- Mar 10, 2020
- 392
- 388
I'd prefer playing as a character that isn't a complete twink, the aizen look is a byproduct of the hairstyle Snats gave him. I'm not arguing with you about his old look, I've already agreed with you about that. His old look fit with the game, with the remake I'm not so sure it does.So you prefer a weird wannabe Aizen? I think you don't get it, him having a darker tone and being serious is not a good thing the mc being innocent and mischievous gave it a very fun charm. Now he just looks like an evil and manipulative bastard who's trying so hard to look cool as far as the pictures are showing us. I'm not saying you can't like him but his previous look was just fine, I guess we'll find out how he truly acts when the the update comes.
And like I said in a previous comment, I'd of preferred if Snats only made minor modifications to the characters and just modified his terrible sandbox system. Do I like a more masculine MC? Yes. Was I fine with the old mc? Also yes. Just a matter of preference really. You can prefer one thing over the other yet like both.
If anything, you're the only immature person here. Instead of understanding that people have preferences you call people children for disagreeing with you. Get off your high horse and grow up.Kinda yeah. The new design screams edgy and shallow. It is the look you have when someone desperately tries to make a "cool" character and only makes a cringe one. The kind of thing that only immature children go "how cool".