Ren'Py - Uni [v0.52.115d] [Hizor Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Haven't played much of this game and at this point I don't plan to. The dream segments, while occasionally interesting, obliterate the pacing of the main story, and having no visuals to them, aren't super fun to read through, save for a couple of the better ones.

    At present, there's not a whole lot of freedom in your choices. You wake up, fight the menus to go to school, go to work, wander around town, and go to bed. Unfortunately the vast majority of the tasks here don't feel like they build up to much. School only ever really results in getting raped by Matt from blackmail, club doesn't happen enough for it to go anywhere nearly as much as the rest of your options, work gets you sexually harassed by customers and your boss, and wandering around town gets you taken advantage of.

    Unfortunately if you're not into non-con, it's very hard to dodge it here. I ended my first run because I soft locked myself into blowing Matt, and I'm ending my current run after every interaction in-game I've had resulting in rape or the threat of rape.

    Even if you're into non-con and blackmail, all you'll find here is another "sandbox" nsfw game with like 4 locations, alright art, characters I'm already forgetting the names of, and a complete absence of sound. Maybe come back in a handful of months when it's got more content, praying it's less rapey, or just skip this one and move on to sandbox nsfw game with a "landlady" and "roommate" #47.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a visual novel so no gameplay is to be expected, but the story is really goofld, it has many branch and one character story interavt with another, and the mc is not an idiot slut that always goes with the flow no matter what, there are choices that makes the mc at least resist to be played with.
    Likes: Daioh
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has lovely visual design, stunning art which beats VNs made by many professional studios and situations heroine finds herself are often incredibly hot. It has 4 main love interests (2 male, 2 female) and allows to play both dom, sub or vanilla.

    Sounds like great game? Well it would be , but as for now (v0.45) all of it is ruined by a couple of poor game design choices. First, game poses itself as sandbox, while it isn't. It has city layout with 4 or 5 locations, but you can't really choose between them. You can's skip the school, nor you can go to the school in the evening. So all "gameplay" here is just clicking same 3 buttons over and over.

    This alone wouldn't be a big deal, but in combination with second one it makes the game unbearably frustrating: there is no way to track your relationship progression. Events with another characters pop up randomly during daily routine, and if you fucked up their route, or in some cases finished it... they just don't. And you have no way to know about it. You are stuck clicking same buttons for days until you realize nothing is happening. Then you go back, change you decision (will it help - who knows?) and back clicking freaking buttons. I even managed to get Bad End, despite seemingly doing nothing wrong, and had to go back again of course. It was somehow worse than worst grind games despite having no grind.

    This problem is fixable. They only have to do one of three:
    1) Add a way track you status in relationships and secondary events sequences. Ether directly or through hints.
    2) Remove city layout (which serves no purpose anyway) and clicking altogether.
    3) Make it meaningful. Considering it would significantly change game structure - probably not the best idea.

    Overall, this game has potential, but I would be cautious about it. While it's anything but empty, it was in development for five years, knowing that amount of content looks less impressive. Only heavy lifting here are CGs and game is about half done, with some characters only just introduced. This pacing of development combined with successful patreon gives me a few sad concerns...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent dating-sim/life-sim/school/work and honestly an everything sim.
    Now, if you find yourself locked out of some paths, you will unfortunately end up with a lot of events being... uneventful. The solution is to let go of any moral compass you may have and indulge the inner slut you'd want the MC to be.

    I'm looking forward to more renders being complete. The game is styled quite well, with a simple coherent design throughout, and decent quality of life features such as the keyboard shortcuts to quickly jump between locations. And, of course, I do appreciate the cheat mod being included.

    Best of luck and I can't wait to see more.
    Likes: Daioh
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Essentially no sound. Basically no gameplay.
    Really, really like the story. It reacts to basically everything you do and gives you different dialogue and choices depending on how far along you are with the other storylines.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.44.104. Great potential, wasted in a repetitive gameplay.
    Very basic storyline, which is not even flowing smoothly thanks to the monotonous gameplay. Characters are varied, but not much interesting.
    Very good art! Unfortunately with a lot of placeholders and mixed art styles, which lower the overall quality.
    For now very few effects and sound. Negligible.
    If this was a VN with interwined plot, it'll be great. Unfortunately is just repeating the same actions everyday to advance slowly the story. Boring.
    Not encountered and, given how complex is this game coding wise, is a pretty good result.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with ton's of content. Art is great. Very frequent updates keep the game fresh and me coming back. Although i don't play every single one (maybe one out of 2/3 bigger patches) I never regret playing again.
    Art 4/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Music 4/5
    DevSupport 5/5
    Originality 5/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really a lovely game !

