yes, it was the first time some form of birth control had ever been mentioned.Sarah didn’t say the word contraception but at end of chapter 20 when Sarah and Dan were conversing about the aftermath of Lester entering the home and his wife. They talked about Lester’s breeding kink
“It’s just some dumb thing Lester wanted. Something about him not being able to do it now and wanting to live out the experience. It’s just sex talk, Dan. It’s not real, you know that. He’s fixed, and besides, I’m not an idiot, okay? I’m not just going to have sex with someone and not take precautions.” Sarah added.
“I hope it was good,” Dan said. He wanted to dig more into the precautions she mentioned but wanted to jab at her first, “Did you enjoy yourself?”
Also we assume she was picking up birth control prescription in pharmacy section of Costco when she went to pick up dinner for Dan
About this I have to say that Dan not knowing his wife is under birth control is strange and it seems more a plot hole then not.
Unless we are speaking about some form of temporary solution like diaphragm or day after pill. That would be more coherent with Sarah not telling anything to Dan.
I think DS is thinking about Lester sneaking into the house to change the pills with placebo, but I think it would be more interesting if it was temporary solutions which can be more easy to trick by lester simply catching the chance(e.g. diaphragm can be displaced and day after pill does not work if she is at the peak of her cycle)
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