarah,"

"Being so c
lose she could smell their combined sex efforts and found herself incredibly turned on."

These sentiments need to become explicit dialogue. Why is he so afraid of letting Sarah say this to Lester? Or of having Lester ask her and make her admit it? She's never once, in this entire story, talked about her attraction to Lester. Why? Because she falls asleep after sex and they never talk about their intimacy.

He was building up the "I love you" stuff for 2 chapters and then he dropped it. Why wouldn't that be a reoccurring thing now? If Lester wants to implant that in her psyche, he'd be using it every time they fucked.

But now that's gone and it's about getting her to humiliate her husband. I'm worried, since this chapter started with her fucking Jesse, that this is going down the wrong door. This is going to the generic slut who cucks her husband route. No longer about Lester and Sarah, but Lester making her a slut and her adventures. I hope I'm wrong. Especially since, with pregnancy, he has to ensure no one else fucks her
Adam, I know you won't like this but Lester doesn't love Sarah, he COVETS her, but her purpose to him is someone that can get him off thru his own kinks of control and manipulation. Lester loves the hunt and the desire to conquer, to do the unthinkable of taking/breaking this powerful woman, one that he should have no shot at, and making her submit to him completely, the icing on that cake for Lester is making Dan suffer in the process.

Lester has never said he loves Sarah, he's used the words to condition and program her to think or feel like she loves Lester. So Lester will trot out the phrase when he needs to reinforce his conditioning, or to put Dan in his place, but it's a tool. As I've said before, is it possible Sarah has an effect on Lester and while he's changing her, Sarah is changing him, sure it's something that could happen, but based on all that's been written so far, it's unlikely.

As for Jesse, Cash, Otis, Byron or any new ones that may come up - let it go. They are literary devices to provide the reader context into Sarah's thought processes and character opportunities for growth. She doesn't love Jessie, she told you the reader that she found him weak, needy and that she enjoyed her control over him. This interaction made her realize that she's always been the dominant in her relationship with Dan, and that it felt good when Lester took away that control. That opening scene was necessary to pay off the final scene, where she finds out she gets off on humiliating or demeaning Dan - that she has the power to do that and excites her sexually.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2024
I think we now have a race to see if Dan can uncover the truth before Lester completely corrupts Sarah and impregnates her. Some important questions... Will Sarah reject Lester even if she knows the truth? Does Lester dump his toy once he achieves his goal? Would Dan take her back with another man's child?
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Nov 26, 2024
Then the next chapter the phrase was discussed and dismissed as sex talk. Please. Humiliation is one thing, but that phrase was a very powerful element in this story and Don chose to abandon it.
For Sarah it wasn't sex talk, she's told you many times thru this story that she means what she says, even in the heat of the moment. This is a subtle way to show Sarah's eventual contempt for Dan, to demean and control him. And Dan laps it up and gets sidetracked by her ability to turn it to her advantage and toy with his lust, deflecting him from probing deeper. Making her admit what she really feels.
Nov 26, 2024
I think we now have a race to see if Dan can uncover the truth before Lester completely corrupts Sarah and impregnates her. Some important questions... Will Sarah reject Lester even if she knows the truth? Does Lester dump his toy once he achieves his goal? Would Dan take her back with another man's child?
The Magic Eightball says: maybe, yes and likely would be my answers.


New Member
Dec 24, 2024
I ask: In the USA, can anyone officiate a wedding if they meet certain requirements?

And if so, I'll leave you with a twisted idea: Dan is registered to officiate weddings and Sarah or Lester ask him to officiate their (fake) wedding. It would be so erotic and morbid, even if it's fake, that Dan marries Sarah and Lester while she wears her wedding dress that she wore with him.