
Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
You say that a Gay man stole his wife,
No I didn't say that!... (well I did it just wasn't supossed to say that).
What I meant to say by that was that if any one might be considered to of stolen his Wife.
Then it was the Guy Husband rather than as was accused Deb.
My problem is spotting when my thoughts are not fully typed up even after a few re-reads.
I can still miss when I may of have thought it that way but then left words out when typeing it.
What It should of said was " If anyone can be concidered to have stolen the Wife it was the Gay second husband."
But I can see why you could assume what you did because I badly missed my original mistake.
No one stole her its was her own misguided Idea to leave him.

I understand you reasoning even though I can't agree with it.

Yes the MC was a shit husband and father but then he isn't mentaly not what can some would call normal (Theres a name for it I'm sure).
He can be both soicial awkward and emotional distant also mainly emotional clueless too most of the time.

But If I remember correctly he did love his Wife before he married her he just happend to love his Sister more.
He didn't use her and her love for him because he couldn't marry his Sister.
He may of married her because he couldn't his Sister but he did as far as he can actually love her as shown in his flash backs.
The only real problem is that He LOVED his profession more than either his Wife his Daughter or his Sister.

His Wife may not be the out and out Bitch that most people seem to think she is.
But she also very much wasn't a victim in this.
She was with the MC despite being in full knowledge of her haveing to share him with his Sister and she didn't appear to care.

Apart from if she did actually die in the boat blast which is the only time she would of been an Actual Victim.
So I very much doubt she would consider herself as being Wronged by him in anyway.

Again My Opinion Just Sayin.
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  • Heart
Reactions: FatGiant
Sep 4, 2018
I'll sum up the hate everyone has with deb so far for those curious is the fact deb made up lies about her sleeping with other men to get mc mad/jealous only to later tell mc it was all lies then later he finds out deb slept with his wife regardless of who started it was still technically bad on both of them as one could have stopped it due to it being wrong as they cared about the mcs feelings and just waited until he was free and not hide it and told the truth of the wife and deb almost having sex but got ended before it went anywhere and if they still wanted to have sex they could have asked if he wanted in or something, but it turned into a mess of them actually having sex and stuff that got hidden from mc also the fact deb hid valuable information that probably could have solved a lot of things early to help out her brother once he started to look for clues on things.

Also tries to be manipulative at times to the mc then when they get to milly's house deb doesn't once try to help the mc patch things up with his daughter she keeps playing her part in the dastardly plot the family came up with to keep them apart and still treats him bad in a lot of situations often at times he isn't in the right mind to be messed with at the time.

Deb tries to sleep with every female she can even if the mc likes that said female due to her being horny so much and no one likes it due to they see it as lesbian ntr or something as the mc can only watch as deb does it randomly and either when mc can't get involved or behind his back for the most part kind of like she does it to provoke some sort of emotion into him either jealousy, or just taunting him in some way as she knows about the cameras he set up, so deb must get the mindset of "yeah I'm with this girl, and you are not ha" as the mc watches

A big one don't think anyone has mentioned it is when mc told deb to not touch his daughter sexually and to stop her if it's milly that is the one to make the advances, but deb goes and lets the sex happen anyways multiple times behind his back betraying him and showing how little she cares what he says also like I mentioned before deb likes to keep things from the mc and tells lies to hide stuff.

Might be more others have mentioned but that covers a good deal on things for those wondering why she gets a fair amount of hate.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I'll sum up the hate everyone has with deb so far for those curious is the fact deb made up lies about her sleeping with other men to get mc mad/jealous only to later tell mc it was all lies then later he finds out deb slept with his wife regardless of who started it was still technically bad on both of them as one could have stopped it due to it being wrong as they cared about the mcs feelings and just waited until he was free and not hide it and told the truth of the wife and deb almost having sex but got ended before it went anywhere and if they still wanted to have sex they could have asked if he wanted in or something, but it turned into a mess of them actually having sex and stuff that got hidden from mc also the fact deb hid valuable information that probably could have solved a lot of things early to help out her brother once he started to look for clues on things.