    I wasn't sure about it at first thinking it would be pretty much the same as most games regarding a female prot after reading the tags (forced nonsense i thought), but i was really surprised how you are able to really guide the MC through the whole story regarding your taste and avoid everything you are not comfortably with (with the right decisions that is).
    Great routes which cover different tastes.
    First i was only looking into the Yuri routes - but than i couldn't stop and try all of them...

    You have F(sub/dom/love) and M(sub/love) options or even the go all out slutty way (full corruption - as i said, all of it is optional if you wish so - even with the chance of getting out of those realtionships/blackmail if you like so).

    Beside that you even have a early choice which kinda establishes your MC's personality!

    1). Strong and reliable
    2). Girly, flirty but no bullshit
    3). Shy and a little more introverted

    (even tho these are just differences in how the MC acts, you are still able to make the same decisions - so no biggie)

    It has sandbox elements but you are even provided with a integrated cheat mode for making it an easy ride and you are able to unlock pretty much everything through it.

    I would suggest giving the game atleast a download and try and see if it's for you !
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    +++ Great art (it's on par with some VN's made by professional teams)
    ++ Good character designs
    ++ Appreciate the MC's outfit & hairstyle customization
    ++ Appreciate the MC being able to stand up for herself if the player so chooses, in a lot of porn games they'll just roll over and get fucked
    ++ It's cool to see different routes interacting with each other
    + The writing can get endearing when it wants to. The karaoke side story was a nice read
    + Every game should have a cheat menu and this game has it

    Not sure/suggestion
    . When I play games with female MC's, I tend avoid submissive situations and try to stick with vanilla content. This game, from what I've seen in the CG gallery, seems like it has more sexual content for submissive MC's. Because of the corruption bar, I'm assuming that that's the point/focus of this game, so I'm not considering this a negative. Just leaving this as a note/feedback for the dev in case he wants to make more vanilla content in the future.
    . Maybe put a system that prevents the same random events from repeating consequentially. In the bakery I would sometimes get "feed the cat" 2 or 3 times in a row, in the "walk around" I would get the lottery guy 2 or 3 times in a row too

    --- The characters just disappear after their route is done.
    -- I'm not sure what's the point of the city layout. Maybe the dev intended to have more activities and different locations, but right now it's barren and gameplay's design forces the player into a routine of picking the same locations throughout the week
    -- Speaking of which, the gameplay kind of doesn't exist. On paper it kind of works like a sandbox, in practice you're pretty much forced into a routine
    - Considering the tone of the game, feels like the rape attempt by those 2 characters should have bigger repercussions
    - MC's backstory is too tragic/edgy for this kind of game. Personal preference obviously, but it threw me off a bit how the opening is dark, then develops into a normal slice of life, and then I'm reminded that this is a porn game when your boob gets groped out of nowhere. There was a moment there that I thought this would have a more nuanced/deeper story, all because of the intro
    - Not sure what's the point of homework and grades

    All in all, I recommend this. Wish there was more vanilla content, but it's worth at least one playthrough
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    First, I'll explain my rating system. To me story counts more than art.
    Play-ability is factored in so is replay-ability.
    Technical writing ~ plot-holes and so on.
    Game mechanics ~ use of RNG, fight mechanics, building, choice systems...

    What this game has going for it.
    The art is good. The story premise is good, it has problems though.

    The RNG is to random. I break the two boys up in the hall on the 2nd day or so and go walk in town and find the Chinese restaurant and am dragged into an alley by them and if you don't run you get raped.
    She doesn't even report them! ~ no cops nothing! WTF.
    So I replayed from start multiple times. Then just created saves before each location and reloaded. There are countless encounters that come way to early in game because of the RNG.

    My suggestion is the developer use the characters corruption level to determine what can be in the RNG encounter system.

    Then we have an issue of what the author considers corruption. Apparently the author thinks complacency or an unwillingness to go against others is corruption. Because you have the school project with Venn diagrams if she simply goes along with the person to avoid arguments the author takes it as being corrupted. In RL it is pretty much anything but that. I won't go into that here though.

    This is repeated when it comes to the boss of the bakery and his attitude.
    All in all I found a large number of actions he is raising corruption for that really has no basis in corruption.

    The author rushes the corruption process. Day 1 of class you are groped. The option to allow him to continue shouldn't even exist unless her corruption is greater than 0. At 0 corruption the only option should be slap and scream.

