Dude, no offence, but I get the impression, that you simply do not know what you are talking about.
BepinX and UnityExplorer work with the game. You can compile C# code right inside unity explorer. And if you are so inclined I'd wager you could create your own BepinX-based dll mods for TFC. You can inspect the c# assembly of the game to get a very good idea of the classes/functions the game uses.
And as you can access most game objects via the BepinX route (proven by unity explorer), no one is keeping you from creating posing tools etc. The only reason we do not (yet) have lua mods, that do stuff like that, is that most game objects/classes cannot be accessed by lua. That can easily be fixed by the devs (opening up huge modding potential).
The main reason we do not see more extensive mods (apart from lua scripting, texture editing etc.) might be, that the game is in early alpha and still in a very rough, incomplete and unoptimized state. Most (competent) modders most likely do not want to waste their time on a codebase that can change drastically within weeks and have their hard work rendered completetly useless as a result.
So please stop comparing a finished product like Honey Select, which was produced by a team of devs, who already had released several games before, to an early alpha largely developed by one guy...
On another note: Claiming that people, who can code C# in a competent manner, will have any problems whatsoever with lua scripting, is downright ludicrous.