We'll get the english translation one day, almost for sure. It's not going to be fluent english but from what I've seen of the dev's translation-in-progress, it's going to be WAY more understandable than this MTL.
I talked a bit with the dev and he seems pretty adamant on completing his projects. But it's very much to be expected that progress will be slow, especially while both translating and making a whole new sequel game at the same time. Singlehandedly at that.
May be worth mentioning that it took nulful about 3 years to complete Brave Female Iruru on his own, so, we should really just lean back and have a large sip of patience tea. Enjoy what we already have gotten for free. The sequel prob won't even take that long considering Iruru was his very first project, and learned a LOT of RPGM making since then.