Unity True Facials [v0.54] [HenryTaiwan]

3.80 star(s) 54 Votes


Sep 16, 2022
I've never seen it occur, ever, with the models I stick to. Feel free to suggest which pose and precise settings to cause this to occur with 100% reliability, because if it in fact happens to "literally everyone" despite my never seeing it then it should happen 100% of the time when set exactly as stated so I should be able to verify if it happens to me. I just loaded the game and attempted with max depth, several speed options, max thrust, male neutral and female movement bias, a massive dick even and still could not cause it to occur.
At this point I will just call you a troll, now if you are gonna say my PC is "bad" and therefore I have these bugs, I can run any AAA game at over 60 fps, so I very much doubt that's the issue, is not a difficult situation to replicate either, just bend the models beyond "human" limits and they will go crazy, sometimes their legs or arm will look "broken", is not hard to achieve, otherwise the game is fine. So I literally have no idea why are you keeping the contrary for the sake of it.
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Jun 26, 2019
Have you ever tried moving the models around lol? Like grabbing their arms to change their position, or grabbing their head, or moving their waist around. Literally it is the easiest and most blatant thing to reproduce in the game's physics whenever there is any collision between the character models when it isn't the penis and black hole orifices that defy conservation of matter.

For instance legs moving and flapping silly, just go into the game, very first pose called "kneeling still", turn the girl's head to face the guy, middle mouse click on the guy's waist so the cock auto aligns. Then move the girl's head so it auto plays. You can see her waist and legs begin to move by themselves instead of the upper torso just pivoting.

Or go into flatiron position simply make the male body smaller, move it around a bit you will see the spasms. Or Facial Ground, middle mouse click the waste and see the girl bend backwards almost instantly, you can change male body size and move it around to see the different spasms.

It has nothing to do with computer processing power and but rather the how game physics (collision) is set up as I stated.

Also here is a to show you how easy it is.
I have tried moving the models around but that isn't the issue that you described. You were originally talking about just when it was performing the normal animations such as setting depth too much. This is completely different from what occurs if you move around improperly then do something so it was honestly your fault you gave a bad initial description. Meanwhile, what I precisely described was exactly moving characters such as their leg into bad spots (user error, not a game issue) is the only time I've seen it.

It appears you did not read my post correctly from the start then and thus we are back to if its occurring per aesir's description then it is possibly their PC that is the issue.

I attempted both the Kneeling Still, Flatiron, & Facial Ground issue you described and did not replicate your problem. This does not occur in any of the default positions and is clearly not a known problem, contrary to your statement. What you showed after further supports my entire point.

It is not the dick that causes the spasm. It is the fact that his hips bumps into her thighs.

For instance here is another with the inverse. Giant girl and small guy, the female model spasms due to the collision between the thigh and hips.

And even if it was his dick it disproves what Bobkilan said here.
As we can see the issue is you. In clip #1 you make the body sizes so disproportionate it causes issues. Hell, in real life the legs would snap off. You need to adjust the angle of the male and her legs and make sure they're not colliding, and don't make the dick go so freaking deep when your making the size so large. This isn't even a physics engine problem. This is a you problem. Clip #2 we see that you incorrectly moved her hands shoving them into the ground causing her model to hit with movements. This is, again, a you issue not a game issue. It might be nice if she moved her arms and hands to compensate when pressed too far against physical matter so they don't penetrate but it is an early game and the bigger issue is in fact you just not posing properly.

Next are we going to see you pose someone walking upside down with reversed limbs like out of a horror movie and you blame the game when it causes issues? I mean, clearly I wasn't wrong and this is entirely user error on your part.

At this point I will just call you a troll, now if you are gonna say my PC is "bad" and therefore I have these bugs, I can run any AAA game at over 60 fps, so I very much doubt that's the issue, is not a difficult situation to replicate either, just bend the models beyond "human" limits and they will go crazy, sometimes their legs or arm will look "broken", is not hard to achieve, otherwise the game is fine. So I literally have no idea why are you keepin the contrary for the sake of it.
Nah, it is just an issue of you failing to read what was said. Aesir gave one description for an issue, but it turned out he was talking about posing which had nothing to do with what was originally described. Your initial response to me was about posing, which was not what Aesir's and my original post was about which was primarily default posing and things like deep depth causing issues.

