RPGM Complete [Translation Request] Holy Mother of God [Studio Sirocco]


Dec 5, 2018
Holy Mother of God

MTL using DeeplPro/Google/Sugoi combo. I initially ran a translation with just Sugoi and thought it was OK but Sugoi decided to change \C[27] to a seemingly infinite variation of that code. (Used to make text pink)
I spent an hour or two trying to fix it but it was a disaster.. so I just scrapped that and started over. It's still MTL though but should have enough information to get you through the game and understanding the "plot", I've also fixed the weird bug with that building where the character disappears.. for some reason the developers have Change Transparency set to ON in one of the events there.

Plugin translations aren't done, so recollection room titles aren't translated. You'll figure it out.

Another annoying part of the translation is that there is a ton of dialogue for content that isn't in the game. Featuring Rose, the daughter. I assume they planned some kind of append/DLC but never bothered with it in the end. Some events are in the code but none of the images are there so they just fail pretty quickly.

Word wrapping & MV Cheat menu included, press 1 to activate the menu. Useful for noclip, god mode etc.

Let me know if the game crashes, large bits of untranslated gibberish etc.

Links dead any chance you could re upload?


Nov 2, 2019
This was this guy's last good game.
Honestly if he just worked on updates for this game it would be way better.