Ren'Py - Uni [v0.52.115d] [Hizor Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Legitimately the best nsfw I've played. There's already plenty of replayability and content here, and more is on the way. I love the little details present, like how Chelsea's choice of club influences her personality completely separate from corruption and other choices.

    The scenes are well-written and the illustrations that do exist are excellent. All in all, this was one hell of a hidden gem; especially for a (very) submissive bi gal like me. *Emphatically* recommend.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game so far. And I wonder if they'll add cg's for the dream sequences since those are just really steamy text sequences. And the map layout looks big but you can only visit a few area, it'd be cool if they add more areas to explore like on weekends or after work or something. Also, Kate best girl. Or Violet idc , lesbian stuff is hot.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Normally I don't play games that have female protagonists, but I liked this one a lot, although I went for the girls, Violet is very rich, it hurts that she has visual bugs because her scenes are not seen and the screen goes black, other than that , Esta bien

    Manager son of a bitch, how disgusting hahahaha you want to send him to shit
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    Version reviewed: 0.33.92b

    Positives ;)
    • a lot of content and variety
    • Violet route (dom or sub) is just great
    • actions have consequences, the various storylines actually affect each other
    • nice, clean graphics

    YMMV :unsure:
    • the project seems very ambitious in its scope (compared to other games like My Girlfriend's Friends); it's not clear when it will be finished or what would that even look like
    • some scenes don't have graphics (yet)

    Negatives :rolleyes:
    • it can feel empty even though it has quite a lot of content (you can easily lock yourself out of it or miss it; it's not clear if anything more is going to happen or not)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, awesome sub scenes with Matt and Violet.

    Job paths are great, Katie way to adorbs in the Cafe<3. Also kinda digging the scum manager in the bakery path xD

    Decent replay variety with Club choice and different character paths.

    Cute MC, 10/10.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    v0.33.92. best one i played. a lot better than what i expected. i didnt like the hair color initially but all the scenes and good writing more than made up for it, and even the hair looks good after a while. there is also a large variety of optional content and paths
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I normally don't do reviews for games (I think this is my first), but this is seriously my favorite nsfw game, and I have played a lot. As a girl into these sorts of games, I don't get a lot of representation, but I just love Matt in this series lol. And Damien, too. I also like Jun and I think it would be super cool if he became a more frequent character, he definitely has the personality for it.

    Thanks for the fun game! :)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Played on version 0.33.92

    Recommendation level: Not yet, wait for more updates

    ++ High quality art
    ++ Good writing
    + Meaningful choices

    -- Overambitious
    - Lackluster updates
    - Incomplete

    Comment: I have to give credit to the creator of this solely based on the art and writing alone, however not skimping on quality you can tell that development is taking quite some time. Unfortunately this has turned into a run before you can walk scenario, I know that funding is a big part of getting a project off the ground but I feel the game can benefit for more sparse but larger updates. Lastly, the school theme is rather lacking.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Art was good. Recent art look more like 3d anime. Some event do not have art at all.
    Female protogonist good for plot in adult game, but she can't do all the work for the writer. Some roots are terrible. For example sub root with Matt. I feeling so stupid doing what he told me to do. She has no reason and no benefit whatsoever humiliate herself.
    sandbox is a mess. You don't have the slightest hint of which roots are over and which are not.
    Sorry for terrible english
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The story and art are great in Uni, the dom/sub relationship with Violet is absolutely one of my favourite moments, but the gameplay itself is problematic. A lot of the triggers for the main story are really vague and ambiguous, if you don't make perfect choices, the next part of story just won't trigger, and the game won't let you know. So you can essentially end up grinding for several in-game weeks until you realize that something's gone wrong, and have to reload a save. The Bakery job route also pays way too less, it's difficult to pay rent each month even if you don't spend any money, which is ironic because it is the route that really pushes you to spend cash on other things, meanwhile, the maid cafe pays you a ton without you having to do anything.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing ver 0.38.87b

    (minor spoilers ahead)

    A very promising start to this game, I love the concept and the gameplay is great (vn/point and click). Played it twice through, first time with the bakery/cheerleading/no matt/damien/dom violet and the second time with cafe/bar/track/damien and matt/sub violet.

