Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
obviously you can start by min/maxing all your stats.
if u train in the new texas gym you can slowly increase strength, aim and reflexes, training w/ Mirrin also lets you increase willpower and you can run around mhen'ga looking for yoma, playin his dnd game will let you increase intelligence.

do some (or all of these) enough and you can max out every single stat with your remaining stat points u get by level ups.

my main techie, uses the droid for extra dmg, i use the jumper space suit and jetpack which gives me a rly high chance of dodging and use the pirate prototype shield which gives has the highest base shield in the game. these 2 together, + the shield regen when i don't get hit (Rapid Recharge passive perk from lvl 10) + Deflector Regeneration perk, means i pretty much never get low on shields.

jumper space suit is also nice since it's airtight, givin it immunity to some tease attacks.

overcharge perk is kinda busted w/ max aim and intelligence since you can basically stunlock anyone who gives you trouble while dealing double damage.

also keep a stack of joyco power potions in your inventory to use mid battle (restores a 100 energy instantly) and you will have practically unlimited energy to use.
Thanks for the equipment run! Could I bother you with the perks you pick? my usual list is:
2-Attack Drone
4-Deflector Regeneration
5-Gravidic Disruptor
6-Gun Tweaks
7-Charge Shield
8-Second Shot
9-Drone Control
10-Boosted Charges

P.S: Haven't played a Tech Specialist since level 10 was the level cap lol, it's been a hot minute!
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Aug 13, 2017
You dont like characters like "assassin with tits so big she would not be able to stand up straight?" or "one normal sized person in the entire game whose entire questline is getting tits bigger than her head so she can look like everyone else"?
Bizzy's questline honestly weirds me out, knowing it was a backer thing explains a whole lot. Also... yeaaaaah... this is why I end up turning off the art nowadays, Adjatha's stuff kills my boner, originally due to laughter, now it's just annoyance.

Mr Technician

Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
Character: (play as agile/armored thief...)
Main characteristic: melee weapon fighter, high armor, crit+stun+bleed focused
Second characteristic: when creating character best race to choose: Suula (for early game wings, so later doesn't require boost pack to flight/glide) or gain Dove .
Might consider to go with a : , which blends nicely to this character, gives hidden status effect: (increases Lust, if not - blame Fen, not me). This also changes maximum base stats by adding +3 to them. Giving you a little more advantage on stats, and can also positively impact also your , if properly trained and maxed them out. At level 13 your max phys./ref./aim/int./will. trained can raise up to 68/68 permanent without any implants or misuse of or some stat changing , making Perfect Simulant also better choice than without it and just plain 65/65...

Perks are given to you automatically when character level up, so no point to write much about it. But keep in mind Lucky Breaks (lvl 2) starts to add some Armor from increased evasion. Speaking of which do take a mental note about Armor and Evasion here:

Most enemies should hit you by 1 point of damage, maybe...? You should be much more worried about Grapples, Burning, being Blinded and all the other perfect bs effects that game can throw at your character... Lust inducing enemy attacks also.

Abilities to choose on level up progression: Low Blow, Sneak Attack, Stealth Field Generator, Grenade, Leap Up, Burst of Energy, Second Attack, Alpha Strike, Can Opener, Twist the Knife, Specialized Combatant (works similar to Bonus Hit Rate, but freeing you up from those weapon items, like the ), Assassinate

Speaking of all above it is time to get over with gear used. And in this build you don't need nothing special! Yes, just "white" items. Just go over First-14 to make it last fourteen minutes on there. Nothing much of worth to go back about it, but maybe some posters for your ship, could gain also a friendly bot there (as a crue companion T1-K4 or "Tika" as an item worn, and i advise you to take her with you). She might be useful with healing and to gain SSTD immunity very early in the game.

