I also don’t understand the reason for Byron and Jesse. They are Dr Evil, but with very little word count, character development or charisma. Don has done a good job inserting minor characters into the other chapters especially Lizzie, Cash or Lester’s D&D buddiies. You can almost see their own story arc developing. However these two bring little value to the story acting as filler material during the lulls between Dan, Sarah and Lester
I agree, but it they were just plot devices, that would work. For instance, Dan could tell Sarah what is expected of her and even though she has agreed to fuck whoever Lester wants her to, she reacts angrily to Dan, blaming him for everything. She tells him to fix it and he says he can't he is stuck and if she doesn't he will lose his job and not just the one, Byron has promised to end all of his contract work too. She tells Dan he's fucking useless and is responsible for everything that is happening and he needs to start thinking about the consequences of his actions. She then goes to Lester's room and slams the door, before locking it. Dan tries to listen in but can't hear anything, which probably means they are not having sex, and he goes to his room and slams his door. She tells Lester what is happening and asks for his help. She tells him Dan can do nothing and he starts slamming Dan and she, surprisingly agrees with everything he says about her husband. He tells he to give him their names and anything other pertinent info. He tells her he would like just one thing from her, for taking care of these bozos and he tells her not to worry, they will not be coming back from this. She asks if this involves her not having sex with Dan. He says yes, but only for a month and during that she will be with him only. No watching for Dan, no involvement, or say at all. She tells him that if he can fix this she is his for the month, no Dan.
I dream of this happening and it would further Lester and Sarah, hurt Dan, pulling him and Sarah apart, and make them strictly a plot device.