RPGM None [Translation Request] ゴブリンコンキスタ [ BanameiR ]


New Member
Jan 19, 2018
I keep getting a error just after the part with the fairies where you get turned small to get past some stuff in the way does anyone know whats wrong. The Error says Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolution' of null. I tried redownloading the game but didn't work tried to download the game that is posted here and still didn't work


Dec 27, 2020
Abilities and options are translated, some dialogs arent for some reason.
Most dialogue isn't translated but the attempt is appreciated. Even if everything had been translated the hints that Kaname gives when fighting goblins are images. Someone would need to go in to the picture folder and edit them to translate into english with photoshop for you to be able to stand a chance at correctly fighting off the goblins without being violated. Same thing with status page.