After Aesir posted video if the issue we are fully aware this was a user error issue on Aesir's end and is not, as you "claimed", an issue everyone has problems with because people usually respect the laws of physics and don't do stupid stuff with posing that would kill or maim a person in real life. Even you acknowledged the issue was them posing incorrectly. Again, not a game issue but a user issue.
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Bobkilian you're moron and you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

You made a completely unfounded claim that it was my PC lacking enough power to computer the physics correctly which was just absurd.

You then claim its user error, which again is moronic because of how janky the physic's engine is. Have you ever heard the concept of polish? It is like a blacksmith giving a person an unwieldy sword with no handguard and a slippery grip that is impossible to hold onto and then blaming the user for incorrectly using the sword when they inevitably slice off their fingers in normal use of a sword. Or a gun that has no safety and no trigger guard that literally has accidental discharges all the time due to inherently flawed / bad design. Sure there is an optimal way to use said sword or gun in very specific conditions but it doesn't mean said weapon is optimal in regular or normal conditions.

It doesn't matter how big or small the proportions are. Have you ever played any games in your life? It doesn't matter if you do something that you wouldn't do in real life. If you played a game with cars or tanks, you wouldn't try to ram another vehicle at full speed in real life since that would be ineffective and suicide, but it doesn't change the fact that your car or tank shouldn't get launched to outer space or fall through the floor in any collision in a game. Doesn't matter if you normally wouldn't try to ride a horse up a 300° sloped mountain in real life, the horse shouldn't be able to climb the mountain because it defies gravity and physics. A guy's hips bumping into a girl's ass cheeks or thighs doesn't make her legs flap, nor does it make her upper body contort and spasm in weird ways in real life. Nor should it in game especially in game where a guy's hips will bump into various body parts of a girl.

I on purposely used crude proportions to demonstrate the issue at hand which is any minor collisions at bone pivot points cause the game to spasm and act in both undesirable and impractical ways, I am not going to spend my time crafting a cherry picked posed to demonstrate how the game works in a perfect hand crafted condition cause that literally is contrary to all logic. It is how the game behave's in normal and suboptimal situations. The purpose was to show you how easily recreate the same issues in endless variations and scenarios no matter how well you initially pose the models.

Thirdly of course the vanilla poses work fine, they are literally handcrafted cherry picked poses that highlight the best the game can do. Have you ever bought a product in real life? Like a graphics card? You should never make your purchasing decisions based on the first party charts and testing because they intentionally create optimal scenarios for their on product to make them look good. For instance yeah cool this Intel Arc GPU performs super well in these 10 games that Intel optimized the GPU for, but what about the other infinite amount of games oh it runs everything else like dogshit because its missing basic hardware and software support that everything else needs?

Fourth point is the hands makes no difference in that pose. I literally took the default kneeling Front Doggy pose, I made the girl larger and swapped to her ass. Her hands moved out of the starting points. Her hands have literally no effect on how the physics engine causes spasms when when other parts of the 2 models collide. Which again shows that you have no idea what you're talking about and trying to grasp at straws, and second proves the point that you were bullshitting when you said you tested everything in various extreme scenarios and couldn't replicate any issues. It shows that you either didn't do any testing or you did a very shit job of it.

The point of my post was its already difficult to pose just 2 models due to unpolished janky physics, it is going to be nearly impossible to pose 3 models in any scene when something like the first clip happens when you're testing out minor adjustments where the girl starts teleporting back and forth which would mostly likely bump into the third model and cause a chain effect of jankiness that would force you to restart the posing process altogether. Never did I say in the vanilla poses had issues, nor is it relevant whether the vanilla poses are perfect or not. The whole point of the game is to be able to sandbox the models any way you want and the fact that the experience is extremely unuser friendly and janky at it's current stage of development is self evident that the creator shouldn't and probably won't add in group sex because he hasn't even refined the game to handle 2 models seamlessly yet let alone 3+ models simultaneously.
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Jun 26, 2019
Bobkilian you're moron and you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

You made a completely unfounded claim that it was my PC lacking enough power to computer the physics correctly which was just absurd.
Oh, so its my fault your communication skills are lacking?

Did you already forget what you initially stated? Your initial post had nothing at all to do with posing and inferred that
I wish but doubt it. The game physics already bug out with just 2 models, and the game really needs to add in the option to lock certain bones in place in order for that to work. For instance if you are facefucking one the girls and you increase thrust or depth too much they just start bending / ragdolling backwards. Another example is when the girl is giving you head for instance sometimes you just want her upper body to move back and forth but for some reason her legs are flapping like butterfly wings.