Inventory, all items still being used at level 13:
(Mhen'ga at Carl, evasion boosting, Stun chance, main bleeding dealer)
(Mhen'ga at Carl, evasion boosting also stunning chance, Train with to gain perk Concussive Shot, this bow also stuns with normal attacks, so you could potentialy change from melee to ranged, you can also sell his bow gifted to you - wont be using that)
*with above weapons you shouldn't really care about the "little damage" they have, it will just be better and better when levelling up, and yes - there are also better ones for making some build variations
(Dhaal at Gwon shop, at early game levels before Dhaal it is also good to go with evasion, while there is Leopard Print Jumpsuit - looking best at first glance of +24 evasion - fen capped max evasion at 60% long time ago (from 90%) making Leopard much more uncomfortable and nonprofitable to wear for high armor purpose, with Tiger you will have plain Defense +10 adding that much to your overall Armor, which is what is all about while giving "just" +15 evasion, also this armor has no negative resistance stats, and in the end giving HIGHER total amount of your armor than Leopard could ever dream of... Downside is price and location to buy, just try to earn credits to be able to buy it, it is a game changer item)
*however for Uveto exploration consider Thermal Packs, or Gray Goo Armor talkative friend wearing as armor - upgraded with Cold Protection
(Tavros at Inessa, i know - this is crazy, right? but not really. The way pregnancy works in this game - it is all about a bulging belly. Doesn't matter the source of it (can be Eggs also). Pregnancy anal/vaginal will negatively impact Reflexes reducing it, and also might reduce your chance to escape grapple effects thus leading you to a bad ends after loosing fights. So it is wise to wear it.)
(Texas at Ellie, if you wonder why wiki has no article - idk, people are lazy or don't want to write it for free? - helps with over productive oversized balls. Nothing will stop you from walking! So it is also wise to wear it. Oh! And speaking of moving speed: why don't you grab a Hoverboard to increase your movement speed, huh? Hoverboard can be bought at Shekkas shop on Tarkus if not having her as a crue member, takes one place in inventory carried around items)
*take a mental note that movement speed matters in many games, like in Path of Exile - did you know that Path of Exile 2 is coming soon to play?
(Zheng Shi at Urbolg, shields?! who needs shields?! well Technicians do, but this one has it in round number +100, it is all about evasion that gives +4, can swap with +4 evasion or a Scout Shield +2 latest while not greatest addition to the game, higher evasion is better so pick your poison here)
(Uveto at Nerassa, however tent sleeping? nah... however do we buy stuff we don't need... maybe... just for a showoff to crew friends - look you don't need it that much really, cooldown 24hours, might cost 15000 credits or dogecoins in silly mode, prioritize Tiger armor before this one)
(Dhaal at Gwon shop, and oh come on now, do you think you need a Booster Pack with no Defense? This is not a Starfield game... you can have wings and you need that defense +8 increasing highly your armor, adding also +4 evasion)

(Dhaal at Sabrae shop, well no evasion, no stat changes other than +4 Defense while having at least one pair of breast. Simple as that is.)

Second implant: up for you to choose

You might be also interested to go with items giving even more armor. And it is possible to reach even higher Armor than with this build, swapping items like weapons - but they dont give Stun chance, which can make it pointless to use. That also would require to use Ramshackle Power Armor with penalties highly lowering evasion bonus, and you would have to compensate it elsewhere - like the melee weapon Rouser +10 evasion (but gain - no stun chance).
Also some places like entire Texas require you to remove weapons while entering that place, also lowering your evasion while losing item bonuses when going varmint hunting. Keep that in mind. Also to note: if you don't want high evasion - you just need it to be 0% or higher than that zero - so you don't suffer from the additional damage taken. But higher evasion makes enemy harder to hit you. I was able to go at 43 Armor total, without cheating while at +22% Evasion Bonus with that power armor. But i would rather have 41 Armor with Tiger and 57% Evasion Bonus than anything other.

Conclusion. If this game had co-op or be a multiplayer game i would consider this build as best for PvP melee duels. Also PvM (player versus monsters) because of the High Evasion, very High Armor/Defense it is just making this as a Tank character. Can take many hits and survive also. Doesn't need to steal shield or life, but might consider Hirudo as alternative ranged support weapon, for tougher fights.
Last edited:


