RPGM - Completed - Treasure of Nadia [v1.0117] [NLT Media]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The graphics are good. The story and the main character are average .. One thing that bothered me the most is grinding , you have to do it to progress in this game . It's too tedious and it disrupts your flow.
    Likes: Sciny
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Tough one. The renders and the overall production of the game were really good.

    However, it was way too long, and the sex scenes were kind of samey and repetitive. At some point I was so annoyed and bored, I just skipped dialogues and h-scenes. I just wanted it to end.

    Plus, there will be a sequel, sure. Still, as a player, you want some kind of closure in the end.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i was really on the fence about playing this, really glad i did. really fun game, actually challenging with the puzzles at times. so so many good scenes. great animations. amazing characters. well written story, very compelling. definitely a top tier game on here. a+ five stars 10/10
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is superior to most other erotic games due to it's incredible cgi, depth to the storyline, some game mechanics and overall look (for a rpgm game). It loses two stars though because it's too much grinding and too linear. I seriously hate digging for artifacts. Walking through the town map for the 50th time is a pain in the ass. The protagonist's motive is pretty weak. There is nothing at stake. He only wants to bang ladies to stroke his ego. I played this once when it was less evolved and feel sad about the amount of time I'd waste if I played this again.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game with tons of well-made content. Dialogues are really stereotypic and not credible though, even for a porn game. Still, beautiful levels and awesome gameplay (except for the inventory, but thats ok). 4.5 points
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play. It just does so many things so well, that it almost feels like you are playing a AAA game for free. Plot is amazing, character development is really well done and so many of its systems are simply really fun to explore and interact with.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Leaving a review now that the story is 100% complete.

    The plot is good and leads in well from the previous game. Makes me want to see where it's going in the third game. It's not going to win any awards or be on the New York Times Bestseller's list, but for a game of its kind it's one of the better ones.

    The dialog is fairly good, but some of the voice acting isn't the greatest. The fake accents are especially bad. Luckily, the majority of the game is not voiced and it's just a few lines here and there.

    The girls are... well, if you put a bag on their heads they'd all look almost identical. Skinny with enormous tits. A look that I am so over at this point. Well at least one of them has tattoos so she doesn't look completely identical to the rest. But the faces are alright enough.

    Overall, though, the rendering is absolutely fantastic. High quality renders and the animations are smooth and very well done for a game of this kind.

    As for the sex scenes, of which there are a lot - no, a lot. No, more than that. No, you're not thinking big enough. No, it's even more than that. Anyway, the sex scenes are very well done, but sometimes can be very samey. Though, towards the end of the game when you're constantly having foursomes, fivesomes, and orgies, then the diversity comes back to it. However, the biggest problem with them by far is that the audio you hear for the first sex scene is the same audio you will hear for all of them. There's two different female moan voices. That's all the variety you get. All the same squish, slap, and spurt sounds from beginning to end. It does get monotonous.

    Gameplay is fine. Light exploration, light puzzle solving, light RPG elements (you can level up certain stats). It's mostly just bouncing around from person to person and place to place doing dialog and rubbing the right inventory items together to make things happen. Two big gameplay criticisms I have is that the inventory is absolute dicks. When you're trying to craft anything, you have to scroll down an extremely long list of items trying to find the one that you need. And then you do it again 3 more times since all recipes take 4 items. there's no quick craft. After you figure out the recipe for an item, you should be able to just quick craft it from a list if you have the components. But you can't. You have to pick them out one by one from your ever expanding inventory list. The second big criticism is that the fishing mini-game is absurdly tedious, boring, and time consuming. And the payoff in the end is not worth it. It's atrocious and needs some tweaking. You get something like 30 different lure types and you have to figure out which one works on what fish. And that's if the fish you want even spawned. And then that's even if the fish you want did spawn and is the right size. If none of these are true, you leave the screen and then come back. Do this 50 times each time you want to find a specific fish. Then when you actually catch it, it's 1.2 pounds too light so you have to do this again until you've caught 50 of that fish and it finally is the right size. Great, now do it again 20 more times. Holy fuck. No thank you.

    Anyway, that's not even a "full" review, just pointing out the highlights and lowlights. Everything else in between is serviceable and just fine. Though, I'd recommend using a guide for the Sokoban inspired block puzzle games in the Temple. After you get past the first 10 of them, the next 40 are ultra hardcore expert difficulty.

