The latest update, v0.18, is now available. Just waiting for it to be updated on the latest updates page.
**IMPORTANT NOTICE** I've fixed an error with the code I used in the previous update. It's a bit of a long one, but bear with me...
So, this only applies if you were unsure how to proceed with your relationship with Faye(M), by choosing the option "I'm unsure what I want..." in v0.16. I hear you shouting, "That long ago, how am I supposed to remember that?" Don't worry, I've got you...
If you did choose this option, then in the last update, v0.17, you would have seen a menu during the party while in Faye's bedroom with the following choices... "I no longer want her" and "I still want her". Now, only if you chose to end that path, "I no longer want her", you must replay from that point in the game.
If you didn't see this menu in v0.17, or chose "I still want her", you can ignore this message and continue on as normal. I hope this made sense, and sorry for any inconvenience.
I hope you enjoy it.