
Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
That was very descriptive about the kineticist. In your opinion though, what's the best class in the game right now?
I cannot really answer that question. How do you even define 'best'? Which one is the most fun to play? Which has the easiest time with combat? Which has the most interesting options in combat? Who gets the most chances to use their abilities outside of combat encounters?

Fun is subjective. Who and what I want to roleplay as changes from time to time. I'm familiar enough with the combat system that I can play all of the classes pretty effectively, but I'm also a consummate grinder and keep all of my attributes within 5 points of max through training with Ramis, the gym on New Texas, and spamming Syri's book dialogue. So my perspective is skewed by always having an over-leveled character that easily passes most any stat check. I'm not out there sequence braking or theory crafting ways to trivialize the Dr. Lash fight, but I do well enough.

What I will say though is, in order of most interesting class to play to least, my personal preference would be Kineticist > Smuggler > Tech Specialist > Mercenary. Insofar as 'how much of your entire class abilities do you need to use' versus 'just spam attack/ranged with your best equipment'. Which outcome is more effective? Depends on the circumstances of the fight. I've breezed through some encounters with Kineticist that even the Mercenary struggled with, and vice-versa. Mercenary is the simplest and most straightforward class to play, not relying on much understanding of the game's systems to be used effectively; and Kineticists is the polar opposite of that, really needing you to be either intimately familiar with the game's mechanics and/or be willing to dive into the game's wiki to get the most out of it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Kineticist is the weakest, in that you cannot just spam your main attack once you get Second Attack/Shot at Lv8. You actually need to use your abilities, which fortunately have been getting buffed recently. I like playing the class, but it does require a bit more setup to function properly. If you just slap on your most powerful weapons and spam Attack/Ranged, you're gonna have a bad time.

The thing that gets me through 95% of fights is procing Deep Freeze and then Shattering it for massive damage. You need Entropic Leech that you get at Lv2 (so before you've even left the tutorial station), and a weapon that deals Crushing damage. That means farming the Kaithrit Salvagers on F.I.R.S.T.-14 until they drop an Arc Sledgehammer, and using that until you can get one of the Psionically Tuned staff weapons. Most you can just find and pickup for free, including the Sizzlepod Staff on Mhen'ga, the Xukwood Staff on Myrellion, and the Sleet Staff on Uveto (which is the best one, and again, is just lying on the ground for FREE). Psionically Attuned weapons deal an extra point of damage per level of Kineticist, and hitting a enemy under the effect of Deep Freeze will cause you to deal double damage.

Actually the most powerful staff that I know of, the Sleet Staff, you can just rush onto the ice fields and retrieve it as soon as you get access to Uveto. You now have a weapon that deals 8 Kinetic + 20 Freezing + Your Class Level in damage, has a chance to cause Freezing itself (saving you needing to re-proc with Entropic Leech), and even has Bonus Hit Rate Chance so that when you need to use Haste to get extra hits in (which now lasts 10 rounds) they hit without any accuracy penalty. Other great Crushing weapons include the Sizzlepod Staff (6 Kinetic + 6 Corrosive + Class Level), the Lightning Rod (7 Kinetic + 6 Electric + Stun Chance), the Shieldwall Staff (18 Kinetic + Class Level + 20 Bonus Shields), the Jolthammer (6 Kinetic + 20 Electric), the Hookstaff (20 Kinetic + Class Level + Trip Chance), and the Magma Crusher (16 Kinetic + 20 Burning + Stun Chance + Burn DoT Chance).

Flying targets? Levitate at Lv9 grants +10 Evasion and allows you to fly for the rest of the fight once activated (although you can have a ranged crushing attack as early as Lv6, see Telekentic Warrior below). Want to be a tank in the Grey Goo Armor? Psychic Armor at Lv6 increases your defense by 1 and grants a minimum defense equal to your level (so at Lv10 and above, your resting Defense is equal to or better than the Augment-Weave Armor dropped by the Cyberpunk Security on Zheng Shi). So long as you take Psytuned Vitality at Lv3 (doubles maximum HP per level and restores 5 HP with each psychic ability used) and Vitality Syphon at Lv4 (for three turns after activation, leech 50% of damage dealt into your HP, also recover 10 energy on each round damage is dealt), you are functionally unkillable so long as you can keep procing Deep Freeze and Shatter for massive HP regen.

