I'm reluctant to comment on this topic as I'm enjoying the discussion and understand and respect the different points of view. However, I thought you might enjoy knowing the writer's intention.
Firstly, in many of the events the MC makes illogical choices BECAUSE she has peculiar kinks. I tried to show (particularly in the blackmail arc) how she would allow herself to be placed in compromising positions because it gave her an excuse to explore her sexual desires. She could never openly cheat on Mike, but if she had no choice because she was being blackmailed or had to complete a mission or follow orders then she could justify it to herself.
Secondly, this is Fiction and there is no attempt to make the plots believable or likely. Most fiction relies on readers suspending disbelief in order to enjoy a yarn.
Thirdly, I am not trying to make a game where all outcomes are possible; where everything has a choice. Quite the opposite- I'm trying to make a story where some things MUST happen to keep the integrity of the narrative and to keep erotic events happening. This story is about a girl with peculiar kinks and ambitions so giving her the choice, for instance, not to have the kinks is a different story. Whilst I agree that a much better game would allow every event to be optional, it would take longer to do. It isn't a case of just having an opt-out of events (not least because if you opt out of every event then nothing happens). Taking part in an event has an impact on future events, things people say, how people behave or react in the future. You literally have to make two (or more) games.
I can see both sides of the "credibility" argument, but I'm just trying to make an enjoyable romp with fast updates.