window.getRelationshipDescription = function(charA,charB) {
var results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is indifferent towards " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"0",0]; // 0: Description, 1: Type, 2: Level
var fr = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"friendship");
var ro = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"romance");
var se = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"sexualTension");
var dom = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"domination");
var sub = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"submission");
var ri = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"rivalry");
var en = rLvlAbt(charA,charB,"enmity");
var intensity = 0;
var inValue = 0;
if ( fr == 0 && ro == 0 && se == 0 && dom == 0 && sub == 0 && ri == 0 && en == 0 ) {
results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is indifferent towards " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"0",0];
} else if ( (fr+ro) > (ri+en) ) { // Positive relationship
if ( (fr+ro) > (se*1.5) ) { // Not sexually focused
var dsBalance = (dom-sub) / (fr+ro);
inValue = fr+ro;
if ( inValue > 15 ) { intensity = 2; }
else if ( inValue > 7 ) { intensity = 1; }
if ( dsBalance >= 0.25 ) { // Domination is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " thinks " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " is cute."),"1ab",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " enjoys " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "'s company and attention."),"1ab",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " considers " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " " + gC(charA).posPr + " protegee."),"1ab",2]; }
} else if ( dsBalance <= -0.25 ) { // Submission is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " looks at " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " with interest and respect."),"1aa",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " has considerable trust and respect for " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1aa",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " holds great trust and devotion for " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1aa",2]; }
} else { // No domination
if ( (ri*2.3) >= (fr+ro) ) { // Rivalry leaning
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is interested in " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1aca",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " sees a friend and a rival in " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1aca",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is bound to " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " by love and rivalry."),"1aca",2]; }
} else if ( fr > ro ) { // Friendship is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " likes " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1acb",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " considers " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " a companion."),"1acb",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " would trust " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " with " + gC(charA).posPr + " life."),"1acb",2]; }
} else { // Romance is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " likes " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1acc",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is falling for " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1acc",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is deeply in love with " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1acc",2]; }
} else { // Sexually focused
var dsBalance = (dom-sub) / (se*1.5);
inValue = se*1.5;
if ( inValue > 15 ) { intensity = 2; }
else if ( inValue > 7 ) { intensity = 1; }
if ( dsBalance >= 0.25 ) { // Domination is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " lusts after " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1bb",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " wishes to ravage " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1bb",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " feels complete by having " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " below " + gC(charA).refPr + "."),"1bb",2]; }
} else if ( dsBalance <= -0.25 ) { // Submission is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is aroused by " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1ba",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " looks up to " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " with respect and lust."),"1ba",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " melts in desire and devotion for " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1ba",2]; }
} else { // No domination
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " lusts after " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"1bc",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " gets excited with " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "'s company."),"1bc",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " holds great desire to have " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " in " + gC(charA).posPr + " arms."),"1bc",2]; }
} else { // Negative relationship
if ( (ri+en) > (se*1.5) ) { // Not sexually focused
var dsBalance = (dom-sub) / (ri+en);
inValue = ri+en;
if ( inValue > 15 ) { intensity = 2; }
else if ( inValue > 7 ) { intensity = 1; }
if ( dsBalance >= 0.25 ) { // Domination is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " finds " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " annoying."),"2cb",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is often demeaning towards " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2cb",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is glad to have " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " under " + gC(charA).posPr + " foot."),"2cb",2]; }
} else if ( dsBalance <= -0.25 ) { // Submission is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is scared of " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2ca",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is obedient towards " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2ca",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " can't even think about going against " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "'s word."),"2ca",2]; }
} else { // DS is not dominant
if ( ri > en ) { // Rivalry is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is cautious about " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2cca",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is tense around " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2cca",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " sees " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " as " + gC(charA).posPr + " nemesis."),"2cca",2]; }
} else { // Enmity is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is annoyed about " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2ccb",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " thinks " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " is dangerous."),"2ccb",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " can't see " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " as anything other than scum."),"2ccb",2]; }
} else { // Sexually focused
var dsBalance = (dom-sub) / (ri+en);
inValue = ri+en;
if ( inValue > 15 ) { intensity = 2; }
else if ( inValue > 7 ) { intensity = 1; }
if ( dsBalance >= 0.25 ) { // Domination is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " lusts after " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "'s body."),"2db",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " desires to have " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " under " + gC(charA).posPr + " grasp."),"2db",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " sees an alluring toy in " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2db",2]; }
} else if ( dsBalance <= 0.25 ) { // Submission is dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " is scared of " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2da",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " thinks " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + " is dangerous... But also thrilling."),"2da",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " finds guilty pleasure in obeying " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2da",2]; }
} else { // DS is not dominant
if ( intensity == 0 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " dislikes lusting after " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "."),"2dc",0]; }
else if ( intensity == 1 ) { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " desires " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + "'s body."),"2dc",1]; }
else { results = [(gC(charA).getFormattedName() + " feels great lust for " + gC(charB).getFormattedName() + ", despite everything else."),"2dc",2]; }
return results;