A thing that I am 'banging my head' by using Translator++ (which uses RPGMTRANS 4.5 Legacy) is some CHOICE items that just stop happening. Instead, we see the message command right in the message box. Below, it happens in file sys03.txt (decrypted from main.rvdata2), like:
I want to see it. What should I do?
<item 1 pee by myself><item 2 pee with them watching>
The original translation (Original Text column) is:
<item 1 1人でオシッコする> <item 2 見られながらオシッコする>
Now a very interesting phenomenum I've found out. If I ERASE all translation of this file (so the japanese one is used), THE ERROR CONTINUES. But if I
ERASE sys03 file (by clicking in the trash icon 'remove this file from project'), it WONT copy this 'captured file' from translator++ to the new main.rvdata2, but it will just 'bypass' it (the original will the copied out). THE ERROR VANISHES!
So something is really wrong inside Translator++. If you keep the file (only with 'Original Translator' column filled), the ERROR RETURNS.
I've tried to write the following ones, without success so far:
\>item 1 Pee by myself\!< \>item 2 Pee with them watching\!<
<item1: pee by myself><item2: pee with them watching>
<choice 22> <x center> <y center>
<item 1 pee by myself><item 2 pee with them watching>
<<item1: pee by myself>><<item2: pee with them watching>>