Less and its buggyThis question was most likely answered already, but I want to know if the java version has the same amount or less amount of content in comparison to the flash version. (the version number might give might be obvious but I might just be stupid)
Ahh ok thanks for the clarification. I just wanted to know if i should waste my time to play the java when i can play the flash.Less and its buggy
There have been many characters that have been abandoned and they snap at anyone who says to remove or finish them, modding would be great but if it did happen most mods would be hit with a DMCA as they have done so in the past and only allow mods they themselves have checked and approved, not really the freedom of modding.I remember Savin promising to update the github after the JS port launched, has he given any updates on that?
I know he hates open source because he hates mods, so not expecting a positive answer.
0.69.420 it java version. In developing nowOk, kind of confused by the OP. There are two links with two completely different version numbers. The thread seems to indicate 0.69.420 but then there is a link also for v0.8.159. Which one is needed or is the current one?
Flash version is abandoned in favor of JS.0.69.420 it java version. In developing now
v0.8.159 it flash version. Abandoned or paused?
Options -> Easy mode. This wont remove rapes and sex but make combat much easier.I'd love to play these games, but don't like getting raped.
Anyone know if there's a way to remove sex from combat so it's only in the story itself? Perhaps through a mod? If not in TiTS, then how about CoC 1/2 or Lilith's Throne?
Mmmm... I do remember what they said in those instructions, that making a "brick" is a point of no-return.You can brick your phone
What I've been asking myself too, if not there is no point of playing the java version for now :xDoes the Java version have the images the old SWF version had?
I see, the classic "Good graphics = good gameplay" dogsh- trend the modern games keep doing today...Java's not worth it to play as of the moment, don't care how fancy you make it look.