Tool Translator++

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Apr 20, 2018
I try to export the project but I'm stuck in "Cleaning Up Cache"

Idk why it's stuck on that forever, the cache is pretty clean my dude


Sep 8, 2017
Maybe im stupid, but im missing how you get your changes from Translator++ into the game. When i load a game into Translator++ it makes 3 new folders in TEMP (Wish we could change this, its annoying lol) and when i save my changes, they dont show up anywhere in those 3 folders ... Am i missing something? Trying to translate MV Games is a simple drag & Drop, but VX Ace isnt.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
Yeah, I still have it, but I'm gonna remove it and see if it works! Is it better to delete the RGSS3A or just rename it to something random? I'm new to this!

Edit: Removed the RGSS3A, but the game is now telling me there is a syntax error. Well... shit.
I learned in the "hard way" that RPGMaker VX and VX Ace games can't be translated somehow. This is because there's something in the program itself (I mean, VX and Ace that MV for example doesn't have) that doesn't let you translate games in the right way, unless you know where to look and fix the relative script problem :/


Jun 21, 2017
I learned in the "hard way" that RPGMaker VX and VX Ace games can't be translated somehow. This is because there's something in the program itself (I mean, VX and Ace that MV for example doesn't have) that doesn't let you translate games in the right way, unless you know where to look and fix the relative script problem :/
Shit... I'm boned


Apr 20, 2018
It says in the description section of his youtube channel that both vx and vx ace can be translated but I still cant get it to work


Feb 10, 2018
Many are having problems with wolf rpg. It indeed uses the batch translator and shows it in the table, but when we try to export, the exported files werent translated. It still happens with version 1.3.22 with games like 'My Master Is A Dark Sorceress'.


Oct 19, 2018
well i always get this problem whenever i tried to start a project though
can anyone explain to me what is wrong ?
since i don't get this parsing inline script error


Feb 10, 2018
A thing that I am 'banging my head' by using Translator++ (which uses RPGMTRANS 4.5 Legacy) is some CHOICE items that just stop happening. Instead, we see the message command right in the message box. Below, it happens in file sys03.txt (decrypted from main.rvdata2), like:

I want to see it. What should I do?
<item 1 pee by myself><item 2 pee with them watching>
The original translation (Original Text column) is:

<item 1 1人でオシッコする> <item 2 見られながらオシッコする>
Now a very interesting phenomenum I've found out. If I ERASE all translation of this file (so the japanese one is used), THE ERROR CONTINUES. But if I ERASE sys03 file (by clicking in the trash icon 'remove this file from project'), it WONT copy this 'captured file' from translator++ to the new main.rvdata2, but it will just 'bypass' it (the original will the copied out). THE ERROR VANISHES!

So something is really wrong inside Translator++. If you keep the file (only with 'Original Translator' column filled), the ERROR RETURNS. (n)

I've tried to write the following ones, without success so far:
\>item 1 Pee by myself\!<  \>item 2 Pee with them watching\!<
<item 1 Pee by myself\!>
<item 1 Pee by myself/>
<item1 Pee by myself>
<item1> Pee by myself
<item1: pee by myself><item2: pee with them watching>
<choice 22> <x center> <y center>
     <item 1 pee by myself><item 2 pee with them watching>
 <<item1: pee by myself>><<item2: pee with them watching>>


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
Hi People

I picked up the tool to translate one of the most promising looking game out there.
MamaShota Kingdom

But I encountered one pretty cripling problem with the program.

It doent wrap up text to fit into in game text windows, too long Lines disapear on the left of the screen, too much verses dont go into another "slide" but simply dissapear.

I wonder - does the program has anything to help with that ?

Otherwise any translation efforts is pointless. You will have to manualy check each line in game to see if it fits into the textbox, if you are able to even phrase it in a way that manages to capture the meaning without exceiding the space on single slide.

Is there any auto-wraping text option ? Or some tool that will squeze the text to fit into the text box?
Or an easy way to add additional "slides" so the text can go to another slide without breaking the game ?

I am compleatly new to tampering with RPG Maker, but I was doing ok untill I noticed that...

Plz help.
how did you do it ? i got syntax error when i try to translate mamashota kingdom...


New Member
Dec 7, 2017
The new release can be found .

Patch notes:

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I just wanted to mention that progress on the tool has slowed down a bit as the creator, Dreamsavior, has recently moved and has unreliable internet. Also of note is that I will most likely be cancelling my patronage this month as I just have no time to experiment with this at the moment and things will only get busier for me in the next few months. If any one else out there has enjoyed the work thus far I do recommend throwing a couple bucks his way at his Patreon . Recent history excluded, Dreamsavior has been great with keeping consistent updates and support so I wholeheartedly recommend at least a buck if you've been enjoying it.


Aug 18, 2017
Can somebody explain to me why mine won't work? I can translate most games somewhat fine but wolf games i can't get to work. I open the translation wolf file, it loads in perfectly fine creating the temp folder of it. I translate it but once I try to export the translation into a folder somewhere it just doesnt show up. it says it does it and everything should work but the folders always empty, and in the temp folder it also just is empty in the "translated" folder. Any help?
wolf rpg games doesnt work with this program, i dont know why :(
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote