Tool Ren'Py Translator Renpy games Phoenix translate V4 and Phoenix Community Beta


Mar 7, 2018
look above there is a video (spoiler before rackamtranslate)that explains how to do this


Jul 9, 2017
THANK YOU!! But why isn't it working for me? Can you make a four like you did? Cause it just doesn't work for me: (


New Member
Jul 8, 2018
I'm sorry, because i've not tested it. But i saw the German translation and i thought that the translation tool may translate word by word or line by line, but the problem with a translation in general is never the translation of simple words. It's a translation of meaning!
And if you don't want to translate everything into a baby like meaning, then you should reconsider translating from your native language into English and let others (a Friend or better Fans) translate into a more complex language with the actual meaning. Because with a baby like spelling it would be without common sense of the actual meaning of a sentence like:

~ 1. But for some reason I thought he was trying to make a move.
In German it could be: Aus irgendeinem Grund dachte ich er würde versuchen mich anzumachen.
But then in English it should be more like: For some reason I thought he was trying to turn me on.
OR it could be: Aus irgendeinem Grund dachte ich er würde versuchen mir näher zu kommen.
But then in English it should be more like: For some reason I thought he was trying to get closer (to me).

What I mean is, the translation is very relevant for a game, which has a novel like character to it. Words are some kind of a point, they tell more the story than the pictures could. Except you would make a more movie like game, but then again would be at least a conversation that should make the movie enjoyable.


New Member
Nov 26, 2019
Yandex isn't look like the search request sent from same IP address are automated,and need enter the code.


Jan 27, 2019

Je test ton logiciel mais j'ai un souci.
Je n'ai pas tous les scripts rpy car quand je décompile mon jeu il me manque des scripts que je vois dans RenPy.


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
Wow!! The software works great for me !!!

Only in version 2 .., when doing the translation, delete parts such as "... {color = # f2ff66} ...", "... {size = -6} ...", which are important for the visual aspect and you have to verify that it is not missing. This did not happen in version 1. I think it better not to eliminate those parts or leave you the option of not doing it if you do not want to.

I am using "Automatic Mouse and Keyboard" to make the translation process a little more automatic. But ... I ask:
-Could you implement a button so that, just as you jump from the line alone, run the translation also alone?
-And ... do the same to jump from file / folder?

With the option to activate or deactivate this mechanism this software would be brutal !!!

Congratulations on the work, you are made an artist !!!


Mar 7, 2018
Bonjour et merci pour les commentaires actuellement Je suis en train de traduire un jeu c'est pour ça qu'il n'y a plus de mise à jour du logiciel je reprendrai la programmation une fois la traduction du jeu en cours terminer. Effectivement le programme supprime les balises dans la V3 je rajouterai la possibilité de laisser ou d'enlever ces balises(la suppression est signalée le bouton translate en rouge). Je pense reprendre la programmation du logiciel aux alentours du mois de mars.

Hello and thanks for the comments currently I am translating a game that is why there is no more update of the software I will resume programming once the translation of the current game is completed. Actually the program removes the tags in the V3 I will add the possibility to leave or remove these tags (the removal is indicated the translate button in red). I think I’ll resume the software programming around March


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
Hi!!! I have found other software that works much better than the "Automatic Mouse ..." to use it in conjunction with your translator.
This software, once the clicks are programmed, lets you use the mouse while working, making the translation almost automatic.
I have put a delay of 1.5 seconds between click.
What a good job you have done with your software!!!!

Salut!!! J'ai trouvé d'autres logiciels qui fonctionnent beaucoup mieux que la "Automatic Mouse ..." pour l'utiliser en conjonction avec votre traducteur.
Ce logiciel, une fois les clics programmés, vous permet d'utiliser la souris tout en travaillant, rendant la traduction quasi automatique.
J'ai mis un délai de 1,5 seconde entre les clics.
Quel bon travail vous avez fait avec votre logiciel !!!!



Jul 9, 2017
Hi!!! I have found other software that works much better than the "Automatic Mouse ..." to use it in conjunction with your translator.
This software, once the clicks are programmed, lets you use the mouse while working, making the translation almost automatic.
I have put a delay of 1.5 seconds between click.
What a good job you have done with your software!!!!

Salut!!! J'ai trouvé d'autres logiciels qui fonctionnent beaucoup mieux que la "Automatic Mouse ..." pour l'utiliser en conjonction avec votre traducteur.
Ce logiciel, une fois les clics programmés, vous permet d'utiliser la souris tout en travaillant, rendant la traduction quasi automatique.
J'ai mis un délai de 1,5 seconde entre les clics.
Quel bon travail vous avez fait avec votre logiciel !!!!

Can you maybe take a screenshot of the setting how to set it up? And must have the screen with the translate in the foreground, or can you do something else in the meantime?


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
I put the translator's window so that the letter "T" of the translate button is visible in the bottom-right corner, just above the hour, and I usually work with the PC. The window is in the background and still working. The only downside is that when the file is finished it stops and the warning window comes out. If it jump to the next file automatically it would be great !!! ... It would translate only the entire game. I would always have to do touch-ups but it takes a lot of work.


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
To configure "Clicker", select the step and click on the "EDIT" button. The editing window will appear. Click on the "Start / Stop Capturing Infos ..." check box, keep the mouse on the window button that you want to click (that window should have the focus), and press the "SPACE" key. Then click on the "Copy handle" button and click on the button just above with an up arrow (to add the info in the "Mode Select" form). Finally click on the "Edit" button and we have it ready for that window. If you close that specific window you must edit the click again.


Jul 9, 2017
To configure "Clicker", select the step and click on the "EDIT" button. The editing window will appear. Click on the "Start / Stop Capturing Infos ..." check box, keep the mouse on the window button that you want to click (that window should have the focus), and press the "SPACE" key. Then click on the "Copy handle" button and click on the button just above with an up arrow (to add the info in the "Mode Select" form). Finally click on the "Edit" button and we have it ready for that window. If you close that specific window you must edit the click again.
Does the mouse have to stay on the button or can I move it freely? Because when I move it away, it no longer clicks.


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
Does the mouse have to stay on the button or can I move it freely? Because when I move it away, it no longer clicks.
No, it is not necessary for the mouse pointer to be above the button. You can use the PC normally while the button is clicked alone. Make sure that the button is visible at all times, that visibility is not blocked by another window or anything left over and make sure you also have selected the "Inside application at "handle" coordinate: X, Y."


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
In the video that I have attached you can see how it translates alone while I open and close windows. They may even be above but the button or zone that you have configured in the "Clickador" cannot be covered, otherwise it will not work.


Jul 9, 2017
In the video that I have attached you can see how it translates alone while I open and close windows. They may even be above but the button or zone that you have configured in the "Clickador" cannot be covered, otherwise it will not work.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have exactly the same setting as you but if the mouse pointer is not translating then it doesn't click anymore. Well, thanks anyway!


New Member
Jan 29, 2020
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have exactly the same setting as you but if the mouse pointer is not translating then it doesn't click anymore. Well, thanks anyway!
The value of "handle" cannot be the same as mine. That value is an ID that is given by the PC every time a new window is opened. When the window is closed that ID value is lost. It is different in each window that opens. Do not worry ... I prepare a video for you.
