Seeing a lot of unanswered questions:
• The cheat menu *is* still in the game, it's just hidden.
-Go back to the start screen, click the i in "TiTS" about 5 times and you'll unlock the cheats menu in the options tab.
-The clown car cheat is indeed still in the game.
• Using the cheat menu you can give yourself uber weapons or simply teleport yourself out of a dungeon lock. (Teleporting out may bork the game and prevent you from entering again, test with a duplicate save. This can *also* be fixed, but it's sometimes a hassle.)
• The best ship in game is the Sidewinder, you get it from Zhéng Shi Station, second best is the Blade which you can get by getting Kiro as a crew member.
• To my knowledge there is no Kinetecist exclusive content.
• There are no follower exclusive story events, but basically every follower has their own story events that only activate if you have another crew member. (i.e. Kiro will activate stuff with Paige or Syri with Anno). So main story no, character stories yes.
-Some characters have their own dungeon as part of their story, but I don't think you meant that.
• Combat is still pretty unga bunga, yes, just make sure you actually read what's going on. There are characters that are straight up immune to different damage types.