Adding group sex would probably make the models spasm and ragdoll horribly with how the current physics are.
As you can see, what you described did not make any indicated mention of posing, in any way, that was the issue. Further, considering posing is a user error when you do something physically fucking impossible how the fuck is anyone else who doesn't do dumb shit like you were supposed to know based on this that something they never see, because they again don't do dumb shit, is the problem that explanation is referring to?

If we aren't experiencing the issue, ever, that only you are experiencing per your description then this leads us to suspect it could be an issue on your end and if your system is lagging that can cause physics issues and glitches to occur depending on how it is coded. This is a normal expectation. No, but you had to be a fucking ass about it when this was brought up instead of communicating like a normal intelligent primate.

You then claim its user error, which again is moronic because of how janky the physic's engine is. Have you ever heard the concept of polish? It is like a blacksmith giving a person an unwieldy sword with no handguard and a slippery grip that is impossible to hold onto and then blaming the user for incorrectly using the sword when they inevitably slice off their fingers in normal use of a sword. Or a gun that has no safety and no trigger guard that literally has accidental discharges all the time due to inherently flawed / bad design. Sure there is an optimal way to use said sword or gun in very specific conditions but it doesn't mean said weapon is optimal in regular or normal conditions.
Except the issue is your configuring your characters in ways that are physically unrealistic and would literally fucking maim someone in real life. This is literally as user error as it can fucking get.

I get that you are asking for it to hard limit you to protect against self inflicted mistakes, and that isn't wrong but that isn't a glitch either, nor does it have any fucking things to do with the number of characters in the game such as the person you were responding to inquiring about gangbang scenarios and you erroneously stating the game can't even handle 2 people with a totally fucking unrelated issue. This is your 100% fault. I mean, your request to protect via limitations isn't bad, but it isn't related to the post you replied to or the reason you gave and frankly you could have just elaborated when I clearly expressed confusion as to what you were talking about with your shitty unrelated and incorrect explanation like a reasonable person instead of being a massive fucking dick, precisely like in some of your videos.

It doesn't matter how big or small the proportions are. Have you ever played any games in your life? It doesn't matter if you do something that you wouldn't do in real life. If you played a game with cars or tanks, you wouldn't try to ram another vehicle at full speed in real life since that would be ineffective and suicide, but it doesn't change the fact that your car or tank shouldn't get launched to outer space or fall through the floor in any collision in a game. Doesn't matter if you normally wouldn't try to ride a horse up a 300° sloped mountain in real life, the horse shouldn't be able to climb the mountain because it defies gravity and physics. A guy's hips bumping into a girl's ass cheeks or thighs doesn't make her legs flap, nor does it make her upper body contort and spasm in weird ways in real life. Nor should it in game especially in game where a guy's hips will bump into various body parts of a girl.
One of the worst analogies I've ever seen in my life but, fortunately, unlike you initially equally poor explanation I do know what you are talking about based off prior discussion now. I can also safely say your concern does not equate to most games because they typically do not feature similar circumstances to even allow this concern so I guess I don't entirely blame you for your incredibly shitty analogy, though I do blame you for trying to make a reference when it was unnecessary and irrelevant to begin with.

I've already answered this above so I wont go further on this point, but the issue is definitely because of size contrary to your statement. Normal sizes will not cause such issues with constraints per the current animations unless you move them into some seriously fucked up positions. I do think hard constraints are a valid suggestion though, regardless of how stupidly you handled this discussion though I know blaming the game for this is inherently wrong, because this is largely a niche issue formed by serious user error and thus me and many others will not and have never experienced this problem.

The point of my post was its already difficult to pose just 2 models due to unpolished janky physics, it is going to be nearly impossible to pose 3 models in any scene when something like the first clip happens when you're testing out minor adjustments where the girl starts teleporting back and forth which would mostly likely bump into the third model and cause a chain effect of jankiness that would force you to restart the posing process altogether. Never did I say in the vanilla poses had issues, nor is it relevant whether the vanilla poses are perfect or not. The whole point of the game is to be able to sandbox the models any way you want and the fact that the experience is extremely unuser friendly and janky at it's current stage of development is self evident that the creator shouldn't and probably won't add in group sex because he hasn't even refined the game to handle 2 models seamlessly yet let alone 3+ models simultaneously.
Removed some of the useless drivel in your post for brevity.