Also tries to be manipulative at times to the mc then when they get to milly's house deb doesn't once try to help the mc patch things up with his daughter she keeps playing her part in the dastardly plot the family came up with to keep them apart and still treats him bad in a lot of situations often at times he isn't in the right mind to be messed with at the time.

Deb tries to sleep with every female she can even if the mc likes that said female due to her being horny so much and no one likes it due to they see it as lesbian ntr or something as the mc can only watch as deb does it randomly and either when mc can't get involved or behind his back for the most part kind of like she does it to provoke some sort of emotion into him either jealousy, or just taunting him in some way as she knows about the cameras he set up, so deb must get the mindset of "yeah I'm with this girl, and you are not ha" as the mc watches

A big one don't think anyone has mentioned it is when mc told deb to not touch his daughter sexually and to stop her if it's milly that is the one to make the advances, but deb goes and lets the sex happen anyways multiple times behind his back betraying him and showing how little she cares what he says also like I mentioned before deb likes to keep things from the mc and tells lies to hide stuff.

Might be more others have mentioned but that covers a good deal on things for those wondering why she gets a fair amount of hate.
Not even Remotly correct on almost everything you say.
Once again proving that even if they play the game some people's dislike of Deb means they only see what they wan't too see.
And not what actually happends in the game.
If asked to leave his Daughter alone Deb fekin well do's much to Milly's annoyance.
Not once in any play through where I have asked Deb's to leave Milly alone and I haven't rejected Milly has Deb had any type of sex with Milly NOT FEKIN ONCE!. She won't touch Milly if the MC says not to so thats bullshit.
If she do's in yours then you didn't ask her not too and you rejected milly thats on you not her.
As for the bullshit about the camera's Debs asked the MC if he wanted to Join Her and the Housekeeper in a threesome and he said NO so again feck off.
And ofcorse she told him to check the camarera because unlike you she knows he's a bit of a Voyer which you would know if you paid attention to whats actually there and not whats in your head.

I could go on about all the other things your wrong about in your post but I would be wasteing my time.
If you want to hate Debs hate Debs but for something she actually do's not you just think she do's.

God I hate people that lie, exagerate or deliberately misrepresent about whats in a game.
Just because they don't like the game or a character in it.
Welcome to my Ignor list.
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Apr 30, 2018
This game is sooo broken now. I didnt have any patches and stuff installed. I tried from the beginning and crashes quite often now.
Sep 4, 2018
The part where I mentioned the daughter thing is true in a way deb doesn't touch milly sure, but deb let's it happen by letting milly touch her after deb is told by mc for her to stop it if milly is the one who tries anything here is proof → Player choice of tell deb "leave her alone!" or "I don't want to know" still leads to the same thing, but if you pick "leave her alone!" the mc says leave her alone! Do you understand me? And deb asks and what if she touches me mc says "then you stop her, plain and simple!" then later you get a scene of deb running to milly's room to sleep after mc and deb have a fight and deb pretty much encourages milly on to do something after catching on before milly was sorta attracted/curious about deb etc. so she flirts back with milly since milly is flirting also and gets naked in front of her and that's pretty much when deb ignores/betrays what the mc said since she didn't stop milly in any way from getting all touchy grabby while in the bed like she was told by the mc to do if said option was picked for milly to be stopped by deb.

Though the next day the mc should have confronted deb about it and been mad since something still happened, and she gave herself away in playing a part in encouraging it since in the text saying how it made her feel all excited and sending the photo to top it off but guess the dev left out a confrontation and just wanted to move to everyone having a normal conversation instead.

