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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
I'm not buying that nobility is THAT awful - try being a serf sometime maybe? I mean there aren't so many beds of roses to go around.


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Jul 8, 2020
I'm not buying that nobility is THAT awful - try being a serf sometime maybe? I mean there aren't so many beds of roses to go around.
Point of views and all that. It isn't bad if you are a noble, it has a lot of perks which I haven't really focused in that. And most nobles don't know better the are "free" as they understand. And all of that is norm to them.

In a sense being a commoner and or peasant is better at times. Sure you can't travel freely outside of your lords lands most of the times, but most don't care about that. Their lives are happy and most local nobles aren't dicks. Some are some aren't so the average life isn't bad. You have food, drink, home and a job. Commoners and peasants can rise above their "status", become a master crafter as a third or second son, no problem. Bit same with the girls, weavers, and others. But you are still expect to marry someone your father choses. With luck the father is kind and lets you chose. But is that the reality? In a large city where there isn't as much to gain, perhaps. Rural country side where marrying your daughter to the millers son (or baker) can be more beneficial? Cheaper prices, means more money after the taxes...

EDIT: You are still "bound to the land" even as a blacksmith for example. But there is rarely need for two blacksmiths in a village so you are given the permission to leave the village to somewhere else more easily.
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Aug 14, 2020
Not to mention the whole court politics and many problems related with it, like fighting for power. Yes, as a noble, you may take much more in your hand, than a commoner. But, there will also be a longer line of people, who will be willing to take it from you. And on that level, there is much more temptation to go 'ends justify the means' approach. Look for example at the start of the game - how probable is for non-noble to anger someone so much, that this person will spend many resources to send fire spirit to burn your house? ;)


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
Not to mention the whole court politics and many problems related with it, like fighting for power. Yes, as a noble, you may take much more in your hand, than a commoner. But, there will also be a longer line of people, who will be willing to take it from you. And on that level, there is much more temptation to go 'ends justify the means' approach. Look for example at the start of the game - how probable is for non-noble to anger someone so much, that this person will spend many resources to send fire spirit to burn your house? ;)
And who paid the price? Not a noble. :)


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Jul 8, 2020
And who paid the price? Not a noble. :)
Truthfully, it's more intersting to point out the negatives since those aren't really as well known. Anyone who has paid attention to the history lessons in schools tend to know the benefits. Sure I make sound it more bleak then it is. For most nobles life is good over all, but so is for most peasants and commoners. As long as the ruling noble is sensible, like the lord Morita, he cared for the people, just was a "poor" lord those people were most likely taken care of and enjoyed more freedoms overall than those under some other lord. And in the end, it's generalsation. Each individual are different. A lot of nobles do enjoy the game. Some, mostly minority don't and want to get out. Mind you for a third son army is a good way to get fame and status of his own, inculding more higher nobility rank after a war.
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Aug 14, 2020
From what I remember, attacked noble managed to avoid paying some of the price, but it did not change the fact, that there were damages and dead people of his manor. Not to mention, that without Tomas help, there would be much more of it, even the noble could not survive this. What could happen next time? Will there be help, if the word will spread, that the noble is deceiving mercenaries? And even if there will be more, still, there will be damages and probably deaths, so - needles losses. Especially, if this time enemy noble will send more forces to ensure, that the job will be done. For his sake, lets hope, that imperial court will be irritated enough to keep his opponent on short leash.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Every region of the empire has a "ruling noble" even among the borders. Some aren't respected, some are more respected within the hierarchy. Merchants are a thing, they do enjoy larger "freedoms" than most, but there is the downside that they need to report to the empire what they see. Extension of spies without being spies. As for third son. That depends, to be independent? Not really no, outside of fleeing the empire/country but getting a minor title of his own? It's plausible. Ayaka did that, she is a "middle" child so to say. They can move to the court, or become a minor border noble, but you would still be under the noble who is ruling that section of the land. If a third son of a noble wants freedom to a point, he goes to the capital (it's allowed to them to move freely, most people can go visit the capital just it isn't necessarily a viable option because costs and possible death between now and then). But escaping the "game" is hard, no matter what one does as a noble. Even if hypothetically one manages to leave the nobility, you are still the son of a noble. You have value, if the father and the heirs before you die you are going to be looked up and dragged to the seat as long as you are within the lands of the empire. (Granted, that goes with most kingdoms to a point) Or if the family was declared traitors, someone will come to kill you, simply because you are direct blood and could "resurrect" the family. Amusingly, girls that are married to another family escapes this fate.

The third son? Realistically army, more often than not either the main imperial or your fathers. Navy (or imperial army) is more better option as you would be under the emperor and earn your status as a "freeman" usually in ten years. Granted son of a noble would have a higher rank but still. And after the ten years? Now you have bit more freedom, most though will stay with the army/navy. Or one might become a merchant or a spy. Or part of clerical order or mage. Or the ultimate option, bandit. But that means your life will be forfeit.

