Not likely the LATEST, but yes, I was using 7zip, it kept...when I try to extract the files it says "Can not open file 'C:\Users\xxxxx\Downloads\UnHolY_DisAsTeR/rar' as Archive" direct quote. I tried a bunch of different things, nothing worked, and I REALLY don't know what to do.
I don't think it's TOO likely to be the version I'm using, because I've been using that version to unzip stuff I got from this site for ...well, since I started getting stuff from this site, including a few other .rar contained games in recent times. Aside from one time when the .rar file split into two separate files (I think because the download process got interrupted or something, my computer was being wonky near the end of trying to download ah..."Treasure Hunter Claire"...It needed turned off and then on again, and when the game finished downloading it had been a .rar file with nothing in it, and a .rarPART (well, not exactly like that, a rar part file it said) with everything. I ended up having to delete and redownload (and then later realized I maybe could have just merged the files and saved a LOT of trouble), but once the .rar and part file thing was fixed, my 7zip was able to extract the game no problem. This one is the only one that's done...THIS for/to me. I'm sorry for being so long-winded.