    Overall I'd give this a 4.8/5.0 if I could, but I can't so a 5 star it is.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    I found the writing stilted, the gameplay boring, and the girls kind of samey, but the renders themselves are pretty good and there's a lot of animations. I just found it to be a chore to work through.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Obligatory 5 star rating 'cause I somehow forgot to give it one over the span of the game. It still stands as the only enjoyable and audience-engaging RPGM I've actually sat down to play fully over the last several years and nothing has changed since then

    The render and animation quality I'm sure speak for themselves quite loudly and the amount of sexual content even more so with the amount of LIs and characters that are in the game. Never a single dull moment in the game where you don't expect to see solid story progression and solid scenes with each girl.

    There really isn't much to be said. If you're starting from the beginning, buckle up 'cause you got a looooooong but enjoyable ride ahead of you. Outside of the basic sandbox aspect of needing to travel here and there, it truly is an enjoyable game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Here I am after deciding to replay the entire series. The second game of the series. I 100% completed the game in over a month. Why did it take so long, you might ask? The game was so amazing that I didn't want it to end. I tried not to play the game too much in one day. But unfortunately, all good things come to an end.

    The story is amazing, it has a gripping story full of plow twists like Lust Epidemic. The story of this game is much better than LE's in my opinion. You are constantly wondering what will happen, where the story will go. Every second of it is so amazing that even though the game is quite long, it felt too short for me. The atmosphere, the music, the dialogues... Everything is perfect.

    Gameplay. Wonderful. So many new gameplay elements have been added that the list is endless. For me, each one was more fun than the other. I really felt like I was playing a game. Again, NLT has done this perfectly.

    And now we come to scenes and art, there is definitely development here too. The scenes are more smooth, the art is clearer and more studied. Women of different types and personalities. They all have their own special scenes together. There are so many scenes in the game, you will definitely find more than you expected.

    Again, a NLT game. And, perfect, perfect, perfect. I had so much fun every second of it. If I have to add one more thing, I don't know if it's because we named him ourselves, but I liked the main character in this game much more. Hehe, must play!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best porn game I have ever played.. Looking forward for the new game. It takes a bit, until you are in this game.. but I have play it to the end and I feel sad, because the crazy journey is over. I support this company on patreon
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    giving 5 stars only to boost the ratings, because we all know this game 5 stars bro. I never noticed i fucking forgot to rate this game lmao. just wondering when the mods are going to give out dev of the year prize for NLT, best game around this parts of the internet no doubt.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I have to admit I abandoned Treasure of Nadia (version 95092) deep into the game, when the final stretch was already coming, but I just couldn't find myself wanting to see how it advanced. The problem with ToN is that it's main story (treasures, curses and so on) is decently serious but gets intermingled with pointless stories you have to go through nonethe less (like lovepotion, Ash in the jungle, etc.) which makes all momentum in the main story get lost. Sure, I get you need to add more girls to bang and scenes to see in a game of this genre, but in the way it's done it just destroys the interest in the plot of the game.

    It's not a short game either, which is good as it has lots of content, but most of the content is either farming idols and things to get money (which in the end becomes pointless but at first seems important) or solving puzzles about where to use objects. This gameplay is nice, but it's dulled because the crafting system is obnoxious. Even when you get to crafting outside the crafting station, you still can't pick up the recipes, which means you have to go to where they are to see how to craft things, even if those are recipes you had found before; and even with the chest, that supposedly keeps the recipes inside it, it only stores those you have previously used.

    Technically the game is great, that is as true as it gets in this genre. Renders are very high quality and so are animations. All sex scenes are fully animated but not only that, but animations are also present in many key story points and events. I think I cancelled sound in the game pretty soon, so I can't say if they were good or bad.

    So, all in all, I loved ToN at the start but, as I progressed through it, those faults became increasingly heavy for me and led me to eventually abandon the game. Can't say it's a bad game because it certainly is not, but it lost my interest.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of content from a gameplay side and a porn side the reason why I'm gonna give it a 3-star rating is that while it has a lot the gameplay, the story and the porn side is as average as can get so uninspired back in maybe 2017 - 2018 this game would've been one of the best but the quality of porn games from the story, gameplay, and porn have majorly improve and this game feels like just a long average RPGMaker game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best adult RPGM out there. Good pace in narrative with a lot of funny moments, pretty good buildup and no tedious grinding. Having to redecorate your crib for inviting lady friends is also a great side activity and a nice way to try out the KS pages.