    The game advertises you are in control of the character not just along for the ride. So then the corruption should be clear choices. Not stuff you might do to simply avoid arguments.
    The character becoming corrupt should be a in the form of she is exposed to something new that isn't so far above the level of her current willingness to accept. By being exposed to it she finds she enjoyed herself or not to whatever extent. If she likes it the her level increases it could even require multiple similar events to raise it up.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4619290

    Excellent artwork, memorable characters, partial customization (hairstyle and outfits) and several great routes to go through. This game rarely gets updated, but the existing content is definitely worth checking out.
    Likes: Daioh
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Spent about 2 hours playing through early days. Run into events that lead matt into blackmailing me and getting me expelled, causing a bad end with my only save locked into that same bad end. Nah thats fine I didnt want to continue reading either.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I played Kate and Violet's route. And I very much liked Kate's route, really that may be the best Romance route I have seen in a while. The MC and Kate are really too cute together and their scenes are wholesome. I rarely play games with Female Protag and Lesbian, but this game really made me want to play more games of this genre. The art is really good. As I told Kate looks really cute and is the best character, period. I will be eagerly waiting for more of Kate's content. Liked Violet's route a lil bit, tried Matt's route, really hated the guy so stopped it. I am really glad the corruption is optional and you could just be with Kate :giggle:.
    Good luck with the game Dev. Will be eagerly waiting for more updates. And seriously, kudos on the art. It's really good.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a visual novel with choices sprinkled in.

    - Pro:
    - Well drawn art
    - Uncensored
    - Very easy and simple map, no need to search or find out what to do
    - The sex that there is, is about submission, humiliation (possible to have other results through choices)

    - Con:
    - Very very repetitive: You sleep, go school, go work, take a walk, day after day
    - As of 05-2022 very little sex scenes (after 2 hours of play); a lot of scenes happen merely in text
    - Developments and corruption are really really slow; for a sex scene to happen you seem to work though a dozen of other events without sex

    Play it if you do not mind a lot of reading and repetition
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A nice amount of content paired with decent writing in an experience that is overall marred by inconsistent art quality and the incessant worst possible placement for the text box. Sometimes the male genitalia will look like actual mushrooms, and other times the art in entire scenes will look great. There is almost no effort put into the 'fluids', and it usually tends to either be nonexistent or just regular white strips with nothing else.

    The worst part is that at least 80% of the scenes have everything blocked (not censored) by the text box. The text itself is almost always acting as an almost comically perfect censor bar for the actual goods, so you're really just getting the idea of the art. This is a highly frustrating thing that makes almost no sense at all, as you'd think that they'd want you to see the work they put in. On top of that, the writing is at its weakest during the lewd events, as it tends to be very short sentences that don't do much for the imagination. Normally that's fine when the art backs it up, but it just doesn't.

    The longest spans of writing tend to be the dream segments, but those have no art at all, so it makes at least some sense that they're not 5 clicks away from being through.

    All in all, could be decent, but ends up falling into the category of most of these games. They do a lot, but never actually soar in any category. Jack of all trades at its core. The absolute lack of real choice for your character is a given, but also something to be noted in a game supposedly about your own choices. They're always Yes or No in situations, and when it comes to characters, sometimes you have a Maybe.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best written female protagonist game in this site. The way story and dialog progress with many routes to play is really good. You can choose to corrupt the MC but still got good written story for it, not like many female protagonist game out there, when you choose to corrupt the MC, the story gone from pretty good to bad and eventually become worst. In my opinion, only GGGB and ORS from evakiss and this game has the best written story of all female protagonist game out there and again, this is just my opinion.

    But this game has very fatal flaw, the story and the art progress on different speed that makes a lot of scene still doesnt had CG. This is like you really want to watch a movie, but long before you can watch it, you got a spoiler about all the scene in the movie, when you finally watch the movie, it doesnt makes you as excited as before you see the spoiler. Of course you can just skip the story that doesnt had CG in the game just like what i do this entire times and only see them when the CG added.

    I just hope in the future, the developer can hire more artists so the story and art update can balance at some point and keep progress at the same time without one progressing faster than the other one.

    And i really hope we can had some of the routes combined together at some point in the game not just choosing one route and cant continue the other route. I really want to see Matt x MC x Violet in the future and many other possibilities in this game.

    Good luck and all the best for the developer, Hizor games, keep up the good work and be better.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.39.98

    Update: Creator is a star. I won't spoil anything, but I misread one of the images. So now this gets both a 4 star in practice and from personal opinon. Hope future updates push it up to that 5!

    Time Played: Roughly 3 hours. All content not seen, but I felt I had a decent handle on the game and my feelings on it.

    The art, fairly professional presentation and female MC are what drew me into this one. I'm assuming the artist isn't Japanese, but this is some of the more convincing anime-style art I've seen. The story is run of the mill, however the MC's backstory and some of the routes can get pretty dark. In terms of routes, that's really where the game excels, there is probably something here for everyone whether it be lesbian, straight, slut, boyfriend, abused cumdumster, you get the picture. Sadly, not every scene has a picture as many scenes are text only. Thankfully, the writing and sex descriptions are all pretty good, but a bit more art would be nice.

