Very enjoyable game so far! I'm impressed by how varied the systems let you get, and the writing is quite solid.
Feedback and minor nitpicks for the dev's consideration:
- Some stretches of the story I found myself skipping through without reading, usually after one or two full pages of dialogue filled with new worldbuilding names that all started to run together. I like to consider myself someone who cares about a great story in my games, but there was a lot of new names and very meaty stretches of conversations. But I had the exact same response to reading the Lord of the Rings, so maybe it's a me thing...
- The above point was greatly exacerbated by characters' nicknames being taken from the middle of their name... Even when the list of characters was on the side of the screen I spent most of the story squinting trying to figure out which nickname went with which character, especially in situations where they weren't color-coded (in another character's dialogue, for example)
- The sandbox is great, but it leaves me wishing I knew what content I didn't see. But I'm not sure it's possible to not land squarely on either the 'i know i've seen all the content so the sandbox becomes boring very quick' or the 'i don't know what i haven't seen so everything feels like there are infinite possibilities but i feel like i'm missing out' sides of things. I saw mentions on F95 of achievements or something, so I may have just missed that.
- virginities seemed to have exactly zero impact on anything, and weren't ever acknowledged in my playthough, either when taken or in story passages. Even the mildest dialogue reaction when it's taken would be an improvement in my book.
- kinda wish actual bad things could happen against monsters, unless I missed something... I spent so long trying to get my squad to lose to the reptiles, for nothing...
- I'm used to text-based sandbox games like this that are based around a fixed calendar showing the current date somewhere, and I missed that
- It would be really great if there was a common keyboard shortcut to advance text, or at least 'choose the first hyperlink', for people retreading stuff to find new content in the sandbox
- It seemed kinda strange that there was no option once sex starts to struggle or break free.
- I was hoping there would be support for potentially spying when NPCs left to have sex together, maybe at their rooms.
- I found myself avoiding interacting with people in the temple because I knew there was only procedural stuff and minimal handwritten, while the good stuff was always after sleeping. The part where you can get caught peeping was a great surprise and I think more moments like that (hand-written encounters placed in the explorable world) would go a long way
- I had a hard time getting used to some of the name colors, as they were bright red or green which are usually reserved for good and bad things in text based games
- I had a hard time wrapping my head around the battle system - why is the reaction to taking physical damage to lose lust? And why does lust hitting zero make your orgasm? shouldn't you cum when lust is filled up?
- Even with the super flexible simulation sandbox, the only different between one girl and the next seemed to be slight stat changes. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but I came into the game with a pretty strong idea of who I wanted to play ('innocent girl who protects her virginity at all costs') and even then I felt pretty aimless in the regular exploration sandbox. Maybe that's an issue that stems from the playstyle of playing bait and trying to get the NPCs to make a move on me, maybe it's related to some points I mentioned previously regarding unique content in the sandbox or content discoverability.
- NPCs stopped using bondage gear the week after the merchants came by, even way late game when I adjusted their dom stats and relationships though the roof, and I don't think I ever had the option to use the bondage gear I bought
(please believe me when I say that I typed all this out because I think the game is awesome
