I hope the separation happens, due to Sara's betrayals with her husband. He takes the HDs and sells them on the internet and makes money. get another woman! He has already revealed his fear of her putting the padlock on him and dressing him up as a woman. Dan is now a friend, a confidant of Sara. Lester doesn't have a physique, but his dick is bigger and he has more money. And more domineering. In the special Cospley RPG section, the whole group is playing Dan is at the table, his character manages to open the chest, revealing a small golden object, (Dan rolls the dice in the will test) he is caught by the curse, the cleric Sara makes a blessing, a new roll is allowed with a bonus of +4, even with the new decuck roll it is unsuccessful, but Sara makes another counter magic. deduck has female clothes (his appearance is that of a large man and half woman, a small gold item between his legs), which was what contained the curse. along with the magic key to your treasures. the item is a magical artifact, Decuck in his new form will be a powerful bard alongside the group.