if anyone knows of any new or old projects that can be considered similar to this one, like a bukkake simulator we would appreciate a heads up on it or a reply of its name
so far trying to use the bukkake tag has gotten me into a sea of threads that only partially satisfies what this game had accomplished in terms being a bukkake simulator
TK17 is the only one comes to mind, there may be also virt-a mate, but it's ment for Vr and didn't test it.
tk17 pros:
+ total customization (and by total I mean total, you can also reproduce real life people by scanning a picture)
+ 3 levels of interaction: automated (video like) - Semi auto (motion activated by sliders) - Free interaction
+ pose and scene editing, and in addiction the possibility to link them in a story like sequence.
+ fairly easy and intuitive for "basic" use
- very old program, long loading time (maybe due to the fact that the resources are not "shared" and packaged, but split in single files for every mod.
- graphics are limited if compared with present standards, but still on the decent side with the latest graphic mods
- overcomplicate installation, specially for the mods and graphic addons you really have to know what you are doing
- the community forum was terminated, and another platform took over imposing "questionable" policies for accessing the previously existing content.
+ + In this forum the topic is active and people are trying to backup the most and best resources
---- 20 days ago my backup drive where i stored games and programs crashed

so I'm only words now
My suggestion... try the basic game out than, if you see potential interest, dive into mods