Others None [Translation Request] [JK x JK The girl who loved a loofah] [Drei]


Nov 28, 2017
uff, qué complicado.
Creo que mejor solo te voy pasando lo que traduzca y ya
La ultima y no jodo mas, te paso el jp_all.txt, si me queres ayudar a traducir podes empezar desde la linea 758, creo que a partir de ahi estan las escenas iniciales del juego, asi yo mientras avanzo con las lineas desde la 320 (pasar la traduccion al codigo es un garron, es como traducir dos veces, y me re pierdo xd, si alguien mas me ayuda es un golazo)


New Member
Jun 24, 2022
La ultima y no jodo mas, te paso el jp_all.txt, si me queres ayudar a traducir podes empezar desde la linea 758, creo que a partir de ahi estan las escenas iniciales del juego, asi yo mientras avanzo con las lineas desde la 320 (pasar la traduccion al codigo es un garron, es como traducir dos veces, y me re pierdo xd, si alguien mas me ayuda es un golazo)
Ya traduje la escena del principio y otra más, aunque ahora tendría que quitarle los acentos y esas cosas.
Sé que la respuesta probablemente sea que no, pero de verdad no hay forma de que muestre los caracteres en español? Ninguna de las tipografías en la configuración sirve?


Nov 28, 2017
Ya traduje la escena del principio y otra más, aunque ahora tendría que quitarle los acentos y esas cosas.
Sé que la respuesta probablemente sea que no, pero de verdad no hay forma de que muestre los caracteres en español? Ninguna de las tipografías en la configuración sirve?
no se que programa usas, pero la mayoria tiene la opcion de buscar y sustituir, yo hago eso, traducis hasta donde podes, y despues buscas las vocales con acentos (á,é,í,ó,ú) sustituis por las vocales sin acentos, despues buscas los inicios de apertura de los signos de exclamacion y pregunta (¿, ¡ ) y sustituis por un espacio en blanco, las ñ las cambias por un "ni" y listo, tardas algo mas pero en mejor que ir uno por uno.

Que yo sepa no, no soy programador tampoco, me cierno al programa que encontre que sustituye los caracteres de nuestro alfabeto (bah, al americano) a uno que se puede mostrar en lugar del alfabeto japones, tendrias que cambiar algo del motor del juego para que muestre caracteres en español, es mas, viste que esta lleno de [] para cuando los personajes estan pensando? si lo pasas al español usando esos mismos corchetes, el juego no lo reconoce y te agrega un punto de estos 。
hasta poniendo mas de tres puntos te los pone, o te acomoda los textos como el rosquete porque el juego espera pocos caracteres en pantalla y en español eso es casi imposible, a menos que resumas el texto (que a veces hago, pero ni loco lo haria para todo el juego).

No se hasta donde habras llegado a traducir, avance por mi cuenta, te dejo el .med si queres testear en tu juego.
Importado al .med esta el final de la ruta de kurokawa, no se si se tradujo la escena del final de alice con el cachorrito porque no lo saque, y la escena del inicio hasta cuando esta a punto de conocer a hechima (que lo voy a traducir como esponja).

Voy a tratar de avanzar un poco mas en la traduccion, pero no se hasta donde llegue porque mi paciencia se termino, y es un re laburo. Casi que es mas facil jugar con las traducciones de mierda que te tira el textractor.

Para probar la traduccion, extrae el archivo en la carpeta principal del juego (hace una copia de seguridad de tu archivo original o movelo a otra carpeta)


New Member
Jun 24, 2022
no se que programa usas, pero la mayoria tiene la opcion de buscar y sustituir, yo hago eso, traducis hasta donde podes, y despues buscas las vocales con acentos (á,é,í,ó,ú) sustituis por las vocales sin acentos, despues buscas los inicios de apertura de los signos de exclamacion y pregunta (¿, ¡ ) y sustituis por un espacio en blanco, las ñ las cambias por un "ni" y listo, tardas algo mas pero en mejor que ir uno por uno.

Que yo sepa no, no soy programador tampoco, me cierno al programa que encontre que sustituye los caracteres de nuestro alfabeto (bah, al americano) a uno que se puede mostrar en lugar del alfabeto japones, tendrias que cambiar algo del motor del juego para que muestre caracteres en español, es mas, viste que esta lleno de [] para cuando los personajes estan pensando? si lo pasas al español usando esos mismos corchetes, el juego no lo reconoce y te agrega un punto de estos 。
hasta poniendo mas de tres puntos te los pone, o te acomoda los textos como el rosquete porque el juego espera pocos caracteres en pantalla y en español eso es casi imposible, a menos que resumas el texto (que a veces hago, pero ni loco lo haria para todo el juego).