    -CG's are amazing
    -Character designs are great
    -Story and scenarios are well written
    -The optional outfits looked amazing
    -UI is very easy to navigate and use

    -Obviously, still in development so stories aren't complete yet and missing CG's for some scenes
    -Don't really understand the point of the market story, seemed out of place with no reward for completing it
    -Triggering specific events didn't happen at times (strip bar on friday, extra scenario's at cafe/bar and bakery)
    -Could only do the 'extra' work for the bar owner once, and when i tried to call him again it would crash/bug out
    -No punishment for having your grade drop to F
    -As others have mentioned, as soon as you stop with one characters route (matt/damien), they completely drop out of the story and you can't fix it/get it back
    -Aside from outfits, not really sure what the corruption is for
    -No clear way to tell when a new event at work/school/character would occur (would spend a week or two trying to trigger an event which wouldn't happen)

    -A side story with the school girls who copy your answers could be something interesting
    -The scenario to 'explore' along the river? didn't trigger any events. Maybe this was something planned to be put in for the future
    -If corruption is high enough, maybe an option to skip school and do some other activities? or trigger 'random' events during your job/walking around? I think this feature could be utilized a lot more going forward
    -Some way to tell how close we are to triggering a new event at school/workplace/character (maybe corruption, maybe another way)
    -More outfits (can never go wrong with a few more)
    -If the market scenario is to be kept, maybe add some sort of reward for it? (scenes, money, outfit etc)

    Overall, im looking forward to seeing this game grow and develop and can't wait for the next version!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really really love this game.
    There are really a lot of different choices and therefore different possible endings in this game and it is really amazing.
    You can choose with whom and how to continue your game differently depending on your choices and there are a lot of possibilities and it's amazing.
    You've probably understood that this is amazing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    1, art is fine, clean, and compelling
    2, it is full of well-exploited fetishes that are optional(players get to decide to follow the path or not), some of the paths are very attractive
    3, friendly UI and easy logic

    1, there is no comprehensive story for the protagonist. Each path is independent. Some of them indeed connect with each other but mainly serve the fetishes, not the story. Sometimes, there would be a feeling of meaninglessness except for sexual activities, which is not wrong, but a little more personnel story would be better. so far, I only know a little about "myself" -- the protagonist.
    2, many scenes have no relevant CG at all. (blank, only script)
    3, sometimes, the depiction of the protagonist still reminds people of the underage girl.
    4, too many events in different paths, thus only a few of them are developed fully and meaningfully. The rest of them lack CG, stories, or both. Most scenes in the town center are still in a very early stage for instance.
    5, study grade is meaningless in this game so far, which is a little confusing.

    generally speaking, it is a game with full potentials, I suggest developing the whole picture first --- UI, merits, peaks, and so on; and spend more time on the main stories and less on those peripheral ones.

  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So surprisingly well written! Even the scenes that aren't sexual at all are enjoyable because of the writing, which is really rare for me.
    It's a slower paced game than I'm used to but it pays off for sure. I love being able to choose who I want to engage with, what happens with her and so on. Just played an entire run without a single penis ruining it for me!!! It's getting me into kinks I didn't even had before (VIOLET!). Only thing that bothered me a little was how people apparently never recognise you as a lesbian? There was one dialogue where she pretty much said to someone she was into girls and then that same person was saying "I thought you had good taste in men" or something like that not too long afterwards, after she said she wasn't attracted to some guy. I get why, but feels strange. I'm nitpicking though, pleasantly surprised by this game.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.30.87b version
    - art is ok
    - some story present
    - current version contain good amount of bugs- pc version app cnt launch cuz "not a win32 app", win7 version dsnt have main menu pic(also normaly unable to play), some code errors, some math errors (like reseting corruption from 100 to 5)
    - this game tagger "VN", but "visual" component ruined, cuz lack of art. i mean- 1 art for 200+ text line unacceptable. even in code presents huge amount remarks like "add pic here later"
    - game tagged "sandbox", but there almost zero sndbox, cuz gameplay very linear(actualy its choice based novell with "sandbox" masquerade/parody) and map with 4-5 useless(i mean there no freedom in movement) locations looks ridiculous
    - code. part of code buyed/taken from other source. difference(in quality/complication) between some code parts too big. as example- event system (actualy that game dnt need it so much)
    - content. i also played in 0.16.65 version and content almost same (by art) and too few grown in text.