    Lewd scenes absolutely top-notch quality, unrivaled I daresay. Not just the graphical details but the framerate and duration of scenes is fantastic and sooo much better than its predecessor. There are so many fantasies/fetishes involved that I believe there's something for everyone.

    Lust Epidemic was an alright warmup but ToN shows the true potential of this developer. Cannot wait for The Genesis Order! Please don't stop making these games. Much love
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Nlt media bros u guys r awesome understand the need of true gamers even its erotic still it feels like playing a regular game keep up the work the new one eagerly waiting, no offense to other creators who r great too, but true games should like urs even it is erotic a game is a game, thanks agin for this masterpiece as always
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    3,5/5 is my real note.
    This game definitively got some good points but i don't like everything in it, far from it.

    GOOD :

    - Sex scenes and animations are really well done (the climax are a little short to my opinion, but it's hot anyway).

    - Nearly every women characters are hot... and i really like the diversity of their bodies (big and small breasts and asses, tall and small one, woman and more girly ones...ect....)

    - I really liked the little touches of humor... coming in big part from Alia (some of her comments really made me laugh :D)

    - there is a gameplay (not like in every game around).

    - a lot of content... a long game.

    BAD :

    - the game is long yes, but too long to my taste...

    - ....because you spend a huge part of it going and coming back to the same places again and again (Jungle <=> town <=> Jungle....).

    - yes there is a gameplay, but i can't say the gameplay is really fun to play. Some things don't really make sence, as when you find a recipe and when you really have to crraft it. I found the system of the chest keys to be able to get the sex scenes really boring and useless.
    For exemple... I could understand we get more scenes as we get to know a girl better. ok. But what does it have to do with a chest and a scroll ?

    - The last part of the game is the worst. You can't do anymore choices at all... and it become only a click-to-continue game. Honestly i was skipping it all without reading.

    - NLT Media are doing better and better... but i think few of their female characters still have "strange" faces. I particulary didn't like Pricia that was near to ugly to me (it seem the creators got difficulties to model an credible asian face).

    PS. :
    One last thought....
    I hope they'll prove me wrong, but i'm afraid when i see the next chapter trailer (The Genesis Order)... that NLT Media will loose a part of the girls diversity that i liked in TON. Near to all the women we see in the trailer seem quite "bimbo" type with model like faces and big breasts. I hope we'll still have some characters like Kaley, Emily and Alia.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't really like 3d games before. but damn, NLT media slapped me in the face really hard with the quality they provide. they have everything i want in an h game. This game really changed my perspective with 3d games. and I'm grateful for that
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Adult games I've played. Good storyline and characters. The character renders are incredibly good and the animation of the sex scenes are some of the best I've seen.

    I had some frustration when being shown treasure/items in a room and then being forced out of the room by the storyline. But other than that, I enjoyed playing it immensely and I'll be looking in this developer's other titles.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're expecting something even somewhat realistic, this is most definitely not your game. All of the women have outrageously large breasts, asses, and and the ones who resist the protagonist's "charm" do so for like 5 seconds. Also, every woman squirts, the guy is perpetually hard as a 2x4, and nobody gives a fuck that he's a man-whore.

    If, on the other hand, you're looking for a funny parody with interesting puzzles and good graphics, this knocks it out of the park. The puzzles in particular grab your attention because they frequently require items that are just out of reach until you progress a bit more in the story. It's like "What is that plant up there? I can't reach it." (20 minutes of game play later) "Ah, that's what I needed."

    Also, I can't count the number of times there has been a chest and I didn't have any chest keys. But those chests are never required items, and mostly contain girl-specific sexual acts. It's something to come back to later, which isn't bad at all.

    In conclusion, the game is well aware of how ridiculous it is, and embraces that absurdity while telling a good, funny story. The characters are memorable if not well-rounded, and it's very, very rare when you go a few scenes without some absurd sex scene (like the doctor's never-ending quest to save you from your raging dick).

    I love heart-string stories that have authentic character development and pull you in without the promise of cum literally everywhere. Stories like "The Deluca Family." This is not that, but it's really good for what it is.