Others - Trials of the Succubi [v3.50] [Indyc]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The description speaks for itself when it comes to TOTS. It's biggest strength to date has been the sheer amount of content and all its variations. The dev has done a great job of making each character feel different from another without compromising it for convenience and it greatly improves the end result. Some characters are definitely more fleshed out than others but the main characters each feel distinct by the time you reach your "happy ending".

    The dialogue options and choices created nice branching paths to see different content and would eventually bring me back on to the pain path but felt different enough that there's dense replay value in this.

    A rare boon is that despite being a real porn game the models are consistent the entire time through unlike many other games on the site where it can very easily ruin any sort of immersion.

    Tl;dr great game, tons of models, alternate routes, many endings and very consistent story telling with a good variety of kinks