Does anyone know the female character on new texas that operates the male milking machine? I'm so upset because she just uses this very scary and traumatizing rape machien instead of just using her hands or something like a nurse (which would have made more medical sense) and the saddest part is that she as the character even mentions herself that she would prefer to use her hands instead of scary rape-O-tron-9000. I tried posted this on fenoxo but they just instantly banned me because they hate "outside" ideas.
I hope someone else can suggest it for me because I would love for the female medical assistant or technician to use her hands instead because it seems safer and healthier than the dangerous rape tool.
I swear that I have a really good theory on corruption of champions and trials in tainted space. Ok so here goes: (get ready for a wild ride because this is a colenso-tier theory so turn up the z-files music and sit back and relax and enjoy this 2spooky2Btrue-but what if-....story....err.. yea)
1. every character or page of content in tits has a little indicator at the bottom side that says who wrote the scenes.
2. every single character and page of content in the game reads like it was all written by the same exact person as if they were trying to sound like different people but absolutely fail to do so as it's insanely obvious it's the same writer and I'm 100% sure my instincts are totally accurate here. (I wont say which things make it more obvious in case they read this and try to change tactics, you can notice if you pay very close attention)
3. if you ever been on fenoxo forums and interacted with the different content contributors they all seem like the same person trying really hard to log in and out of multiple separate accounts trying to give the idea that the forums are more full than they actually appear
4. anyone who isn't already an official "contributor" or "writer" has basically 100 million% chance of never ever getting their ideas or content submitted into the game
5. if anyone goes into the forum called "Ideas" forum and posts.... IDEAS!- all the writers and contributors to TiTs or CoC immediately rush into the thread and start screaming at the poster of the thread and get really angry telling them to go away because they can't post ideas in the idea area. - they all get banned immediately after
I really believe that Fenoxo, Savin, and every single other writer and coder are all actually one and the same person (essentially a split personality gestalt and conglomerate of dr.jekle and mr.hyde fenoxo personalities hyper multitasking their multiple personas while they have a full monopoly on content creation while making it appear as if it's a friendly open community contribution project.
To take it even another level deeper, I think that some of the link posters from 8chan (who I will not name) (who were angry about not getting credited for their ripped versions) (which I believe is highly highly unusual since why would pirates care?) are also another disguised persona of fenoxo who intentionally choose to spread their game around to attract more sympathetic supporters, backers, and monetary contributors.
Tell me what you think about my theory? It's not intended to hurt anyones feelings and it's totally imaginary and all in my head. It's just my artistic tribute and parody to the character colenso in the game TiTs who is a cute little green conspiracy theorist. possibly even one of my favorite characters.:angel:
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