Got a boss fight with adds? Gravity Flux at Lv5 (causes gravity to become crushingly high, dealing moderate unresistable damage to all enemies and additional kinetic damage to flying enemies; may cause the tripped condition). Need to up your sustained DPS? Haste, then go to town with Deep Freeze and Shatter (grants an additional attack when using basic melee or ranged attacks for ten turns). Get disarmed or your weapon disabled? No worries! Telekenitic Warrior at Lv6 allows you to attack without a weapon for 4 + (level + will)/2 + Physique/Aim bonuses. That means that at Lv13 with max willpower (75 with Lv7 Steel Will and Sensory Dampener implant) your unarmed attacks start at 48 damage. Also, your unarmed kinetic attacks (both melee and ranged) do deal Crushing damage and can Shatter those under the effect of Deep Freeze. For the record, the two most powerful physical damage melee weapons actually in the game according to the wiki only deal 41 damage (Greathammer & Plasma Halberd), although one has a Stun Chance and the other Burning DoT Chance.

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I have been able to brute-force and defeat bosses that are very obviously supposed to be taken down by lust attacks, such as the Crystal Goo Incubator in the Queen's Chambers of Taivra's Palace and the Queen's Bodyguard. Once you have the Arc Sledgehammer, you can absolutely use Deep Freeze and Shatter to burst down the Gyrvain Techies on F.I.R.S.T.-14. instead of teasing them. You can also pretty easily shatter armor and get easier access to some unique scenes, like the Gentle Fuck option for the Sydian Female (rust monsters) on Tarkus.

Now is Kineticist the strongest class? Almost certainly not, but I've yet to be locked out of content because I simply couldn't win a fight. The class is very manageable if you know what you are doing. Unfortunately there aren't any signposts within the game explaining to you HOW to actually shatter Deep Freeze consistently so you can deal good damage. It's not something you need to so with the Mercenary or Tech Specialist. The Smuggler gets a bit closer with how it can trigger bonuses on Stunned or Blinded enemies and gives you the Flash Grenade right off the bat, but getting that to work doesn't require weapons with a very specific attribute (e.g. Crushing) to function properly.

Honestly, they need to make the starting weapon for the Kineticist NOT be a fucking knife. Just whip up a new low-damage Quarterstaff weapon that has the Crushing weapon flag, and I think a lot more people would just accidently stumble onto the Deep Freeze/Shatter combo naturally. I only picked up on the pattern after finishing most of Mhen'ga, finding and equipping the Sizzlepod Staff, and then experimenting with it while farming Vanae spears for some early credits. I mean, all of the other classes get decent starting weapons. The Tech Specialist even gets a better shield, on account of their class being very shield focuses. But the Kineticist stats with a knife that cannot proc Shatter and a fucking rock for a ranged attack. Not for nothing, but that's dumb as all hell, and starts the class off on a much weaker footing than it needs to be.
I would add to your input that there are some serious "DELETE" combos to be found in the Kineticist, such as:
Entropic Leech/Sleet Staff (for the deep freeze) + Acid Cloud + Mind Crush + Acid Cloud: This thing DESTROYS practically any enemy that isn't large in size since AcidCloud will mini-crit enemies without ending the Deep Freeze, letting Mind Crush do double damage (and stun enemies if they are organic) only to end with the second Acid Cloud doing crit since it auto-crits stunned enemies.

For anything that is 7ft and taller just Deep Freezing it + Gravity Crush will absolutely destroy it (2 turning the Frost Wyvern is fun!)

Also for long combos I would say Vitality Syphon is the better energy/hp recovery perk, if you know you'll do nothing but set up some damage the following turns then that's a great way to get energy back, either while just Entropic Leeching & Whacking enemies or when you're setting up the Debrii Field+Entropic Waves to destroy group enemies!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
P.S: Is it just me or as of late Melee characters on ANY class are faring far better than ranged ones? just...that stun chance on melee weapons man, is so good!