Plus there was talk anyway of deb wanting to do stuff with milly when mc and deb talked by the pool of having a memorial planned the mc will say so basically, you've been messing with her to get what you want? (meaning she was flirty and doing things to get milly to love her kind of thing) and she pretty much says yes so it confirms all a long deb just wants or wanted to have her way or sex with milly, sure it was a one time thing, but still makes her look bad specially after you picked the option where the mc pretty much tells deb to shut that shit down if either deb or milly makes an attempt at anything sexual.
Feb 20, 2024

Triple Ex [v0.22] W

Download: - - ANDROID by estrada777
What's wrong? Mixdrop never opens the download, it just cycles for fucking seconds and the patreon link doesn't open anything. Is there any way to get other than that fucking mixdrop it's the most fucked up of these download links.


Active Member
Oct 19, 2017
I'll sum up the hate everyone has with deb so far for those curious is the fact deb made up lies about her sleeping with other men to get mc mad/jealous only to later tell mc it was all lies then later he finds out deb slept with his wife regardless of who started it was still technically bad on both of them as one could have stopped it due to it being wrong as they cared about the mcs feelings and just waited until he was free and not hide it and told the truth of the wife and deb almost having sex but got ended before it went anywhere and if they still wanted to have sex they could have asked if he wanted in or something, but it turned into a mess of them actually having sex and stuff that got hidden from mc also the fact deb hid valuable information that probably could have solved a lot of things early to help out her brother once he started to look for clues on things.

Also tries to be manipulative at times to the mc then when they get to milly's house deb doesn't once try to help the mc patch things up with his daughter she keeps playing her part in the dastardly plot the family came up with to keep them apart and still treats him bad in a lot of situations often at times he isn't in the right mind to be messed with at the time.

Deb tries to sleep with every female she can even if the mc likes that said female due to her being horny so much and no one likes it due to they see it as lesbian ntr or something as the mc can only watch as deb does it randomly and either when mc can't get involved or behind his back for the most part kind of like she does it to provoke some sort of emotion into him either jealousy, or just taunting him in some way as she knows about the cameras he set up, so deb must get the mindset of "yeah I'm with this girl, and you are not ha" as the mc watches

A big one don't think anyone has mentioned it is when mc told deb to not touch his daughter sexually and to stop her if it's milly that is the one to make the advances, but deb goes and lets the sex happen anyways multiple times behind his back betraying him and showing how little she cares what he says also like I mentioned before deb likes to keep things from the mc and tells lies to hide stuff.

Might be more others have mentioned but that covers a good deal on things for those wondering why she gets a fair amount of hate.
Dominique, she is post op. If you want to play the game for her, she only is a minor character with currently minimal longitudinal action.
probably the only character who isnt trying to fuck over the mc for their own gain and yes i played the game and quit cuz of the shit that cunt deb is pull


Active Member
Feb 24, 2021
What's wrong? Mixdrop never opens the download, it just cycles for fucking seconds and the patreon link doesn't open anything. Is there any way to get other than that fucking mixdrop it's the most fucked up of these download links.
Mixdrop is always a crapshoot of dodging ad popups galore, so I avoid it whenever I can. As for Patreon, that works fine with me, you just need to click the correct link.



Forum Fanatic
Oct 24, 2018
Not even Remotly correct on almost everything you say.
Once again proving that even if they play the game some people's dislike of Deb means they only see what they wan't too see.
And not what actually happends in the game.
If asked to leave his Daughter alone Deb fekin well do's much to Milly's annoyance.
Not once in any play through where I have asked Deb's to leave Milly alone and I haven't rejected Milly has Deb had any type of sex with Milly NOT FEKIN ONCE!. She won't touch Milly if the MC says not to so thats bullshit.
If she do's in yours then you didn't ask her not too and you rejected milly thats on you not her.
As for the bullshit about the camera's Debs asked the MC if he wanted to Join Her and the Housekeeper in a threesome and he said NO so again feck off.

I could go on about all the other things your wrong about in your post but I would be wasteing my time.
If you want to hate Debs hate Debs but for something she actually do's not you just think she do's.
I think I found the dalli_x(if you know, you know) of this thread, where he plays only one route and thats their canon. People complaining about other routes are liars and don't really matter because in his route Deb isn't so bad. :KEK: :KEK:

I would redownload this just to post the screenshots on how many times either the MC(game) tells her to stop doing something, or the player downright has a choice to do it and she does it anyway, or lets it happen, for plausible deniability. But I doubt you will change your tune and admit that everyone else's criticism is warranted...

