Toxic Attraction DonSilver #Cuckold 8muses forum

Jun 30, 2024
Looks like someone tried to upload Detestable Liaison Chapter 4 to Kenomo but was unsuccessful. Said in the comment cannot get past the content copy protected box


New Member
Jul 20, 2024
It was successfully uploaded. But the story detail is on his own website not on patreon.


Jun 22, 2024
Could be. I wouldn't mind him just showing her the video and asking how much of that did she share with Dan and then goes from there to continue fucking her, this time behind her husband's back; or she must make choices. I just keep getting this image in my head of her and Lester in his bedroom all weekend long, with the door locked (except for visits out for food and bathroom -- both nude, of course) and Dan's peephole filled in. He tells her he filled it because Dan just doesn't deserve to watch as he will let just anyone peek through that hole and they deserve privacy and respect. Sarah likes that and gets off on the back and forth in the fight for her between the two men.
Then in a room all weekend long would be a real delicious scene, showing how Sarah has now fallen for the fantastic sex. I would tweak a bit of the details though - Lester would not cover up the peephole so as to allow anyone who would like to watch an unblocked view to how he's making this wife and mother his slut and how she's forgetting all of that and focusing only on the pleasure that he's giving her.
Jul 8, 2024
I'm thinking that there must be a reason why the story went on to Lester viewing back his recordings of sex with Sarah. Lester also mentioned about sharing her with another stranger. So yeah maybe she's gonna be double teamed, NC soon
I actually thought of something better than blackmail...Lester shows Sarah the videos and she responds, "So, what is this, you toad, you're blackmailing me now?" Lester looks at her, sadness creeping into his facial expression as he answers, "I would never blackmail you, Sarah. I love you. Its not blackmail, its a reminder, that's all; a reminder of us, without Dan interfering, and your honesty, but I see how you think of me." Lester leaves the living room of his apartment and closes his door, locking it. A big smarmy smile takes over his countenance as he turns on his monitor and watches Sarah's guilt and emotions over hurting him. He has her eating out of his hand.
Anyway, my dream handling of this situation.


Jun 22, 2024
I actually thought of something better than blackmail...Lester shows Sarah the videos and she responds, "So, what is this, you toad, you're blackmailing me now?" Lester looks at her, sadness creeping into his facial expression as he answers, "I would never blackmail you, Sarah. I love you. Its not blackmail, its a reminder, that's all; a reminder of us, without Dan interfering, and your honesty, but I see how you think of me." Lester leaves the living room of his apartment and closes his door, locking it. A big smarmy smile takes over his countenance as he turns on his monitor and watches Sarah's guilt and emotions over hurting him. He has her eating out of his hand.
Anyway, my dream handling of this situation.
So you mean Sarah is getting addicted to sex with Lester? And how does that link with his fantasy of sharing her?
Jul 8, 2024
So you mean Sarah is getting addicted to sex with Lester? And how does that link with his fantasy of sharing her?
More like he is playing with her emotions while reminding her or how much better he is than Dan at sex. Reminding her of the pleasure she can only get with him and never even got close with Dan. Nothing makes a mother's emotions kick in like a wounded puppy.
Jun 30, 2024
You can definitely tell Sarah’s resolve is teetering as bad as her unrevealed precautions from Lester’s baby batter. So Den and Sarah can somehow solved their martial problems in a Catalina wine mixer. A whole weekend No way! Dan did make an effort to resolve things after the Eugene screw up but Sarah now was not being completely honest. She withheld information about their additional couplings from Dan and Sarah later revealed she wanted to hold on the feelings Lester gives her a little longer. Yeah Dan has lost her for good but is too gullible to see it. How long before Sarah finally succumbs to Lester through either his manipulation or Dan‘s screw up
Jul 8, 2024
You can definitely tell Sarah’s resolve is teetering as bad as her unrevealed precautions from Lester’s baby batter. So Den and Sarah can somehow solved their martial problems in a Catalina wine mixer. A whole weekend No way! Dan did make an effort to resolve things after the Eugene screw up but Sarah now was not being completely honest. She withheld information about their additional couplings from Dan and Sarah later revealed she wanted to hold on the feelings Lester gives her a little longer. Yeah Dan has lost her for good but is too gullible to see it. How long before Sarah finally succumbs to Lester through either his manipulation or Dan‘s screw up
Good catch, I totally missed the line about her not ready to give up those feelings, even if Dan is. Damn...I know Lester is not a good guy, but this is fiction -- not reality -- and I am sooooo Team Lester/Sarah. Prolly going to hell for that. ;-}