Jan 4, 2024
Was looking at the classes to see what I wanted to play and now I want to ask. Is a libido tech specialist, using fuck sense perk, even usable? Sounds like you would want your libido as high as possible so you would grab the corrupted perk as well but isnt that just a game over, never win any fights, bad end maker perk. Was interested in doing it but wanted to go lower intelligence since I'll be going treatment. Anyone have an experience with treatment tech specialist?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Was looking at the classes to see what I wanted to play and now I want to ask. Is a libido tech specialist, using fuck sense perk, even usable? Sounds like you would want your libido as high as possible so you would grab the corrupted perk as well but isnt that just a game over, never win any fights, bad end maker perk. Was interested in doing it but wanted to go lower intelligence since I'll be going treatment. Anyone have an experience with treatment tech specialist?
Libido =/= Lust, Libido =/= Taint

High libido will cause your lust to raise faster, but having a high libido doesn't cause you to lose a fight. Reaching your lust capacity does. You can also have a very high libido while keeping your taint under control. Fortunately there are dozens of ways to satiate your lust outside of combat. But if your lust build-up is aggressive enough (like carrying a bunch of Savicite around on Uveto, especially combined with Extra Ardor), it can be really tedious to stop and masturbate or fuck the Grey Goo Armor every couple of movement spaces.

That being said, Intelligence is one of the easiest abilities to raise and keep maxed. That is until you retrieve the probe on Myrellion and Syri leaves Mhen'ga. Still if you plan ahead, you can stretch that out until level 8 or 9. If you make heavy use of the gym on New Texas (keeping your attributes within 5 of their max) and just bank all of your attribute points on level up past Lv2, then from 8 or 9 on you can spend those saved points on every level up and have max attributes across the board with no more training required.


Jan 2, 2023
Why using gym on New Texas, if we can hire Ramis on Tavros after Drink Night with her and work out with her on ship without "Sore" status?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Why using gym on New Texas, if we can hire Ramis on Tavros after Drink Night with her and work out with her on ship without "Sore" status?
Ramis can raise Strength, Reflex, and Willpower. She cannot raise Aim, for that the most straight forward way is to swim laps at the gym pool in New Texas. Intelligence can be raised by talking to Syri about her Sci-Fi reading (you can literally just hold down the 1 key and spam through her dialogue super fast). Also, if you don't get the 'sore' status when working out with Ramis, you are doing it wrong. The best stat gains are the options to push yourself further, which will induce the soreness debuff. . The initial Strength or Stamina training will get you 1 point of slow stat gain, but the extended options will net you an additional slow Strength gain of 3 or 1 (sexual version or not), while the Stamina option gets Reflex gains of 2 or 1 and Willpower gains of 3 or 2 (again, sexual version or not). Fortunately for you, your cabin is right down the hall and there is zero adverse effects from spending literally weeks just training and sleeping back to back. Hell, it's actually a great time killer. Want to get Sam as a crew member? First you need to knock her up in Gastigoth, then wait through her entire pregnancy, as she can only be recruited after giving birth. Aggressively training is a great way to burn up calendar days constructively while you wait.

I usually spend my points when I hit Lv2 and make sure I have a 10/10 or 10/15 Strength if I'm Lv3 (and don't spend any more points at Lv3 cause I can start my training by then, so I'd rather save them for later). As a Lv2 Kineticist with an Arc Seldgehammer, you can pretty safely make it to both the scannable resource node in the southern Mhen'ga jungle and retrieve the crashed satellite drive for Kase. With both of those, you should have more than 10K in spare funds. Fly back to Tavros Station and wait until night at the bar to get Ramis to appear, then flirt with her. With a good Strength (10/10 or 10/15) you have a very good chance to beat her at arm wrestling. This not only gets you laid, it also means you can later recruit Ramis for 10K instead of 12K. So buy yourself the services of the sexiest Gunnery Officer this side of the galaxy, then fly off station before you start training (cause if you are docked at Tavros, there is a chance at night she goes off to wrangle up some sissy boy-toys at the bar, preventing you from training or even leaving the station).