Doesn't fucking matter how they get in that bed situation, who initiates, planets aligning, the zodiac, bottom line Deb breaks her promise. Btw, this meek Deb that can't fend off a horny Milly is the same Deb that has the balls to constantly humiliate the MC in front of people, get into blows with military trained men, etc. Thumbs up for consistent character writing /s

The Daughter/Deb is only 'avoidable' if you go for the daughter yourself, if not she gets with Deb no matter what you chose, because the story forces that on you, so its a pick your poison. There isn't a version where Deb listens to you and stays away and Milly stops her assaults. So the other guy is 100% right, you are 100% purposely disingenuous and that is 100% a pointless game choice.

And ofcorse she told him to check the camarera because unlike you she knows he's a bit of a Voyer which you would know if you paid attention to whats actually there and not whats in your head.
That should have been a player choice, not forced by the story, so blame the dev not the players for how they take the cuck content they didn't sign up for. Thats they only fucking time in the game where he auto refuses a women making advances to him and for no narrative reason whatsoever, the dev wanted Deb to be the one that breaks her dry spell and takes her anal cherry, while the MC wanks like a loser after refusing a threesome. :FacePalm: Btw, since you are so smart, why can't he go with them and watch from the room if he is such a voyeur?
I could go on about all the other things your wrong about in your post but I would be wasteing my time.
If you want to hate Debs hate Debs but for something she actually do's not you just think she do's.

God I hate people that lie, exagerate or deliberately misrepresent about whats in a game.
Just because they don't like the game or a character in it.
Welcome to my Ignor list.
I wouldn't have an issue with people disagreeing on how much it annoys each person, but the fact that you say others are not paying attention, lying, or are too stupid to get it baffles me, when you are the one that made something that isn't real head canon and then dismiss everything challenging your narrative.
Welcome to my Ignor list.
what a joke


Forum Fanatic
Oct 24, 2018
Just for memes, of the top of my head on how many times Deb doesn't listen to what you tell her to do:

1)Tell her to don't get with Milly, she lets Milly fondle her(canon) and gets into a relationship with her depending on your choices
2) Tell her to stop embarrassing you in front of people and questioning your authority, she never stops doing it, if you domitate her she tones it down, but it still happens. Its the story of this game, man, its like the MC and the players cannot get a win, its just a smaller lose. 'Do you want to be pegged by a normal sized dildo, or do you want to be pegged by Bad Dragon?' How about I don't get pegged? :WaitWhat:
3) This might be form the last update I played, not sure if was the 2nd to last now, I was on the route where I decide to stop any sexual acts with her after finding out the truth, you have coffee/tea with her and tell her to stop doing anything sexual in front of you from now on, she swears she understands and will not do it anymore, I swear I am not kidding, not even 1 scene later she comes bottomless, or nude I forgot, and shows you her ass.

Its been a while since I played the early parts, but I am sure if I restart I can find at least a couple more 'choices' that lead to nothing and Deb continuing to Deb in spite of them. :HideThePain:


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I think I found the dalli_x(if you know, you know) of this thread, where he plays only one route and thats their canon. People complaining about other routes are liars and don't really matter because in his route Deb isn't so bad. :KEK: :KEK:

I would redownload this just to post the screenshots on how many times either the MC(game) tells her to stop doing something, or the player downright has a choice to do it and she does it anyway, or lets it happen, for plausible deniability. But I doubt you will change your tune and admit that everyone else's criticism is warranted...

