Along with events that happen according to different criteria like fetish levels/place/time(like the one with Ashley and Fred) I plan on adding smaller events that I'll call consequences, that will activate after you've seen certain variation of certain event. For example, after seeing Ashley and Fred, you might also meet them at the store and their behaviour will differ depending on their levels, or you might meet Fred/Ashley alone somewhere and again, the stuff you'll see will depend on what kind of fetishes and at what levels they got. And if, let's say, Jessica accidentally stumbled on them near the pool, you might also see slight changes in her behaviour/dialogues also. Ideally, I would like to make a cascade of consequences, but at the moment it's too hard to imagine it all in my head, too much information. And for now I want to add more events first(with a set of simple consequenced for each), polish UI, mechanics, figure out the workflow.
And, I supposed, I didn't answer you question at all. ^^ What do you mean "and see how they behave"? The events will be them behaving according to your influence on them.