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Historically there was also the option of becoming mercenary and run your own mercenary band, or join existing one and try to distinguish yourself there. Since not that many rulers had huge standing armies in feudal periods, mercenaries were large part of any army during war times and some places employed mercenaries on permanent basis. Leading mercenary unit, that was some times partly backed by the family the noble son came from, was also potential route to gain influence and power for the family and if you were lucky, gain some small fiefdom as reward for larger military campaign.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Also some noble children, that didn't have chance on inheriting might become scholars or artists. They were rare, but happened in some cases. Since having famous scholar come from your family was also means to increase prestige of the family, same if they managed to impress important people with their artistic abilities.


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Jul 8, 2020
Historically there was also the option of becoming mercenary and run your own mercenary band, or join existing one and try to distinguish yourself there. Since not that many rulers had huge standing armies in feudal periods, mercenaries were large part of any army during war times and some places employed mercenaries on permanent basis. Leading mercenary unit, that was some times partly backed by the family the noble son came from, was also potential route to gain influence and power for the family and if you were lucky, gain some small fiefdom as reward for larger military campaign.
True. Granted that can depend on cultural matters as well. Outside of empire highly plausible. Within the empire? That I might put as a maybe. That would depend on the concept of honour. The Empire draws inspiration from Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures (except for titles, could have used them, thought of it. But it's more about making things more fluid to read instead of looking things up). It's not clearly any of them, but bits and pieces that fit together. And serving in the army (historically) has seen honourable so they could see serving (or leading) in a mercenary company that might get hired to work against the Empire as dishonourable thing. And most likely shame to the family/empire and then basically signing their own death warrants. That and being a nobles son in an army means you do get fast tracked in promotions due nepotism.

Also some noble children, that didn't have chance on inheriting might become scholars or artists. They were rare, but happened in some cases. Since having famous scholar come from your family was also means to increase prestige of the family, same if they managed to impress important people with their artistic abilities.
I kind of lumped scholars under clerical and magical orders, but yeah that is one route. And not necessarily a bad one. But noble artist? From my point of view aritistic noble would have "incrased" value in the "game". You would gain prestige and honour and what not on top of your own noble title, which might spark an interest from someone above your status. Mind you, there is only two ways (outside over throwing the ruler of the kingdom) to gain status increase. One is marrying up, the second is given the title by the ruler. Generally lower ranking noble attacking higher one isn't looked at favourably by the ruler. Unless it is part of the culture (dark dwarfs). So that might get a rapid response of larger army coming wipe the attacker.

For a commoner or a peasant I could see the path of artist being a bigger boon than to a noble, assuming you are discovered and even had the opportunity to practice (which would depend on the parents obviously)
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
What I meant to say is that her being bitter about the restrictions of being born noble is not likely to be a thing. Bc for NON-noble women the choice was historically marry someone (if you got to choose who you were luckier than average) or become a prostitute... But as the daughter of a duke (and a noble in her own right, and a mage on top of that) she is more the captain of her own destiny than almost any other woman could be. Perhaps more even than the empress.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
For a commoner or a peasant I could see the path of artist being a bigger boon than to a noble, assuming you are discovered and even had the opportunity to practice (which would depend on the parents obviously)
Oh sure, for commoner it would be bigger boon, but noble children might have more time and education in things like literacy etc... that form the arts that nobles value, like prose and poetry, and calligraphy. But for artists that work on more physical things like master artisan who makes beautiful laquered ornament, those would most likely definitely come from commoners.

Edit. In feudal era Japan for example many famous calligraphy and poetry artists came from noble and samurai families, differentiating them since originally nobles and samurai were different things. But at some point the samurai clans took more prominent role and previous nobility basically was relegated on more ceremonial role and keeping the court of the Emperor, while Shogun was the true ruler of the country. Ideal for samurai wasn't just be great and brave warrior, but also show some artistic talent. Iirc if samurai knew that they were going to die, especially violently, they would write their own death poetry.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2022
What Ayaka's got is not problems stemming from being noble, but daddy issues. And rightly so. But that's bc her dad is a twat, not bc either of them is a noble. :)
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Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
What Ayaka's got is not problems stemming from being noble, but daddy issues. And rightly so. But that's bc her dad is a twat, not bc either of them is a noble. :)
I mean, while her father is the big issue, being noble doesn't really make things easier. If she had been commoner, her becoming a mage would most likely had freed her from her father's influence completely, or she could have eloped and thus escaped her father. But as a daughter of a noble, she had less options of trying to get free from the influence of her father.
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Well-Known Member
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Jul 8, 2020
What I meant to say is that her being bitter about the restrictions of being born noble is not likely to be a thing. Bc for NON-noble women the choice was historically marry someone (if you got to choose who you were luckier than average) or become a prostitute... But as the daughter of a duke (and a noble in her own right, and a mage on top of that) she is more the captain of her own destiny than almost any other woman could be. Perhaps more even than the empress.
Keyword, almost. As long as she has the minor title and is a mage she is bound to the Emperor's (and Archmages, who servers the emperor in the end so take that as you will) will. While you are correct that compared to other nobles (and commoners) she has more freedom. But that freedom is also taken away in snap of the fingers if the Emperor choose so. For the current Emperor it is more than fine letting Ayaka run free. But what about the next one in case he would die? Now that would be a different thing, for all of the subjects. Granted, she under the guidance of the Empress more than the Emperor because he trusts her (the empress that is) doing the right thing for the Empire.

