So it turns out the translated portions of the game drastically drop after the Succubus. I played up until I beat the following boss to make sure (that is 70 floors), but since the plot is no longer translated, this is a good place to call it quits for not, I assume.
(By the way, I figured out how to use the Ninja eventually)
Ignoring minor issues I took note of at first (things like minor text warping or missing brackets), here is a list of what I have to say:
1. Great job so far, seriously. I can appreciate the effort you put, especially considering I once went through the same thing with a different game, so kudos.
2. [Arms Training] - I think a more appropriate name is "Gear Crafting" or something along those lines. Also when the instructions for it appear, they start with "\F[22]"
3. On the Shop - when you go over an item, there is a field on the right that shows how many of it you own, that field is mistakenly labeled as "Money".
4. Labyrinth Facilities Explanation - The "Next" button text is actually above the button itself.
5. Passive Skills Explanation - The "Next" button text says "Nex".
6. The passive skills issue I mentioned on the above post.
7. Battle Statuses - They appear as small text to the right of your potion count during battle (along with stances), and they need abbreviation. 1 Status fits fine, 2 usually trail too much to the right, 3+ will probably go out of screen. I suggest changing things to be more like: BRN, PSN, FRZ, AT+, MAT+, DEF+ and such, instead of the full text like it is now. That way people could actually know what's going on.
And that's it. nothing game breaking encountered so far, and the game is fun. Can't wait for your next update!