Once I can wrangle up another 10K (usually after retrieving the probe on Mhen'ga), I purchase the lifetime membership to the gym on New Texas. Then I also have easy access to Herman at the Barbeque Pit (north of the Customs Office), as the Burger there gets you 2 thickness for 9 credits; great at offsetting the slimming effects of swimming laps and the Stamina training with Ramis. I like my Huskar avatars on the husky side (100 tone, 60~70 thickness), a good Heckin' Chonker on the Chonkers Classification Chart.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
Ramis can raise Strength, Reflex, and Willpower. She cannot raise Aim, for that the most straight forward way is to swim laps at the gym pool in New Texas. Intelligence can be raised by talking to Syri about her Sci-Fi reading (you can literally just hold down the 1 key and spam through her dialogue super fast). Also, if you don't get the 'sore' status when working out with Ramis, you are doing it wrong. The best stat gains are the options to push yourself further, which will induce the soreness debuff. . The initial Strength or Stamina training will get you 1 point of slow stat gain, but the extended options will net you an additional slow Strength gain of 3 or 1 (sexual version or not), while the Stamina option gets Reflex gains of 2 or 1 and Willpower gains of 3 or 2 (again, sexual version or not). Fortunately for you, your cabin is right down the hall and there is zero adverse effects from spending literally weeks just training and sleeping back to back. Hell, it's actually a great time killer. Want to get Sam as a crew member? First you need to knock her up in Gastigoth, then wait through her entire pregnancy, as she can only be recruited after giving birth. Aggressively training is a great way to burn up calendar days constructively while you wait.

I usually spend my points when I hit Lv2 and make sure I have a 10/10 or 10/15 Strength if I'm Lv3 (and don't spend any more points at Lv3 cause I can start my training by then, so I'd rather save them for later). As a Lv2 Kineticist with an Arc Seldgehammer, you can pretty safely make it to both the scannable resource node in the southern Mhen'ga jungle and retrieve the crashed satellite drive for Kase. With both of those, you should have more than 10K in spare funds. Fly back to Tavros Station and wait until night at the bar to get Ramis to appear, then flirt with her. With a good Strength (10/10 or 10/15) you have a very good chance to beat her at arm wrestling. This not only gets you laid, it also means you can later recruit Ramis for 10K instead of 12K. So buy yourself the services of the sexiest Gunnery Officer this side of the galaxy, then fly off station before you start training (cause if you are docked at Tavros, there is a chance at night she goes off to wrangle up some sissy boy-toys at the bar, preventing you from training or even leaving the station).

Once I can wrangle up another 10K (usually after retrieving the probe on Mhen'ga), I purchase the lifetime membership to the gym on New Texas. Then I also have easy access to Herman at the Barbeque Pit (north of the Customs Office), as the Burger there gets you 2 thickness for 9 credits; great at offsetting the slimming effects of swimming laps and the Stamina training with Ramis. I like my Huskar avatars on the husky side (100 tone, 60~70 thickness), a good Heckin' Chonker on the Chonkers Classification Chart.

View attachment 4295841
nice choice on the chonk. Plus this reminds me i wish the game actually paid attention to the MC's weight/tone more actively.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
nice choice on the chonk. Plus this reminds me i wish the game actually paid attention to the MC's weight/tone more actively.
Yeah, but when so few of the scenes take into account your penis type (e.g. knotted), I figure that thickness and tone are pretty far down the ladder of variable consideration.

Hell, I can't even think of a scene that requires a minimum amount of tone outside of the jogger on Tavros Station.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
Yeah, but when so few of the scenes take into account your penis type (e.g. knotted), I figure that thickness and tone are pretty far down the ladder of variable consideration.

Hell, I can't even think of a scene that requires a minimum amount of tone outside of the jogger on Tavros Station.
I wouls have just as easily accept a kind of movement debug like what happens when your nuts get to big.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Okay, side tangent. This all reminded me that you cannot be a bear.

Well, you can, but only in the colloquial sense. You can be a burly gay space man. But there is no real bear themed race or transformative. There is that one and only one 4 armed bear dude (Bhakar) on Tavros Station, and that's as close as you get. You can be various levels of cat, dog, bull, bunny, badger, horse, slime, dove, shark, fox, dragon, ant, bee, deer, demon, sheep, lion, moth, or rat... but not a fucking bear?