    + Beautiful art (though the characters are all pretty tropey both from a design and personality perspective)
    + A lot of variety in terms of kinks and it's pretty clear what direction different responses will take you down
    + Achievements, if that's your thing (I'm mainly just trying to achieve climax, but you do you)
    + MC has a cute, red bush! (That sadly disappears in the CGs)
    + Built in cheat-menu so you can still check out CGs you missed -- corresponding story and dialog doesn't seem to be replayable though

    - No real overarching story or motivation
    - Gameplay is kind of boring -- you head to a location and hope that an event pops up. While events are linked and show progression, it still feels disjointed. There are also clothes and decorations you can buy for MC's room, but those don't add much to the experience.
    - Not really a ton of content on the whole or even on each "route." Particularly if some fetishes don't appeal to you, you're just basically opting out of that content entirely.
    - YMMV, but the game does this thing where the MC will have sexual dreams (with a shit ton of fetishes represented) and I have to admit, those didn't do a thing for me. The fact that it was text-only and not "actually" happening just ended up making me skip them at first till I just turned them off.

    I'm giving this a 4 since it is better than many a game in this genre on here and there has clearly been time and care put into it. That said it's more of a 3 for me -- I didn't really like most of the fetishes represented: I really don't like abuse and, accordingly, the Matt story rubs me the wrong way. (Maybe that's where the Jun route will come in. Fuck, I would love to see that kid get his fucking shit kicked in.) I also am not really into girl on girl. Katie was awesome since you could corrupt her. Still, the fact that I have such strong opinions about the content actually speaks pretty well about the game -- it got me to care. Maybe you will too.

    Note to Devs: Nice game. Thanks for your hard work on it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.37.96

    I went into this game not expecting a lot. Most female protagonist VNs are... bad, to be blunt. They often focus too much on "ruining" a pure protagonist, or are incomplete to a point where you can only follow 1 path. Uni, however, has avoided both these issues. It also, as of right now at least, has a well balanced story spread between all of the available paths. The art is well made (this also applies to the 3rd party rape mod,) and consistent. Said art isn't everywhere yet, probably due to the fact the game isn't close to finished.

    The dream sequences, for example, can often be very lengthy and only have a black screen as the background, (However, these are optional and need to be activated in the settings, so this is not a major issue as this is mainly side content with no effect on the main game anyway.

    Even though I just called the game unfinished, I do need to stress the fact that there is still a ton of content, and each route could occupy you for 1-3 hours. There's around 6 main stories, of which you can follow around 2-3 of at the same time. There's also side content like the weekend clubs, fruit markets and people you meet while "wandering around".

    Okay, to cut off my pointless rambling, I'll finish this with a quick list of good, and bad points of the game:

    -fairly well written for a porn game;
    -multiple paths that intersect and can effect each other;
    -your choices MEAN something;
    -high replayability;
    -amazing lesbian content;
    -texting gets you actual responses, at least 2-3 depending on who you text.

    -as of right now, it often fails to tell you that routes will not continue, leaving you in a limbo while no main events occur. (happened to me while following the katie, sub violet, and matt storyline.)
    -cash gets VERY tight if you work at the bakery, but this may be on purpose, I just find it irritating personally.
    -your grades don't really matter right now.
    -corruption is useless outside outfits right now, doesn't effect your ability to choose at all.

    However, I do expect most of the "cons" here to die out as the game develops, so don't hesitate to try out the game due to them.

    That's it for the review, below is a suggestion I thought I'd add:
    Please make it easier to access places you find when you go and "explore" after you've visited it once. It's irritating to keep going to the karaoke joint when you want to go to the club. This stuff may be bound by timing or something, but it'll be much better if you could directly go there after finding it once like your workplaces.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great overall almost perfect. The game is one the best i have played in a long time it has multiple options you can choose each having a consequents . Well righten along with being welled drawled. It also has bulit in gallery which is more then a lot of games can say.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by this game. I never get my hopes up for lesbian content in games. But there is some really good and wholesome content here. If you take the Maid Cafe job you can meet Kate and get into a really cute relationship with her. It honestly had me giddy with how cute she is. Obviously there is more content if you are into straight stuff. Currently as of 0.36.95 there are only 2 lesbian relationships I think. Wholesome Kate & Sub/Dom Violet. Hopefully there may even be more in the future. There are certainly plenty of cute girls in the game and I saw a few that I thought might get relationship potential in the future. But maybe that's just wishful thinking. At any rate I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
    Likes: mc247