The game is quite text-heavy, but that's really not a problem because of its linear nature. (This certainly could've been a visual novel instead, but I think RPGMaker-assets provides another dimension to it).
So I'm pretty far into the translation by now. The interloping men have started to have their way with the ladies, and I'm halfway through the Release Lovers HQ missions. I'm not giving you an estimated release with this update, but it's really not that far off.
Edit: Got a bit scared when I noticed Map 101 has 2344(!!!) lines of dialogue, but it turns out it's the scene recollection-room, so I can just copy-paste the H-scenes once I'm done with them.
Here. Have some proof of my work while you wait:
View attachment 2571793
I'm pissed off by the impatient MTL that's already been posted, but I'm pushing through. I'll let you know when the translation's done, and I'll share it here on this page alongside an updated OP-image, synopsis and images. If anyone knows how to uncensor shit, pass me a message and we'll sort that out too. Peace, brothers!