    there ll be no advise for other player, but for me game blacklisted.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is is one of the most promising female protagonist sandbox games I've played.

    Story [9/10]: The story, while at the moment very corruption focused, includes a vast number of choices and branching paths that each feel varied and weighting. The writing is immersive and entertaining throughout.

    Characters [7/10]: I love the freedom the creator provides in how you want to play the protagonist. Apart from the female lead, there are four main and several supporting characters. Each romanceable character caters to a different preference and multiple can be unlocked in one playthrough. A little warning: one of the male characters is among the most hateable personalities I've encountered, but this is an intentional choice by the creator.

    Art [9/10]: The art is the highlight of the game in my opinion. While unfortunately the CGs are still somewhat sparse and locked behind choices you make very early in the game, they really elevate the story and are expertly rendered. If you like the art style in the previews you'll love the art in the game.

    Gameplay [8/10]: I personally really enjoy sandbox type games. While this honestly leans more towards a visual novel, there are still a number of hidden events and things to discover. With the choices I made playing the game there was never really a noticeable downtime where nothing happens at all.

    Unfortunately it does seems like it will take a while for this game to be completed. I really hope the author keeps at it and I'm excited to see how this game will develop.

    Review for v0.30.87b
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    rating this as of 0.30

    the story has a decent plotline, simple but effective. characters are consistent, mc proggression is believable.
    characters look good, the missing scenes are a bummer but oh well its still in proggress.
    now to the bad: the game is more repetive than grinding, but it makes it dull nonetheless. there's no need to click 4-5 times every single time to go from house to school and viceversa.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Uni is a very promising female protagonist game that has excellent art and writing. It is a Hybrid VN open world game that features a branching narrative with the protagonist and a core of about 4 or 5 additional characters. Current content includes submission, blackmail, gentle femdom, vanilla romance both straight and lesbian, prostitution, and early bimbofication. All content is optional and the player isn't forced down a predetermined path or kink.

    The biggest downfall of the game is that it is currently very submissive/blackmail heavy. In the most developed plot in both text and artwork the MC is incredibly submissive to a pretty mean and potentially unlikeable character. This content can be skipped if it isn't your thing, but without it the game feels significantly less realized in its current state. The quality of the game makes me optimistic that future updates will flesh out all the MC so you don't have to play her as a timid submissive schoolgirl to get a complete experience, but that is the status right now.

    If submission is your thing (it's mine) then I would highly recommended Uni. It is among my favorite female protagonist games that are in development and I eagerly await future releases.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This HAS to be one of the best female protagonist VNs ever made. There are bugs and flaws in the early builds, but nothing overshadows the amazingly written story and characters. The amount of branches is INSANE. Even though there's still a lot of content in development and there isn't technically an ending to wrap things up yet, replay-ability is through the roof thanks to just how many different possibilities you could experiment with. The dom/sub and especially lesbian scenarios are exceptionally well written. The slight lack of CGs may be disappointing at times, but that's largely due to the huge script. If you like a female protagonist VN, this game is bound to impress.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a cool game with pretty art, but if you want a yuri game and make a route just with girls and you don't feel like being raped or sexually abused or prostituted, there is very little to see and it doesn't take more than 30 minutes to be repetitive.