I see no issue with doing 3 or more models. They're going to be posed to support those such as penetration plus bj and unless you do something incorrect with the posing and sizing forcing such issues it should be non-issue. It has nothing to do with the number of actors involved and is entirely a self inflicted user error. Again, the issue you see stipulates you must try to defy physical matter. Hard constraints wont actually make posing 3 or 4 people magically work any better. If your not making someone so fucking proportioned in a way different from the other actors that it causes them to try to physically burrow into the other characters then it shouldn't be an issue. Don't go stick the other dudes leg into the first person's stomach or legs if you want them to do double penetration or something. This isn't rocket science. I still think the ability to hard lock degree of motion for limbs and animation movements such as thrust depth is a good idea, though, its too bad you just didn't communicate in a normal way to begin with and brought up the subject in response to another post in a way that was completely unrelated and irrelevant. Anyways, if you want to continue arguing have at it but I'm certainly not going to continue if you can't accept what has already been laid out.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
I attempted both the Kneeling Still, Flatiron, & Facial Ground issue you described and did not replicate your problem. This does not occur in any of the default positions and is clearly not a known problem, contrary to your statement. What you showed after further supports my entire point.
Also just to show you that Bobkillian either didn't do any real testing, and didn't even bother to try out what I told him to try.

Here are clip of vanilla size Cloud and Ciri (though it can be any model you want). Doing exactly this.

I wish but doubt it. The game physics already bug out with just 2 models, and the game really needs to add in the option to lock certain bones in place in order for that to work. For instance if you are facefucking one the girls and you increase thrust or depth too much they just start bending / ragdolling backwards. Another example is when the girl is giving you head for instance sometimes you just want her upper body to move back and forth but for some reason her legs are flapping like butterfly wings.
For instance legs moving and flapping silly, just go into the game, very first pose called "kneeling still", turn the girl's head to face the guy, middle mouse click on the guy's waist so the cock auto aligns. Then move the girl's head so it auto plays. You can see her waist and legs begin to move by themselves instead of the upper torso just pivoting.

Had to break up the 2 minute video into 2 clips cause Redgif only allows you to upload 1 minute long clips apparently.

As you can see I did nothing unnatural in the clip. Default proportions and did basic alignment adjustment. Legs move and flap exactly as I described.

Locking certain bones in place like for instance the knee cap would prevent her legs from going up and down to simulate that you know she is kneeling on the floor and not floating / clipping through the ground. Or for instance locking the waist and kneecaps to make it just look like she bobbing her head and upper torso.

Being able to lock joints in places makes it easy to animate something like the girl being spit roasted or being doggied from behind while she is giving a guy head or being faced fucked. Also if she was being double penetrated in her ass and pussy, it would prevent her from moving back and forth to prevent her from clipping to one of the guy's hips and causing physics issues.

Also just again point out the absurdity of Bobkillian argument of user error posing due to angles that would break off a person's limbs or kill or maim them, look at Ciri's leg and thigh in the default position. It literally clips into each other, her boot and calf muscle is like 75% they through her thigh and kneecap by default. Just shows you the cherry picking absurdity of his argument.

Have you ever tried moving the models around lol? Like grabbing their arms to change their position, or grabbing their head, or moving their waist around. Literally it is the easiest and most blatant thing to reproduce in the game's physics whenever there is any collision between the character models when it isn't the penis and black hole orifices that defy conservation of matter.

You can do the same exact test I did with Ciri, and make the dick gigantic and you will see she has no problem taking it, cause the orifices in this game have blackhole effect on the dick. The point of where she stops being able to bob her head forward is not caused by choking on penis or her throat but you can see her forehead and nose where it bumps into the male torso. If you did a similar test with Cindy Arum for instance, its her cap that prevents her from going any deeper, not a 1 feet wide, and like 3 feet long dick. Just as I described earlier.
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Jan 19, 2019
Oh man this game got abandoned again. Is this going to be some sort of a habit now? Anyways he left a graphically great but clunky game in terms of fluidity in gameplay lol.
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New Member
Jun 22, 2022
Oh, so its my fault your communication skills are lacking?

Did you already forget what you initially stated? Your initial post had nothing at all to do with posing and inferred that

As you can see, what you described did not make any indicated mention of posing, in any way, that was the issue. Further, considering posing is a user error when you do something physically fucking impossible how the fuck is anyone else who doesn't do dumb shit like you were supposed to know based on this that something they never see, because they again don't do dumb shit, is the problem that explanation is referring to?

If we aren't experiencing the issue, ever, that only you are experiencing per your description then this leads us to suspect it could be an issue on your end and if your system is lagging that can cause physics issues and glitches to occur depending on how it is coded. This is a normal expectation. No, but you had to be a fucking ass about it when this was brought up instead of communicating like a normal intelligent primate.

