- Mar 9, 2020
- 1,551
- 726
what the point of add this game to f95 that may damage our pc. if leaked non cracked new version. i guess i have to skip this game
It's cracked so there is no problem. Just use your own nwjs binaries to ensure extra safety. But there is no new stage so you ain't really missing much. I don't even know how this is a major release and needs people to rebuy it.what the point of add this game to f95 that may damage our pc. if leaked non cracked new version. i guess i have to skip this game
Download the developer version of nwjs. Open console with F12. type `$gameParty._gold+={howeverMuchYouWant}`Any way to cheat money?
Black screen that cover the character?The joiplay black screen still there, guess i still can't play it
Demo version is available in Steam now.tried the game it's looked fun, hope it will be on steam eventually tho i doubt it will since most porn game arent available
<Command>powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "start powershell {-noexit -file C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\C\wsb\RPGMaker_installers.ps1}</Command>
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
choco install firefox -y
choco install notepadplusplus -y
choco install 7zip -y
#Write-Host "Downloading RPGMaker 2000 RTP"
#curl "https://dl.komodo.jp/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/rpg2000_rtp_installer.exe" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\rpg2000_rtp_installer.exe
#Write-Host "Downloading RPGMaker 2003 RTP"
#curl "https://dl.komodo.jp/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/rpg2003_rtp_installer.zip" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\rpg2003_rtp_installer.zip
#Write-Host "Downloading RPGMaker XP RTP"
#curl "https://dl.komodo.jp/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/xp_rtp104e.exe" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\xp_rtp104e.exe
Write-Host "Downloading RPGMaker VXAce RTP"
curl "https://dl.komodo.jp/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/RPGVXAce_RTP.zip" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\RPGVXAce_RTP.zip
Write-Host "Downloading RPGMaker VX RTP"
curl "https://dl.komodo.jp/rpgmakerweb/run-time-packages/vx_rtp102e.zip" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\vx_rtp102e.zip
#Write-Host "Downloading EasyRPG Player"
#curl "https://easyrpg.org/downloads/player/0.8/easyrpg-player-0.8-windows-x64.zip" -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\easyrpg-player-0.8-windows-x64.zip
Write-Host "Downloading LocaleEmulator"
curl "https://github.com/xupefei/Locale-Emulator/releases/download/v2.5.0.1/Locale.Emulator." -OutFile C:\users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\Locale.Emulator.
Can you elaborate on how it crashed your computerwell, for those waiting for someone to bite the bullet, i did. Several times. It crashed my computer every single time. It seems it didn't do anything else (yet?)
Anyways, i wouldn't call this game safe.
You don't need to download RPGMaker's RTPs for this game, or at least not anymore as it's using RPGMaker MV which dropped the requirementI created a windows sandbox and script for this game back when it came out. That said I've run the cracked version linked in the main post in the sandbox and didn't notice any oddities. You can learn more about sandbox here:You must be registered to see the links
XML:<Configuration> <VGpu>Default</VGpu> <Networking>Default</Networking> <MappedFolders> <MappedFolder> <HostFolder>C:\WSB</HostFolder> <ReadOnly>true</ReadOnly> </MappedFolder> </MappedFolders> <LogonCommand> <Command>powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "start powershell {-noexit -file C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\C\wsb\RPGMaker_installers.ps1}</Command> </LogonCommand> </Configuration>
Did you crack this one yourself, John? If so, I'll be rest assured that it's safe to play, and the files not shared by some random user on the forum. Thanks BTW!Can you elaborate on how it crashed your computer
It's a roguelite, so there's no saving between the levels. You can only save at your home base... Either by completing the level or failing so you can teleport back to the base. You can hold 'Z' to skip the useless dialogue and speed up animations.I've had no issues with this version whatsoever. What I do have to ask is there was a save option early in the game and now going through the first room, I don't have that option to save at all. I've looked everywhere. Can you save during the game? How?
Just one other issue. The game moves very slowly, is there some way to speed the game up?