Aug 11, 2021
Bizzy's questline honestly weirds me out, knowing it was a backer thing explains a whole lot. Also... yeaaaaah... this is why I end up turning off the art nowadays, Adjatha's stuff kills my boner, originally due to laughter, now it's just annoyance.
Well there is a route you can take with bizzy that keeps her flat and not turn into a hyper eldritch abomination
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Character: (play as agile/armored thief...)
Main characteristic: melee weapon fighter, high armor, crit+stun+bleed focused
Second characteristic: when creating character best race to choose: Suula (for early game wings, so later doesn't require boost pack to flight/glide) or gain Dove .
Might consider to go with a : , which blends nicely to this character, gives hidden status effect: (increases Lust, if not - blame Fen, not me). This also changes maximum base stats by adding +3 to them. Giving you a little more advantage on stats, and can also positively impact also your , if properly trained and maxed them out. At level 13 your max phys./ref./aim/int./will. trained can raise up to 68/68 permanent without any implants or misuse of or some stat changing , making Perfect Simulant also better choice than without it and just plain 65/65...

Perks are given to you automatically when character level up, so no point to write much about it. But keep in mind Lucky Breaks (lvl 2) starts to add some Armor from increased evasion. Speaking of which do take a mental note about Armor and Evasion here:

View attachment 4233986
Most enemies should hit you by 1 point of damage, maybe...? You should be much more worried about Grapples, Burning, being Blinded and all the other perfect bs effects that game can throw at your character... Lust inducing enemy attacks also.

Abilities to choose on level up progression: Low Blow, Sneak Attack, Stealth Field Generator, Grenade, Leap Up, Burst of Energy, Second Attack, Alpha Strike, Can Opener, Twist the Knife, Specialized Combatant (works similar to Bonus Hit Rate, but freeing you up from those weapon items, like the ), Assassinate

Speaking of all above it is time to get over with gear used. And in this build you don't need nothing special! Yes, just "white" items. Just go over First-14 to make it last fourteen minutes on there. Nothing much of worth to go back about it, but maybe some posters for your ship, could gain also a friendly bot there (as a crue companion T1-K4 or "Tika" as an item worn, and i advise you to take her with you). She might be useful with healing and to gain SSTD immunity very early in the game.

Inventory, all items still being used at level 13:
(Mhen'ga at Carl, evasion boosting, Stun chance, main bleeding dealer)
(Mhen'ga at Carl, evasion boosting also stunning chance, Train with to gain perk Concussive Shot, this bow also stuns with normal attacks, so you could potentialy change from melee to ranged, you can also sell his bow gifted to you - wont be using that)
*with above weapons you shouldn't really care about the "little damage" they have, it will just be better and better when levelling up, and yes - there are also better ones for making some build variations
(Dhaal at Gwon shop, at early game levels before Dhaal it is also good to go with evasion, while there is Leopard Print Jumpsuit - looking best at first glance of +24 evasion - fen capped max evasion at 60% long time ago (from 90%) making Leopard much more uncomfortable and nonprofitable to wear for high armor purpose, with Tiger you will have plain Defense +10 adding that much to your overall Armor, which is what is all about while giving "just" +15 evasion, also this armor has no negative resistance stats while increasing overall accuracy of your attacks by +10, and in the end giving HIGHER total amount of your armor than Leopard could ever dream of... Downside is price and location to buy, just try to earn credits to be able to buy it, it is a game changer item)
*however for Uveto exploration consider Thermal Packs, or Gray Goo Armor talkative friend wearing as armor - upgraded with Cold Protection
(Tavros at Inessa, i know - this is crazy, right? but not really. The way pregnancy works in this game - it is all about a bulging belly. Doesn't matter the source of it (can be Eggs also). Pregnancy anal/vaginal will negatively impact Reflexes reducing it, and also might reduce your chance to escape grapple effects thus leading you to a bad ends after loosing fights. So it is wise to wear it.)
(Texas at Ellie, if you wonder why wiki has no article - idk, people are lazy or don't want to write it for free? - helps with over productive oversized balls. Nothing will stop you from walking! So it is also wise to wear it. Oh! And speaking of moving speed: why don't you grab a Hoverboard to increase your movement speed, huh? Hoverboard can be bought at Shekkas shop on Tarkus if not having her as a crue member, takes one place in inventory carried around items)
*take a mental note that movement speed matters in many games, like in Path of Exile - did you know that Path of Exile 2 is coming soon to play?
(Zheng Shi at Urbolg, shields?! who needs shields?! well Technicians do, but this one has it in round number +100, it is all about evasion that gives +4, can swap with +4 evasion or a Scout Shield +2 latest while not greatest addition to the game, higher evasion is better so pick your poison here)
(Uveto at Nerassa, however tent sleeping? nah... however do we buy stuff we don't need... maybe... just for a showoff to crew friends - look you don't need it that much really, cooldown 24hours, might cost 15000 credits or dogecoins in silly mode, prioritize Tiger armor before this one)
(Dhaal at Gwon shop, and oh come on now, do you think you need a Booster Pack with no Defense? This is not a Starfield game... you can have wings and you need that defense +8 increasing highly your armor, adding also +4 evasion)

