Not my place to say, but it's a work thing is what I meant - not always in a place with a good connection.
actually he has said on the board that he travels for work and on any given day can be in any area of the country. I was looking at it, hating the $35 fee but then I took my car in for a simple brake job and left paying $800, so unfortunately $35 becomes a little issue for my budget. I started with Don over on Avid's page and was close with him when he set everything up on Patreon so he could offer a regularly timed, reliable story because we loved Avid's story but hated his unreliability and refusal to tell anyone what was happening. Don went in, though, seeing the models they offered and he sat and figured out a business model that could work for him, where he would rake in some good cash, while not screwing over fans. You only know if you were there but Avid was taking in hand over fist money and not giving anything. We figured at one point that he was making somewhere in the area of $75,000 a year on his story on Patreon and rarely giving anything for it and since he was first, people hung on and kept paying for months, waiting for anything, while others were getting more and more angry.
Don's business model made him some good scratch but prices started getting higher on everyone's writing on Patreon, including Don (I know I was a regular subscriber and I never paid $35 a month). Patreon is now getting rid of that particular model so who knows what that will do with the cost.
Some of us, I am pretty sure that Chillie and I were among the first were given the address for his site, one other, and the site which catalogues the stories (sorry, short term memory of a gnat, gnat I tell ya). I had no idea who this was, never talked to anyone about not getting the stories any more so no one should have known but this person was kind of like a Robin Hood character, taking stories and giving them to people who could not afford to continue paying. (People started postulating that Don is the person who did it and when I think about it, I would not doubt that at all, as he was receiving some pretty good ideas from some of us and when we couldn't keep up with Patreon, we were no longer a part of his process, so it could very well be that Don set this up secretly to see what some of us were saying about his writing, without seeming like he was handing out a system to allow some readers to get the story on the cheap, while he charged others for it. Different people have paid over the past year or so (2 years, maybe? I don't know, like I said short term memory = gnat) and Chillie had decided to take over some months back. I wish I could pay that back and will someday removed from almost $1000 car repairs, but Chillie, long, long story made short, Glad I have known for a lot of this and thanks for picking up the tab lately, you are appreciated.