Gave this one a go.
- The art is super cute and the girls are quite thicc!
- I like that we can explore the city without advancing the time, differently than what happens in most free roam games.
- Interesting story and how you meet the characters happens in an organic way.
- No background music or even sound effects (apart from sex scenes). It would be nice to have them added in the next update.
- The "wait a few days" while having no other story to pursuit is a bit boring.
- Aline has those amazing breasts and MC doesn't even fondle them during sex? smh
- The leads and objectives should be separated from the girls' bios, I think. Like a specific journal for them.
- Have a button near the time icon to quickly take us home and sleep (there's no reason to make us go back home, go up the stairs, enter the room and sleep every night).
- Option to turn off the x-ray thing when MC cums.
- Tell me Sophie (the library girl) will become a LI in the future!
- A gallery, so we can rewatch h-scenes
Typos & Nitpicks:
The page flip corner should cover part of the "m" instead of being transparent
I have yet to meet Pam, so how do I already know that stuff in the Trivia section? It would be more immersive if this was dynamic, being updated as the story progressed. Likewise, I still had to meet Belle - but the journal told me she didn't like me...
W-Why did she become a face in the cloud??
Checking the board and clicking 'Close' shouldn't send me back to the entrance
The college track field has no way to go back to the college without using the map!
Why is he wearing the same clothes from the previous day, when he was caught peeking at her? That's not very smart!
If I try to speak to Steven here, this is all I get
In this line and the next one it should be "integrity"
That city is truly a most curious place. Boobs can grow hands there!