When I save the newest version of the game, It's in a JSON file notepad, which TiTsEd doesn't accept. how do I convert a JSON to .SAVE or .TITS? There are also two bugs whenever I load my save. When I try to fly from my current location, Siretta, this error code comes up:
Message: t.split is not a function Stack:
TypeError: t.split is not a function
at Function.value (file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:9726913)
at window.QUEST.SIDE.e (file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:16871842)
at nw (file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:16449085)
at Object.ow (file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:16442006)
at file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:12047374
at s (file:///H:/Program%20Files/TiTS/TiTS-backer-0.9.019-win/resources/app/main.7d184ff0.js:1:10332319)
That, and every time I move tiles in my ship, a "placeholder" encounter, or the encounter that should happen when you enter your ship from the outside pops up, most of the time the Penny encounter which probably shouldn't happen. anyone know how to fix these?