No se hasta donde habras llegado a traducir, avance por mi cuenta, te dejo el .med si queres testear en tu juego.
Importado al .med esta el final de la ruta de kurokawa, no se si se tradujo la escena del final de alice con el cachorrito porque no lo saque, y la escena del inicio hasta cuando esta a punto de conocer a hechima (que lo voy a traducir como esponja).

Voy a tratar de avanzar un poco mas en la traduccion, pero no se hasta donde llegue porque mi paciencia se termino, y es un re laburo. Casi que es mas facil jugar con las traducciones de mierda que te tira el textractor.

Para probar la traduccion, extrae el archivo en la carpeta principal del juego (hace una copia de seguridad de tu archivo original o movelo a otra carpeta)
A menos de que alguien más quiera venir a ayudarnos, diría que podríamos terminar esto dentro de 3 a 5 meses. Si es que no perdemos la motivación antes...

Wyat Vern

New Member
Jul 20, 2023
A menos de que alguien más quiera venir a ayudarnos, diría que podríamos terminar esto dentro de 3 a 5 meses. Si es que no perdemos la motivación antes...
I'll give it a try on my end to see if I can help find a quicker way to translate. Sorry that I'll be working in English. Best of luck on the Spanish side of things. 3-5 months seems rough. :')


Nov 28, 2017
I'll give it a try on my end to see if I can help find a quicker way to translate. Sorry that I'll be working in English. Best of luck on the Spanish side of things. 3-5 months seems rough. :')
Hope you the best in that journey, man! You can always try to divide the jp_all.txt (it contain the game script) in multiples .txt archives with less lines and translate them in a moment with google translate, i think in english is way better translator than in spanish, or you can try other similar sites that can do the same thing. The tedious part of all is put line by line the translation into the jp_chs.json by hand and check if thery are in the correct spot, because the number of lines doesn't match up between the archives.


Nov 28, 2017
Hi guys, i quit the translation in spanish, but yesterday i was able to translate all the game script to english using sugoi deep traslator, if someone of you were able to pick every line and put it in the game script using the program that i uploaded here before to merge everything in a .med, or just send me the final .txt result and i will do it, so we can finally have the game full translated in english.
I don't know how to do that, i was replacing everything manually (wich is hell on earth because the game has over 25000 lines of script) hope one of you know how to do it properly.
Anyways, i give the original script in .txt and the translation.
You have to put the translation between the original jp_chs.txt like this:

"text in japanese": "text translated",


"交尾しようね!": "Let's mate!",

Don't translate the SE lines because they are sound effects and the original file are in japanese, the game will not recognize them if you do.
Hope you guys the best, and give me credits if you will xD

Also, for better translation, you can try yourself using sugoi translator and translate this .txt, for me took like 12 hours because my old pc. It has the raw script, i think the one i put in the rar is broke as fuck. Try it.


Jul 9, 2020
Hi guys, i quit the translation in spanish, but yesterday i was able to translate all the game script to english using sugoi deep traslator, if someone of you were able to pick every line and put it in the game script using the program that i uploaded here before to merge everything in a .med, or just send me the final .txt result and i will do it, so we can finally have the game full translated in english.
I don't know how to do that, i was replacing everything manually (wich is hell on earth because the game has over 25000 lines of script) hope one of you know how to do it properly.
Anyways, i give the original script in .txt and the translation.
You have to put the translation between the original jp_chs.txt like this:

"text in japanese": "text translated",


"交尾しようね!": "Let's mate!",

Don't translate the SE lines because they are sound effects and the original file are in japanese, the game will not recognize them if you do.
Hope you guys the best, and give me credits if you will xD

Also, for better translation, you can try yourself using sugoi translator and translate this .txt, for me took like 12 hours because my old pc. It has the raw script, i think the one i put in the rar is broke as fuck. Try it.
Good job bro. Too bad I don't know how to do any of that. Not to disregard your hard work or to be inconsiderate since you just completed this one, but you think you'll be up to translating it's prequel? I uploaded it for a translation request a couple of months ago. I can link it here if you're interested.


Nov 28, 2017
Good job bro. Too bad I don't know how to do any of that. Not to disregard your hard work or to be inconsiderate since you just completed this one, but you think you'll be up to translating it's prequel? I uploaded it for a translation request a couple of months ago. I can link it here if you're interested.
I don't have that game, and i don't know if the archives in the that game can be extracted like this one. Imagine that i tried to translate manually this one because i really liked it, but literally spent like two months and have less than 0.5% translated. One guy offered to help me but he disappeared in thin air. Sorry to disappointing you, but i prefer to get hammered my balls than go through that hell again xD. I don't know how other people do that, translate games is not for me.
You can always try to translate that game via sugoi translator, it's the best alternative you have. You cand find it here on f95zone.