Except the issue is your configuring your characters in ways that are physically unrealistic and would literally fucking maim someone in real life. This is literally as user error as it can fucking get.

I get that you are asking for it to hard limit you to protect against self inflicted mistakes, and that isn't wrong but that isn't a glitch either, nor does it have any fucking things to do with the number of characters in the game such as the person you were responding to inquiring about gangbang scenarios and you erroneously stating the game can't even handle 2 people with a totally fucking unrelated issue. This is your 100% fault. I mean, your request to protect via limitations isn't bad, but it isn't related to the post you replied to or the reason you gave and frankly you could have just elaborated when I clearly expressed confusion as to what you were talking about with your shitty unrelated and incorrect explanation like a reasonable person instead of being a massive fucking dick, precisely like in some of your videos.

One of the worst analogies I've ever seen in my life but, fortunately, unlike you initially equally poor explanation I do know what you are talking about based off prior discussion now. I can also safely say your concern does not equate to most games because they typically do not feature similar circumstances to even allow this concern so I guess I don't entirely blame you for your incredibly shitty analogy, though I do blame you for trying to make a reference when it was unnecessary and irrelevant to begin with.

I've already answered this above so I wont go further on this point, but the issue is definitely because of size contrary to your statement. Normal sizes will not cause such issues with constraints per the current animations unless you move them into some seriously fucked up positions. I do think hard constraints are a valid suggestion though, regardless of how stupidly you handled this discussion though I know blaming the game for this is inherently wrong, because this is largely a niche issue formed by serious user error and thus me and many others will not and have never experienced this problem.

Removed some of the useless drivel in your post for brevity.

I see no issue with doing 3 or more models. They're going to be posed to support those such as penetration plus bj and unless you do something incorrect with the posing and sizing forcing such issues it should be non-issue. It has nothing to do with the number of actors involved and is entirely a self inflicted user error. Again, the issue you see stipulates you must try to defy physical matter. Hard constraints wont actually make posing 3 or 4 people magically work any better. If your not making someone so fucking proportioned in a way different from the other actors that it causes them to try to physically burrow into the other characters then it shouldn't be an issue. Don't go stick the other dudes leg into the first person's stomach or legs if you want them to do double penetration or something. This isn't rocket science. I still think the ability to hard lock degree of motion for limbs and animation movements such as thrust depth is a good idea, though, its too bad you just didn't communicate in a normal way to begin with and brought up the subject in response to another post in a way that was completely unrelated and irrelevant. Anyways, if you want to continue arguing have at it but I'm certainly not going to continue if you can't accept what has already been laid out.
Bless your heart, you need to go outside.
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Jun 3, 2020
There are 4 posts between your post and an answer.
While that answer isn't quite close to the answer they might be looking for.

with that being said, i will add the fact that it is not even close to a game like this.
Reasons are:
- it's 2D not 3D
- models and theme and the whole thing is cartoon
- it's only a BJ sim nothing else.

With that the relevance of that answer differs, but i could safely say irrelevant.
A game like this is close to or similiar, not cut to 1 type of event only.
Anything else to keep going just for the fun to say something?
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
While that answer isn't quite close to the answer they might be looking for.

with that being said, i will add the fact that it is not even close to a game like this.
Reasons are:
- it's 2D not 3D
- models and theme and the whole thing is cartoon
- it's only a BJ sim nothing else.

With that the relevance of that answer differs, but i could safely say irrelevant.
A game like this is close to or similiar, not cut to 1 type of event only.
Anything else to keep going just for the fun to say something?
I wish you goodluck at finding a similar simulation game according to your specific tastes/demands.


Apr 1, 2019
While that answer isn't quite close to the answer they might be looking for.

with that being said, i will add the fact that it is not even close to a game like this.
Reasons are:
- it's 2D not 3D
- models and theme and the whole thing is cartoon
- it's only a BJ sim nothing else.

With that the relevance of that answer differs, but i could safely say irrelevant.
A game like this is close to or similiar, not cut to 1 type of event only.
Anything else to keep going just for the fun to say something?
any game like this?
[Unity] - Virt-A-Mate [v1.20.77.9] [Meshed VR] | F95zone
[Unity] - [Completed] - Honey Select 2: Libido [DX R7] [Illusion] | F95zone
[Unity] - [Completed] - Koikatu! [Repack RX15] [Illusion] | F95zone
None of them have fluid sim if that's a necessary criteria.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mr. Slave
3.80 star(s) 54 Votes