Mar 20, 2024
I'm Team Schizo, because part of me wants to see how far Lester takes Sarah. But I also want to see Dan not just assert himself, but take control and win her back. (Acknowledging that he's lost her more than either he or Sarah realize already).
All that said, the shit with Byron and Jesse? That's just stupid.
Jun 30, 2024
I also don’t understand the reason for Byron and Jesse. They are Dr Evil, but with very little word count, character development or charisma. Don has done a good job inserting minor characters into the other chapters especially Lizzie, Cash or Lester’s D&D buddiies. You can almost see their own story arc developing. However these two bring little value to the story acting as filler material during the lulls between Dan, Sarah and Lester
Jul 8, 2024
I also don’t understand the reason for Byron and Jesse. They are Dr Evil, but with very little word count, character development or charisma. Don has done a good job inserting minor characters into the other chapters especially Lizzie, Cash or Lester’s D&D buddiies. You can almost see their own story arc developing. However these two bring little value to the story acting as filler material during the lulls between Dan, Sarah and Lester
I agree, but it they were just plot devices, that would work. For instance, Dan could tell Sarah what is expected of her and even though she has agreed to fuck whoever Lester wants her to, she reacts angrily to Dan, blaming him for everything. She tells him to fix it and he says he can't he is stuck and if she doesn't he will lose his job and not just the one, Byron has promised to end all of his contract work too. She tells Dan he's fucking useless and is responsible for everything that is happening and he needs to start thinking about the consequences of his actions. She then goes to Lester's room and slams the door, before locking it. Dan tries to listen in but can't hear anything, which probably means they are not having sex, and he goes to his room and slams his door. She tells Lester what is happening and asks for his help. She tells him Dan can do nothing and he starts slamming Dan and she, surprisingly agrees with everything he says about her husband. He tells he to give him their names and anything other pertinent info. He tells her he would like just one thing from her, for taking care of these bozos and he tells her not to worry, they will not be coming back from this. She asks if this involves her not having sex with Dan. He says yes, but only for a month and during that she will be with him only. No watching for Dan, no involvement, or say at all. She tells him that if he can fix this she is his for the month, no Dan.
I dream of this happening and it would further Lester and Sarah, hurt Dan, pulling him and Sarah apart, and make them strictly a plot device.
Jun 30, 2024
I like your story idea Psiber, but my only caveat is this Don introducing the mysterious Peter outside of Starbucks in Chapter 17. This is where I wish Don would give us some background on this minor character once he introduces them. What is Peter’s intention? Espionage? Former partner with a grudge? A plant by someone we know or don’t know?

I know Dan will try to contact Peter in the next chapter. Will he give Dan and Sarah an escape plan even though Dan reneged earlier so Peter had to turn to Jesse? Or has Jesse informed Peter about Sarah’s kinks and hopes to capitalize on them? Or will indeed Lester come to the rescue? Maybe I am making more of it than I should. We will see.


May 2, 2023
the answer is: there will be 12 more identical chapters of lester and sarah having the same exact sex scene, and all those plot threads will go nowhere.
Jun 30, 2024
And I’m sure there will be small collection of diehard fans who will gladly read all 12 chapters of Sarah and Lester‘s having a sex-o-rama marathon. Don does have 800 plus paid membership on Patreon. However if the story continues for “infinity“ the story it will suffer (see The Walking Dead). People have short attention spans and always look towards the latest and greatest. You are seeing more comments of this forum and others where people are tuning out
Jul 8, 2024
the answer is: there will be 12 more identical chapters of lester and sarah having the same exact sex scene, and all those plot threads will go nowhere.
I'm not sure every chapter is the same. I admit, yes, there is some repetition, but that comes with a story about addiction. If Lester was trying to hook Sarah on cocaine, instead, he would give it to her, time and time and time again, with many chapters showing the injection of the liquified drug, followed by chapters of him getting her to self injest and finally she would snort his blow with him. A very repetitive process, at best, and I believe that is what is happening here. Lester would like to make Sarah love him, as he has already asked her if she did so, with no answer back. His back-up is her addicted desire for his cock, which he feels either will over-ride any feelings she has for her husband, and hopefully, her daughters. Personally, I believe that to me the most hard to swallow particular of this specific story -- erasing a mother's love (obscuring, maybe???) -- not, necessarily the repetition as he hooks her on his dick, as it were.
Jul 8, 2024
I like your story idea Psiber, but my only caveat is this Don introducing the mysterious Peter outside of Starbucks in Chapter 17. This is where I wish Don would give us some background on this minor character once he introduces them. What is Peter’s intention? Espionage? Former partner with a grudge? A plant by someone we know or don’t know?

I know Dan will try to contact Peter in the next chapter. Will he give Dan and Sarah an escape plan even though Dan reneged earlier so Peter had to turn to Jesse? Or has Jesse informed Peter about Sarah’s kinks and hopes to capitalize on them? Or will indeed Lester come to the rescue? Maybe I am making more of it than I should. We will see.
I would like to see Peter's only goal in life is to finish off the company Dan works for. Maybe he hates Walt and wants him gone and wanted a corporate spy to help plant espionage; Dan said no, go to Jesse and help back him, financially to bring Walt down, who Jesse would also like to see go. The other possibility is that Peter was already tracking down employment possibilities for his government contracted company and found Dan. He liked that Dan wouldn't sell out to illegalities and espionage and posted the job, where Dan would find it, online. Dan thinks it was all his idea and find and goes to work for a company that contracts to the NIA. Jesse failed and his actions will bring him and his little blackmail partner down, as well as their respective business ventures. This, however, would eradicate the need for Hero Lester (LesterMan???) to save Sarah, but maybe Peter would see what was happening and wait for it to happen to see the results. He loved Lester's talent and offers Lester a job, as well, but as Dan's group-head (lol -- not the phrase, Lester as Dan's supervisor). Peter knows about Lester's plans on Dan's wife and doesn't really care, as long as Lester keeps it out of the office, then claps Lester on the back and says with a wry smile, "I maybe even rooting for you a bit."
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