Jul 9, 2020
I don't have that game, and i don't know if the archives in the that game can be extracted like this one. Imagine that i tried to translate manually this one because i really liked it, but literally spent like two months and have less than 0.5% translated. One guy offered to help me but he disappeared in thin air. Sorry to disappointing you, but i prefer to get hammered my balls than go through that hell again xD. I don't know how other people do that, translate games is not for me.
You can always try to translate that game via sugoi translator, it's the best alternative you have. You cand find it here on f95zone.
I feel you that's why I was hesitant to ask. But nonetheless I understand. I don't know how to do any of the sugoi stuff translation. I also don't know how easy or hard it might be to extract the text. I'll just post a link here for anyone in the future who may be interested in translated it



Nov 28, 2017
I feel you that's why I was hesitant to ask. But nonetheless I understand. I don't know how to do any of the sugoi stuff translation. I also don't know how easy or hard it might be to extract the text. I'll just post a link here for anyone in the future who may be interested in translated it

I downloaded it, extract the game text is the easy part, translate and put it into the actual game is the complicated part.
Here, have the raw script.
For the sugoi part, download sugoi translator, execute it, open sugoi file translator, then drop the "jp_all.txt" into the yellow box. Wait till it's complete, now you have a file called "jp_all_output.txt" with the text translated to english (broke as fuck but is something) if you want to put it into the actual game, download vs code, open "jp_chs.json" and copy and paste the translation where it's corresponded between the ""

"交尾しようね!": "put here the translation you got in jp_all_output.txt, you can look if it match with the japanese characters in the left (in this case 交尾しようね!) to see if the line traslated it's meant to be there or not, sometimes you have to chop the sentences between two or three lines manually to fit in the game",

look very close that the words and lines of code match between the files, because the .json file is the actual in game script text, and the jp_all.txt it's just the script but without being coded (to say something)

once you translate everything, look here in this post for the dxlib archive that i put, and follow that instruction to merge and put everything in the game. No one will translate this games without getting paid, except we.
Good luck!


Jul 9, 2020
I downloaded it, extract the game text is the easy part, translate and put it into the actual game is the complicated part.
Here, have the raw script.
For the sugoi part, download sugoi translator, execute it, open sugoi file translator, then drop the "jp_all.txt" into the yellow box. Wait till it's complete, now you have a file called "jp_all_output.txt" with the text translated to english (broke as fuck but is something) if you want to put it into the actual game, download vs code, open "jp_chs.json" and copy and paste the translation where it's corresponded between the ""

"交尾しようね!": "put here the translation you got in jp_all_output.txt, you can look if it match with the japanese characters in the left (in this case 交尾しようね!) to see if the line traslated it's meant to be there or not, sometimes you have to chop the sentences between two or three lines manually to fit in the game",

look very close that the words and lines of code match between the files, because the .json file is the actual in game script text, and the jp_all.txt it's just the script but without being coded (to say something)

once you translate everything, look here in this post for the dxlib archive that i put, and follow that instruction to merge and put everything in the game. No one will translate this games without getting paid, except we.
Good luck!
That's quite the explanation. I'll try and experiment and see if I can do it. Thanks


New Member
Jun 11, 2017
Hi guys, i quit the translation in spanish, but yesterday i was able to translate all the game script to english using sugoi deep traslator, if someone of you were able to pick every line and put it in the game script using the program that i uploaded here before to merge everything in a .med, or just send me the final .txt result and i will do it, so we can finally have the game full translated in english.
I don't know how to do that, i was replacing everything manually (wich is hell on earth because the game has over 25000 lines of script) hope one of you know how to do it properly.
Anyways, i give the original script in .txt and the translation.
You have to put the translation between the original jp_chs.txt like this:

"text in japanese": "text translated",


"交尾しようね!": "Let's mate!",

Don't translate the SE lines because they are sound effects and the original file are in japanese, the game will not recognize them if you do.
Hope you guys the best, and give me credits if you will xD

Also, for better translation, you can try yourself using sugoi translator and translate this .txt, for me took like 12 hours because my old pc. It has the raw script, i think the one i put in the rar is broke as fuck. Try it.

I reckon its possible to play with the translated txt file open and just go off that until a translation is properly made. thanks for the file, i've had this game on the backlog for a while waiting for some way to read it.


Nov 28, 2017
I reckon its possible to play with the translated txt file open and just go off that until a translation is properly made. thanks for the file, i've had this game on the backlog for a while waiting for some way to read it.
You can play the game with sugoi translator and textractor if you want a real time translation. I recomend it to use the sugoi translation offline, the deepl version sometime mistranslated some lines. You cand find the program here on f95, it's like 4gb size