Collection Unreal Engine Under the Witch [v2024-09-24] [NumericGazer]

3.90 star(s) 116 Votes
Oct 23, 2022

Achivements of Sepetember 2023
Thank you for your continued support.This is NumericGazer

This month we mainly did the following
・Implementation of skills
・Creation of victory scenes for Kuro

Skill implementation

In the previous work, the only skill was "Head breaker," so this time I will add more variety

Each skill has a different rhythm of just input and may have a QTE
By learning the quirks of the skills, you can save combos efficiently
Including QTEs, I would like to make it possible to operate this game basically using only the mouse (one hand only)

Creation of victory scenes for Kuro

If you lose, you will be embarrassed

Plans for next month
Next month, I will be working on the layout of the erotic scenes and the main part of the game!


Apr 13, 2020

Achivements of Sepetember 2023
Thank you for your continued support.This is NumericGazer

This month we mainly did the following
・Implementation of skills
・Creation of victory scenes for Kuro

Skill implementation
In the previous work, the only skill was "Head breaker," so this time I will add more variety

Each skill has a different rhythm of just input and may have a QTE
By learning the quirks of the skills, you can save combos efficiently
Including QTEs, I would like to make it possible to operate this game basically using only the mouse (one hand only)

Creation of victory scenes for Kuro
If you lose, you will be embarrassed
Plans for next month
Next month, I will be working on the layout of the erotic scenes and the main part of the game!
things seem to be going smoothly, but with that being said i'm expecting something playable late 2024


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Y'all are pathetically insatiable
Insatiable implies that you can never get enough of something, no matter how much you gorge yourself on it, it's not enough. This dev hasn't released a new update/game in over 14 months and by the looks of it, it's not coming any time soon, certainly not this year so scratch off 3 more months, probably much more.

So insatiable i am not, pathetically starving? Sure.
May 25, 2017
Insatiable implies that you can never get enough of something, no matter how much you gorge yourself on it, it's not enough. This dev hasn't released a new update/game in over 14 months and by the looks of it, it's not coming any time soon, certainly not this year so scratch off 3 more months, probably much more.

So insatiable i am not, pathetically starving? Sure.
So you want him to release a broken mess of a combat system and no sex scenes? This isn't feature creep or milking, like surprise solo developing a fucking 3D rpg takes time.


Apr 13, 2020
At the end of the day when devs take awhile to update their games eventually people get tired of waiting, doesn't matter if the Update is gonna be massive or how insane the quality of the game will be, A lot of people who play porn games just want to fap, the surrounds, ingame items, etc all that comes second. Look at ToT the devs constantly get shit on when they take more than 6 months to put out content. Now with that being said no game will ever come close to UTW for years to come so even if he took 3 years to bring an update out everyone will still come back


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
So you want him to release a broken mess of a combat system and no sex scenes? This isn't feature creep or milking, like surprise solo developing a fucking 3D rpg takes time.
No i underlined what i wanted him to do years ago. We had a simple yet great baseline for a sex game, a young hero challenges a witch to a fight, that could have simply morphed into him doing a kind of a Tower Challenge like you have in Mortal Kombat, you defeat one witch you get to fight another one and so fort. Instead he decided he wanted to make an open world game that takes place in some random forest with a house next to a lake. I immediately hated the idea cause i knew a ton of the stuff he would make would be pointless and so much of his time would be wasted on it. Lo and behold 2+ years later he released the new game where you get to run around a tiny area for no purpose where you have 2 "enemies" to fight. All of that time wasted on an area that plays no significance at all, i know at some point he wanted to do more with the story and introduce some lake witch or something but we know that went nowhere.

And now he is doing it again, more ambitious than ever, creating a giant castle that has all these witches, ghosts, vampires, succubi in it and all of it is pointless and wasted on it instead of focusing entirely on sex animation and just treating every fight a continuous thing that we dont need to actually run to get to, we can just click the next challenge button and be done with it.

He had far, FAR more support on the game when he kept it simple. Nobody is playing these games to run around some lake house or a castle, they just care about the female characters as in what they look like and what their animations are like and how hard they can dominate the hero.

At the very least 3rd times the charm so he had more foresight to make the map bigger so that it can include more than 2 enemies this time, but once that all is finally wrapped who knows how years from now, guess what? We are back to creating another giant map, probably even bigger this time with more development time, all of that just so people can get a scene where a tall witch rubs their dick with her foot lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
He started a Kuro footjob scene already Few month ago.
So maybe not, i hope.
You are right i forgo that, not sure if he is fully animating it or if it was a test thing, but i know that he still hasn't found the main animator for his game, so that's definitely not a good thing.


Nov 27, 2022
You are right i forgo that, not sure if he is fully animating it or if it was a test thing, but i know that he still hasn't found the main animator for his game, so that's definitely not a good thing.
For all witches 9 character maybe have get time 15 years like that processing
3.90 star(s) 116 Votes