Doesn't fucking matter how they get in that bed situation, who initiates, planets aligning, the zodiac, bottom line Deb breaks her promise. Btw, this meek Deb that can't fend off a horny Milly is the same Deb that has the balls to constantly humiliate the MC in front of people, get into blows with military trained men, etc. Thumbs up for consistent character writing /s

The Daughter/Deb is only 'avoidable' if you go for the daughter yourself, if not she gets with Deb no matter what you chose, because the story forces that on you, so its a pick your poison. There isn't a version where Deb listens to you and stays away and Milly stops her assaults. So the other guy is 100% right, you are 100% purposely disingenuous and that is 100% a pointless game choice.

That should have been a player choice, not forced by the story, so blame the dev not the players for how they take the cuck content they didn't sign up for. Thats they only fucking time in the game where he auto refuses a women making advances to him and for no narrative reason whatsoever, the dev wanted Deb to be the one that breaks her dry spell and takes her anal cherry, while the MC wanks like a loser after refusing a threesome. :FacePalm: Btw, since you are so smart, why can't he go with them and watch from the room if he is such a voyeur?

I wouldn't have an issue with people disagreeing on how much it annoys each person, but the fact that you say others are not paying attention, lying, or are too stupid to get it baffles me, when you are the one that made something that isn't real head canon and then dismiss everything challenging your narrative.

what a joke
Sorry but you are wrong (Suprise su fekin prise) I actually play all options in this game.
And I notice how your whole counter argument conveniently ignores the fact that I did state in mine if you Ignore Milly.
Well what a suprise.

And why the fuck should the Sister do as her Brother says if he himself Ignore's his daughter?.
What its ok if the MC can fuck who he wants but his Sister can't?
Why because he asked her not too?.
hmmm and when has the ever stopped anyone doing anything even after promissing not too?.
And his grown ass Daughter what she can't go after who she want's either?
He can they can't WoW how pogressive of you.

Oh and as for the Deb that has the balls to constantly humiliate the MC in front of people,
Welcome to the way things are with some siblings where not all get along nicely.
My sister costantly takes great pleasure in trying to do this to me.
And I return the favour as often as possible.
Yes I have asked her to stop and she agrees too and she has told me to stop and I have also agreed to.
But why the fuck should either of us do as we promissed when the chance comes up sinse its way too much fucking fun.
Yet still she is there when she is needed and I am there for her.
So thats another pointless argument I'm afraid.

And as you say since I am supossed to be so smart, "why can't he go with them and watch from the room if he is such a voyeur?"
Because the Dev wrote it like that... is that smart enough answere for you.
And it should be an option should it really are you writeing the game? am I?.
No the Dev is and its their choice what is or isn't an option.

But please do prove me wrong show me where after you reject Milly.
That is says Debs Milly or anyone else must do what the MC ask's.
And can't do what ever the Dev feels they would do as if it was real.

And please show me where After you agree to wanting milly Deb's doesn't shut her down when Milly try's anything.
Oh wait thats gonna be tricky since your post seems aimed at not so subtlety insulting me so wellcome to my ignore list
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2020
I used to love this game, and as a Scotsman I still appreciate all the Scottish content, but the main plot has gotten so slow that it has ground to a halt. The last few updates could have been compressed into one update. Yeah, we have had a few hot scenes, but were they necessary? Did we need that dream sequence, or that sequence with the MCs mum and aunt on their horses, or that scene in the home theater? Then there is the way it ended. No cliffhanger, no natural break in the story, it just ends mid-conversation. I hope Azrayal gets this back on track soon.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 24, 2018
Sorry but you are wrong (Suprise su fekin prise) I actually play all options in this game.
And I notice how your whole counter argument conveniently ignores the fact that I did state in mine if you Ignore Milly.
Well what a suprise.

And why the fuck should the Sister do as her Brother says if he himself Ignore's his daughter?.
What its ok if the MC can fuck who he wants but his Sister can't?
Why because he asked her not too?.
hmmm and when has the ever stopped anyone doing anything even after promissing not too?.
And his grown ass Daughter what she can't go after who she want's either?
He can they can't WoW how pogressive of you.

