Will there be any more updates? Because I really hope so. The last one was in December 2024.
Just throwing it out there: I really like the game, but I wonder about some couple of things that I've come across (or remembered) so far:
1) Swimming pool in Academy is now directly noticed as being filled with cum, right? Why is it then seen as being perfect normal (it's an illusion) if you're there with Barbara? Is not that a bit of a contradiction? Also, why is it that only Barbara get filled to the brim with cum (and get pregnant later on) if she is in pool when the player is in there at the same time as well? Also, why not being thrown in the secret dungeon as they do not have an id to prove that they study there. If you already have an id. Then why now? Or is it only way to get to the dungeon without an id when fighting with one of the students? Or was this already changed in the later versions. Cannot remember and have not come across anymore. Must have missed it somehow, in my later replay from the beginning.
Ideas (if possible):
If the player is NOT a student of the Academy* and alone (or with Barbara) it will be illusion and it looks/smells/feels like normal water. However, if the player goes swimming from one side to another, then:
a) suddenly an electronic speaker goes off and will say: "unauthorized use of the swimming pool!!!" Then automatically the timer goes off. If they are still in the pool the same thing will happen as in the swimming pool lesson. The illusion is lifted afterwards. If they are both there they have some time to escape. Or no one is coming this time.
b) if the player is alone (no student) and goes into the pool (not knowing it is actually cum instead of water) then while they are swimming they suddenly have the feeling that they are not alone. Strangely enough they cannot see that very well what/who it was and all (cum in the eyes obviously).
Player: *shakes head* "I must be seeing things. No wonder in a place like this".
Then in secret and very slowly in a much much very small compacitity like the swimming pool lesson will happen. Keeping the player completely unaware. After swimming for awhile the player will have a slowly strange up pressing feeling in their lower oritices.
Player: "Uh?" *stops swimming* "Mmmm....That's strange."
*feels around the lower body*
Player: "Mmmm....Nothing." *goes back to swimming* Nah, it must be my imagination.
Player: *shakes head* "Oh great. How longer I am staying here in this godforsaken place the more it is effecting my mind and body."
The player will slowly get filled up to the brim (unaware of course) eventually. If the player is female and the pregnancy fetish is enabled it is now possible to be inseminated. How longer the player stay in the pool the pregnancy rate will go up secretly.
This can be done by a teacher/headmistress who love to prank/punish people who are using the swimming pool without permission (or just because) Or perhaps it is done by a prankster who wants to celebrate April fools day?
c) Same thing as above, but suddenly they see that someone has entered the room. Oh no!!! It must be a teacher/the headmistress!!! (she has set off the timer in secret). QUICK. HIDE!!! However, the longer they stay hidden in the pool or trying to sneak away, the bigger the chance they will get further filled up to the brim (unaware of course). Causing a bigger pregnancy rate and being successfully inseminated. If seen or captured the player is taken to the dungeon and will meet the princess.
Hello surprise pregnancy later on while exploring the world!!! Oops.
AFTER the player gets out the first thing that they will do is going through an automatic shower (like the ones in the outdoor pools) that will remove the further chance to notice that they are being totally covered in cum.
Or "why is everyone look at me like that? Do I have something on my face or something?" Then later on one of the NPC will throw very cold water all over them.
Player: *shocked* "Bloody hell. What's that for?"
NPC: *says something that has different meanings*
Player: *totally missing the point that it is because of being completely drenched in cum*
*perhaps if not choosing to attend the academy the Secretary will tell the player to go and look around if it something for them. "But...hey, do not get caught or telling someone about this. Okay?
Just better than calling it a bug or something.
During this time, all the classes are in session. Time of time a student will come out a class to walk to another class. The player must hide out of sight in that case until she is gone. There is a much bigger chance that ALL the students/teachers will come out if the alarm goes off (when using the swimming pool).
Then they will try to find out what is going on. IF the player does not go out of their sight (or hide) they will see the intruding player. Yelling that there someone is in here without an Academy Id.
2) Uh....is not April Fools Day about PRANKING someone? So, what has clumsiness got to do with it? Perhaps sexy pranks will be inflicted on the player?
3) Sometimes an important item will not appear in the extra credit zone predicament "quadcopter" in front of "your home" to make the player choose if they take it, but have to let go of the other button. Perhaps there should be in that case be also another problem that can cause this problem. Perhaps, like Harry Potter, bigger balls (at this very moment I cannot remember how they are called) can fly out and are just as visible like the people and needed to be avoided as well. They will try to hit the arms to make the player let go of the buttons to get a shock or get filled up with cum.