Here's little tutorial on a
makeshift way on how to change the FOV, because I could not find anything on the subject.
Works with 0.42b release currently.
Get bepinex 6.00 IL2CPP x64
You must be registered to see the links
And put it into main folder of the game.
Game folder should look like this.
Get UnityExplorer IL2CCP x64
You must be registered to see the links
And put the folder into trufacials\BepInEx\plugins\
You may have to create plugins folder.
Should look like this.
Run the game. May take a while to load for the first time. (that's been the case for me, had to restart anyway)
If you've done everything correctly, the Unity Explorer should work.
Click on Object Explorer and search for "OrbitCamera", click on it, and later on "UnityEngine.Camera".
Find Camera.fieldOfView, type in a new number and apply. Click yellow COPY button as well because...
DISCLAIMER! FOV will reset upon character or map change, and the UnityExplorer will glitch out.
Hit F7 to hide all menus.
Now - How to bring back the FOV after character or map change.
Bring the menu back with F7 and follow this path.
Basically it's the same window but everything is blurred out.
Click that square and FOV should be fixed.
PS: Idk why this version of the plugin glitches out. Perhaps you guys can make it work with a different version BepInEx or Unity Explorer that works ok. I have absolutely no idea about Unity so.