You have to die 50 times to get them all at once. Best way is on Albert's 2nd chapter after he threatens mc and you fight bears. Save after the five hearts need to be clicked, and reload. You might not need 50 times if you've died before. Just try until the achievement pops up.I'm not getting the achievements of the deaths, do you know how I get them?
Thank you very muchYou have to die 50 times to get them all at once. Best way is on Albert's 2nd chapter after he threatens mc and you fight bears. Save after the five hearts need to be clicked, and reload. You might not need 50 times if you've died before. Just try until the achievement pops up.
When I press ''unlock the game in steam'' it says ''steam failed to install ( app configuration unavailable)''. What am I doing wrong?Thanks! Everything is working! But it looks like this is an old version of the game, only the first 4 uncles are here. Can someone post the last version?
When steam opened, open the steamcrack and push "unlock the game in Steam'. In videoYou must be registered to see the linksit'sYou must be registered to see the linksminutes.
I'm not aware of how this tool works but do you have Steam run in the background?When I press ''unlock the game in steam'' it says ''steam failed to install ( app configuration unavailable)''. What am I doing wrong?
after I press ''crack'' and it opens by itself yes i keep it openI'm not aware of how this tool works but do you have Steam run in the background?
Do you see UncleNeighbour stored in your Steam library? If you do right-click on the game then go to properties > "local files" > Browse Local Files and it will pop up a folder where you'll have to extract the content from the files you've downloaded from here and then press the "play" button on Steam. This is all I know... Hope it helpsafter I press ''crack'' and it opens by itself yes I keep it open
Its not on steam libraryDo you see UncleNeighbour stored in your Steam library? If you do right-click on the game then go to properties > "local files" > Browse Local Files and it will pop up a folder where you'll have to extract the content from the files you've downloaded from here and then press the "play" button on Steam. This is all I know... Hope it helps
Hey, i finally pass of this damn forest! HAHAHAH i'm so happy, thanks for offer helping, really <3Are you still having problems with the forest scene? If so I can gladly send you a save file that completes the About Me section.
Consegui passar depois de 27389172931 dias. Saquei, eu vou esperar em promoção pra comprar, já que o crack vai até certo ponto, né?Hey fica assim não, o Ajinomotor disse que vai passar o save dele pra ti e ele conseguiu passar dessa parte. O jogo estava barato antes da DLC tava chegando a uma faixa de uns 15 a 30 reais se não me recordo, mas hoje em dia tá 50.
When I try to download the crack an error appears: "Unable to download the list of links for Error: Host not found"Guys I've cracked it (sort of) Follow this video:You must be registered to see the links
You need to download and register to Steam (for free) and then download the tool from this video. Use it to add UncleNeighbour into your steam library.
Thank you Orange_Fox For sharing your files
Hey if you created a new steam account added uncle neighbor in the library (since for some reason I can't) and then I logged in on the same account wouldn't it show me the game in the library? or no?Do you see UncleNeighbour stored in your Steam library? If you do right-click on the game then go to properties > "local files" > Browse Local Files and it will pop up a folder where you'll have to extract the content from the files you've downloaded from here and then press the "play" button on Steam. This is all I know... Hope it helps
Well at least it worked for others. Guess I'll have to wait until the thread gets updatedI believe it only shows the game in the library of the modified Steam application when you click the "Crack" button. I am not sure how this method works exactly. All I did was follow the video instructions and it actually worked without any issues (for me at least).
Sadly, no.Is there a way to get this without using Steam at all?
Translation is pretty rough, sure, but I can't agree with you on that "MC is a ...". Being single and looking for "no-strings-attached-hugs" is fine.since we are waiting for the proper update.. guys i need to confess..