Been a while since I played this game, back in version 0.81, but boy oh boy did I forget how much this game loves taking away your ability to do literally anything. Overseer Maike is just straight up bullshit. "Yeah, nah, buddy. Good luck getting a shot off when you're grappled for the next 8 months. Nice 160 health and 125 shield. Too bad you're grappled for the next 80 turns because Maike's whip is broken as a Goddamn motherfucker so it's all gone and there's nothing you can do about it but scream at your computer until your voice is gone. Good luck on attempt 406 lol"
"Your enemies will have a hard time hitting you behind cover" *instantly gets grappled for 8 turns, loses all shield and half health* I'm having fun
I so love when a game is immediately just like "You lose." But... Can I at least fight back and go down swinging? Put up a valiant fight against a stronger foe that bests me due to their superior combat prowess in a fun, engaging, back and forth affair? "No, you sit and watch Maike's Jesus rope fuckin Kamui itself through your cover and evaporate your health while literally unable to do anything about it. Not only do you lose, but you also just don't get to play during this combat encounter because fuck you, eat shit. Thanks for playing
" You know shit's fucked when I would rather fight Whitney's Miltank 40 times in a row than fight Maike's fuckin bitch ass again.
I also love the disarmed effect. "Nah, man, you can't use ranged or melee." Can I pick my gun back up? "Nah, man." Ok, thanks, guess I'll just go find a ditch to fall into.
All of Zheng Shi is like a DnD campaign where all my dice are 1s. "I'll shoot the bad guy." Nope, miss. Oh, they shot me 47 times. "I'll whack the bad guy with my melee weapon." Nope, they dodged it and bonked me on the head so I forgot how hands work, so now when I try to attack, I take off all my armor and snap my own neck. Sweet.