(Dhaal at Sabrae shop, well no evasion, no stat changes other than +4 Defense while having at least one pair of breast. Simple as that is.)

Second implant: up for you to choose

You might be also interested to go with items giving even more armor. And it is possible to reach even higher Armor than with this build, swapping items like weapons - but they dont give Stun chance, which can make it pointless to use. That also would require to use Ramshackle Power Armor with penalties highly lowering evasion bonus, and you would have to compensate it elsewhere - like the melee weapon Rouser +10 evasion (but gain - no stun chance).
Also some places like entire Texas require you to remove weapons while entering that place, also lowering your evasion while losing item bonuses when going varmint hunting. Keep that in mind. Also to note: if you don't want high evasion - you just need it to be 0% or higher than that zero - so you don't suffer from the additional damage taken. But higher evasion makes enemy harder to hit you. I was able to go at 43 Armor total, without cheating while at +22% Evasion Bonus with that power armor. But i would rather have 41 Armor with Tiger and 57% Evasion Bonus than anything other.

Conclusion. If this game had co-op or be a multiplayer game i would consider this build as best for PvP melee duels. Also PvM (player versus monsters) because of the High Evasion, very High Armor/Defense it is just making this as a Tank character. Can take many hits and survive also. Doesn't need to steal shield or life, but might consider Hirudo as alternative ranged support weapon, for tougher fights.
Amazing build, didn't knew almost half the items you're suggesting and STILL gonna agree that the Smuggler has got to be the best melee unit in this game (hell I didn't even realized Lucky Break worked like that for your defense! must had been wasting so much points with evasion that's never gonna go over 60%, thanks for the quick lesson!)

P.S: Don't like playing as a female/herm so my flat chest can't get the breast implant, will content myself with the combat tail implant tho, for some funny reason that bastard ALSO benefits from all the melee perks the smuggler uses so it's at least a solid 100 extra damage dealt every round of combat XD
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Reactions: Mr Technician
Dec 21, 2023
Thanks for the equipment run! Could I bother you with the perks you pick? my usual list is:
2-Attack Drone
4-Deflector Regeneration
5-Gravidic Disruptor
6-Gun Tweaks
7-Charge Shield
8-Second Shot
9-Drone Control
10-Boosted Charges

P.S: Haven't played a Tech Specialist since level 10 was the level cap lol, it's been a hot minute!
mostly the same perks i use
only change is that i use second attack instead of second shot
since i've maxed out both aim and physique, both are viable options so i use the double melee attack to take quickly take care of harmless enemies and mostly use guns with overcharge to stun bosses or stronger enemies.
it's also practical because you can have 2 different types of weapons in melee and ranged (like fire attacks for ranged and electric for melee) that way you can switch it up based on the weakness of whatever enemy you're fighting or use electric to quickly break the shields and then overcharge once shields are down.

level cap is 13 now, for the rest i use
11-deployable turret
12-specialized combatant
13-static strike

though i haven't played the newer content for a little while either, i've been letting it build up for a little while, so maybe i'd change it once i get around to experiment more with the new abilities and weapons.
Dec 21, 2023
Why can't I sell to Sera?
did you sell to her before? sera has a limited amount of money, it ties in to a quest where a she's in debt to a couple slave merchants. if u sell to her and make her spend her last credits you can actually buy her as a slave from said slave merchants.
edit: forgot to mention that she should get more money after a week ish of ingame time IIRC
Jan 20, 2022
Will we get an Adoring Fan event? I remember from Oblivion that if you become a grand champion in the arena an adoring fan will become your follower but instead of companion but a shipmate
4.10 star(s) 73 Votes