Like, who in the bara community so grievously offended Fenoxo so that bears never got a fucking seat at the table?


New Member
Aug 2, 2021
Okay, side tangent. This all reminded me that you cannot be a bear.

Well, you can, but only in the colloquial sense. You can be a burly gay space man. But there is no real bear themed race or transformative. There is that one and only one 4 armed bear dude (Bhakar) on Tavros Station, and that's as close as you get. You can be various levels of cat, dog, bull, bunny, badger, horse, slime, dove, shark, fox, dragon, ant, bee, deer, demon, sheep, lion, moth, or rat... but not a fucking bear?

Like, who in the bara community so grievously offended Fenoxo so that bears never got a fucking seat at the table?
There is that other bear on Uveto. Jerome is his name.


Aug 5, 2021
Okay, side tangent. This all reminded me that you cannot be a bear.

Well, you can, but only in the colloquial sense. You can be a burly gay space man. But there is no real bear themed race or transformative. There is that one and only one 4 armed bear dude (Bhakar) on Tavros Station, and that's as close as you get. You can be various levels of cat, dog, bull, bunny, badger, horse, slime, dove, shark, fox, dragon, ant, bee, deer, demon, sheep, lion, moth, or rat... but not a fucking bear?

Like, who in the bara community so grievously offended Fenoxo so that bears never got a fucking seat at the table?
I mean isn't there a Panda one? (I may be confusing it with some else though)


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I mean isn't there a Panda one? (I may be confusing it with some else though)
Yeah, Jade at Fur Effect on the Merchant Deck of Tavros Station. She has both Panda and Red Panda transformatives on sale, while she herself is a non-mammalian Panda (she doesn't have any fucking nipples). Still, there is nothing for transforming into a Black Bear, Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, and or whatever 6-armed alien bear Bhakar is. Nope. You can have the meme Asian Trash-Panda that isn't even a bear (Red Pandas are not part of the taxonomic family Ursidae), or the one bear that literally refuses to fuck to save its own species. But the species of bear actually most closely associated with the western LGBTQ+ community and the colloquial usage of the term 'bear', the North American Grizzly, is nowhere to be seen.

When there are for deer, goat, hyena, and pig, this seems like a strange oversight. Want to be a space kitty? I get it, but you have general Feline and the Kaithrit specifically. Want to be a doggo? You have Ausar, Canine, Huskar, Hellhound, and Lupine to pick from, depending on if you want to be a nekomata-but-dog or a full blown werewolf or furry. Even within the Bovine category, there are 18 sub-categories depending on your exact mix of traits (e.g. hucow, bull-girl, minotaur, bovine-morph, etc.). Again, it makes the lack of any real non-Panda bear options stick out.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
the reason to not take the statue mostly depends on if you want to more or less be a pacifist or renegade.

Renegade: take statue
Pacifist: leave statue alone
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Aug 5, 2021
Yeah, Jade at Fur Effect on the Merchant Deck of Tavros Station. She has both Panda and Red Panda transformatives on sale, while she herself is a non-mammalian Panda (she doesn't have any fucking nipples). Still, there is nothing for transforming into a Black Bear, Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, and or whatever 6-armed alien bear Bhakar is. Nope. You can have the meme Asian Trash-Panda that isn't even a bear (Red Pandas are not part of the taxonomic family Ursidae), or the one bear that literally refuses to fuck to save its own species. But the species of bear actually most closely associated with the western LGBTQ+ community and the colloquial usage of the term 'bear', the North American Grizzly, is nowhere to be seen.

When there are for deer, goat, hyena, and pig, this seems like a strange oversight. Want to be a space kitty? I get it, but you have general Feline and the Kaithrit specifically. Want to be a doggo? You have Ausar, Canine, Huskar, Hellhound, and Lupine to pick from, depending on if you want to be a nekomata-but-dog or a full blown werewolf or furry. Even within the Bovine category, there are 18 sub-categories depending on your exact mix of traits (e.g. hucow, bull-girl, minotaur, bovine-morph, etc.). Again, it makes the lack of any real non-Panda bear options stick out.
you can give her nipples though..... really LONG nipples to
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