Really good Game Dev ! As I could read between the lines from the credits, English is not your first language. To be honest, I thought so while I was playing. Not that the dialogues are bad, on the contrary, but you still notice it somehow, call it instinct. Even though english is not my first language either, but when you read as much english as I do, english coming from english speaking people, you develop a feeling for it. But as I said before, this is not a criticism of the dialogue in the game, just something I noticed. The dialogue between the characters is very direct, to the point and without any unnecessary " beat around the bush ". And yet you can tell, with Della for example, how much she loves our MC. It's very sweet how much she idolizes him.
A few suggestions from me:
As you mentioned yourself in the game, you thought about whether some activities within the game would bore the player. My personal opinion on this - I don't think the player will be bored if you include a quiz or something like that, as long as you don't overdo it. Basically, I think as long as the quiz is rewarding in some way (and we all know what kind of way hehehe), the player will not be bored. The same goes for the "Truth or Dare" Scene - as long as it's interesting, everything is good. And seriously, Della's answer to her question was one of the sweetest moments in the whole game so far
If you plan to implement NTR in the game, I would include it as optional. (Well, i wouldn't include it at all but, you know, some weirdo...äh, i mean, some people like it, so...each their own i guess hehe) However, there are just too many players, including myself, who are not into that at all, so i would keep that optional, like you already did with the "business" in the begining. In general, I would make all kinds of Kinks optional, which gives you the ability to meet the expectations of almost any player.
I don't know what routes you have planned for your game, but many players prefer to focus on one lady, so I would definitely include this option. However, there are also many players who would prefer a "harem" route. I would include this route as well. (Something tells me you already did that, haha)
By the way, I think you mentioned that you're worried that the quality of the game is not so good at times because your hardware does not meet the requirements? Well, I have no idea what you are talking about, the renders and animations look tipi topi. I mean, it's Honey Select and I don't think you could do it much better, even with a Quantum PC 5000 Plus. I mean, I know it could be better, but I wouldn't worry about it, in my opinion it looks very good. But as a set goal for improvement, upgrading your hardware makes sense, of course!
Maybe something else you can really argue about - the amount of female characters. I know, I know, it's a real luxury problem to be surrounded by countless hot ladies...poor, poor players all around the world know how hard that can be.

No, joking aside, I don't think you can really tell when it's too much, that's a matter of taste, of course. But I wouldn't let it get to the point where you forget the names of characters because you lost track of all the ladies. I also think, in order to build up a relationship to characters as a player, a certain upper limit of protagonists is recommendable. That's just my personal opinion, of course.
Sooo, I can think of a few little things, but nothing really important and i dont want to get overboard here.
I just wanted to make a few recommendations, which in my opinion are not unimportant.
All in all a great game !
And let me tell you, (from my extensive experience in playing such games, heheheh...) your game has very great potential.
The setting is pretty cool, mafia themes are always a good thing, the ladies are pretty hot, in and out hehehe, the story seems to be quite interesting, even if you can't make a final judgement at this point and the MC seems to be a decent guy. Well, at least he's not a complete jerk like so often in such games. Or to put it another way - the MC can be played the way you would like it to be played. The decisions actually seem to have an influence, which is great !
So, if you maintain this quality, then you could really create a game here that doesn't have to hide behind classics like HH, MM, ES or similar titles (With Honey select Models) ! I hope you stay true to your game and go through with it, it could really be worth it. Even if it's not about money, but simply about realizing your dream. It's obvious you have talent and the people involved in the development seem to know what they are doing! It is really rare that I liked a game so much ! I wish you all the luck with your game, can't wait for the next update ! Oh and I think the game should really be supported, I will definitely consider that !
Cheers !
PS: Before anyone starts - yes I know this is a long text for a post that is not a review. But do not fear, because of course I have also submitted a review ! I am a man of honour after all hehe ! I just thought that the many suggestions are irrelevant for a review and therefore better suited for a normal post.