As for the prostitution thing, I did cover that earlier. Yeah it was a thing if whatever profession (such as barmaid) wasn't enough to make the ends meet. Hell, it happened even if married at times for same reason, so it isn't exactly uncommon in any rate. War time taxes can be brutal. Also random fun fact, in 1300's in London, married couple could own the following tax free: One set of clothing for each, gold ring and silver necklace, one silk girdle (belt) and one cup for drinking (the cup was shared). With that in mind, it is easy to see why someone might become a prostitute even while married to make the ends meet.

And Ayakas issues, it's bit both. It's part of the "game of nobility" trying to get the favour of the Emperor to get status so she can do what she wants, to a point. And to get away from her family (mostly father) so she doesn't need to be subservient to him. Being a mage cut that tie, but in her foolishness of wanting a title she made herself subservient to him again while she is on his land (rank thing). And because of the family tie and the rank, she can't ignore his summons or it would look bad on her. It is a glorious cluster fuck that she created because she had ambitions to rise above her original status.
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Horny Toad

May 23, 2019
Every region of the empire has a "ruling noble" even among the borders. Some aren't respected, some are more respected within the hierarchy. Merchants are a thing, they do enjoy larger "freedoms" than most, but there is the downside that they need to report to the empire what they see. Extension of spies without being spies. As for third son. That depends, to be independent? Not really no, outside of fleeing the empire/country but getting a minor title of his own? It's plausible. Ayaka did that, she is a "middle" child so to say. They can move to the court, or become a minor border noble, but you would still be under the noble who is ruling that section of the land. If a third son of a noble wants freedom to a point, he goes to the capital (it's allowed to them to move freely, most people can go visit the capital just it isn't necessarily a viable option because costs and possible death between now and then). But escaping the "game" is hard, no matter what one does as a noble. Even if hypothetically one manages to leave the nobility, you are still the son of a noble. You have value, if the father and the heirs before you die you are going to be looked up and dragged to the seat as long as you are within the lands of the empire. (Granted, that goes with most kingdoms to a point) Or if the family was declared traitors, someone will come to kill you, simply because you are direct blood and could "resurrect" the family. Amusingly, girls that are married to another family escapes this fate.

The third son? Realistically army, more often than not either the main imperial or your fathers. Navy (or imperial army) is more better option as you would be under the emperor and earn your status as a "freeman" usually in ten years. Granted son of a noble would have a higher rank but still. And after the ten years? Now you have bit more freedom, most though will stay with the army/navy. Or one might become a merchant or a spy. Or part of clerical order or mage. Or the ultimate option, bandit. But that means your life will be forfeit.

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Cannibalistic halfling tribes? Different genre and media but now I'm thinking those little creatures in Galaxy Quest, eating their injured.

Quite the thought out world there and I assume we aren't going to see some of it.

No mention of Naga, and now we have three of them in the party.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2020
Cannibalistic halfling tribes? Different genre and media but now I'm thinking those little creatures in Galaxy Quest, eating their injured.

Quite the thought out world there and I assume we aren't going to see some of it.

No mention of Naga, and now we have three of them in the party.
Rielle and Lilmina do like some fresh meat in their mouths now and then...

>.> Sorry couldn't resist.

You will see some. Granted, forest is a forest, lots of trees, bushes and rocks. But there are plans, and while we do return to the Empire to close some loose threads relatively soon. There is at least one more trip out of it, if not two. So there are parts of the world that gets to be seen. What we see during those trips? Now that depends where the story leads. maybe a bunch of cannibalistic halfings? Or maybe something even more weirder and stranger.

Assuming I can make the weirder and stranger things >.>

At least this group of the Naga's are part of the Sultanate, technically it's more Caliphate since Sultan is subservient to Calpih (equielevant of emperor while Sultan is more or less a King). Are there more different kind of Naga cultures? Yes, there is an island full of them in more matriarchal society... and now I remembered that I forgot to add a god the codex. Meh, making a note for 0.15.


Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
Cannibal halflings are actually one of the things people fear in Dark Sun setting of D&D. They dominate the very rare jungles of Athas.
4.00 star(s) 32 Votes