Others [translation request] Dark hunter Kuro [pierock games]


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
Ah there's a delay isn't it? I remember back in 2022 they said they will release it on 2023, but somehow I completely forgot the existence of this game... And when I remembered, it's postponed to 2024... What happened?


New Member
May 27, 2023
So it says Late Feb. It's 1st week of Feb. let's hope it won't get delayed and from the looks of it, it might come out with english patch already because Piero (the creator) created an english demo, hopefully there's a english patch on release.
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New Member
May 27, 2023
So the creator delayed it again and I translate his post on his page, it says he doesn't know when will he finish it but he put Late May 2024 on the sale website because the sale website doesn't allow uncertain date. The creator delayed last time because he needed to focus on his manga to earn a living, now that it was finish, I believe he's now working on the game, let him cook.