Oh and as for the Deb that has the balls to constantly humiliate the MC in front of people,
Welcome to the way things are with some siblings where not all get along nicely.
My sister costantly takes great pleasure in trying to do this to me.
And I return the favour as often as possible.
Yes I have asked her to stop and she agrees too and she has told me to stop and I have also agreed to.
But why the fuck should either of us do as we promissed when the chance comes up sinse its way too much fucking fun.
Yet still she is there when she is needed and I am there for her.
So thats another pointless argument I'm afraid.

And as you say since I am supossed to be so smart, "why can't he go with them and watch from the room if he is such a voyeur?"
Because the Dev wrote it like that... is that smart enough answere for you.
And it should be an option should it really are you writeing the game? am I?.
No the Dev is and its their choice what is or isn't an option.

But please do prove me wrong show me where after you reject Milly.
That is says Debs Milly or anyone else must do what the MC ask's.
And can't do what ever the Dev feels they would do as if it was real.

And please show me where After you agree to wanting milly Deb's doesn't shut her down when Milly try's anything.
Oh wait thats gonna be tricky since your post seems aimed at not so subtlety insulting me so wellcome to my ignore list
You are going to have to ignore the entire thread, because we apparently went from 'No, you guys need to stop hating Deb, because she stops if you tell her' to 'Why would she listen to the MC?'. So, you admit that you were talking out of your ass when you contradicted the other guy.:KEK::KEK:
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Feb 17, 2018
View attachment 452951

He had it all...
A career he loved and a family he loved even more. With a split-second decision, he lost them both, along with his freedom.
In Triple Ex, you follow Jake Miles. After his life finally returns to a sense of normality, recent events on the opposite side of the world will once again throw his life into turmoil. Follow him on his adventures and discoveries as he struggles with family, emotions and to protect the people he loves.
Thread Updated: 2023-03-16
Release Date: 2023-03-16
Developer: Azrayal -
Censored: No
Version: 0.22
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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Win/Linux: - - MEGA - - PIXELDRAIN
Android: - - MEGA - - PIXELDRAIN

Extras: Walkthrough - Multi Mod*

*These mods are not released by the developer, download at your own risk.

View attachment 768067 View attachment 768068 View attachment 768069 View attachment 768070 View attachment 768071 View attachment 768072 View attachment 768073 View attachment 768074 View attachment 768075 View attachment 768076 View attachment 1654624 View attachment 1654625 View attachment 1654626 View attachment 1654627 View attachment 1654628 View attachment 1654629 View attachment 1654630 View attachment 1654631
wheres all milly scenes wth man


Dec 23, 2022
No she didn't.

MC's wife came on to Deb and it was wayyyyyy before he went to prison. She saw MC and Deb fucking and wanted to get him back for cheating on her so went after Deb.

She divorced him and married someone else when he went to prison then turned his daughter against him.

It's like some of you don't even read the story you're complaining about.
I was generalizing but, pretty sure daughter hated father because she felt he abandoned her, don't think her mother fueled the flames. If I remember the photos and the letter, she found out that MC was intimate with his sister and never faulted him for that. Her re-marrying a gay guy was literally her becoming his "beard" only for show, not lovers! Where this took a left turn is when MC who was married and had his sister as a lover on the side went to military prison (either rightly or wrongly) [as the military likes their scapegoats when things go wrong] {yes ex-military, yes been on charges} While MC was in prison his sister/lover became his wife's lover until she was blown the fuck up! The whole issue is that his wife & sister/lover let him rot in prison without any communication and his wife died just before or just after he got out. Blown up ex-wife & sister both herald MC as the loves of their lives but both walked away when he needed them. Sis tried to get back on track with sex with MC until he found out that everybody!!! was involved in hiding what was going on from him! {shit, betrayed by absolutely everyone you ever loved including your entire family...}

Yeah, I totally know what this game is about, did you, before you threw your 2 cents in??? Sorry Av, been around since 2016, usually I agree with you (love the sarcasm) but you're out in left field on this one!!! Yes there are a lot of people missing the point in this game I'm not one of them though...

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3.10 star(s) 108 Votes