
Sep 27, 2018
Anyone able to share new blog?

Hey there!

- ended (Rachel and Roxy are the winners)

- will wrap up in one day (Lexi and Carol are leading so far)



Right now, I've completed about 65% of the planned work.

At the moment, I've got a backlog that's about the same size as what I dealt with during the development of the last update. But fear not, I'm still confident I'll be able to deliver a solid update this time around.

The roughly scheduled release date for 1.4.5 update is the second half of April.


Now, onto some personal news. I'll be taking a bit of a break in the near future, probably about a month, maybe two, depending on how things go. I've got some medical stuff to take care of that'll require some prep and recovery time. Nothing too serious, but I'll need to take it easy for a bit. Don't worry, though, I'll still be around, just not at full throttle.

As for the timing of this break, I can't say for certain yet. I'm aiming for May or June, but there's a chance I might find the energy for another update and take a break in July or August instead.
Ideally, I'd push back the release of the 1.4.5 update to around May 5-15. This would give me some breathing room to squeeze in a bit more content. Then, I can quietly focus on sorting out my medical stuff during May and June.

And a heads-up about my Patreon page: I won't be pausing it during that break. It's not about squeezing money out of you, it's just that if I hit pause, new users won't be able to subscribe and access the paid content (Patreon's rules, not mine). In any case, those who are already subscribed can adjust their tiers or completely unsubscribe if they wish.

But I plan to amp up the amount of unique content during the break to make up for the downtime.

Stay tuned for further updates on all fronts. Thanks for your understanding and support!


About the v1.4.5 update

1) Events:

  • 1 big main event with Lexi -- 100% completed
  • 1 big event with Nikki -- 100% completed
  • 1 event with Nikki and Sara -- 20% completed
  • 1 small event with Natalie -- 100% completed
  • 1 additional event with Roxy -- 100% completed
  • 1 additional event with Rachel -- 100% completed
  • 1 big event with Carol -- 0% completed
Apologies to all you Sasha fans and femdom enthusiasts out there. The event I mentioned earlier is getting bumped to update 1.5.0. It's shaping up to be a pretty substantial event with loads of dialogue variations, so I don't want to take any chances by squeezing it into version 1.4.5.

2) Renders and animations:

About 700 renders and 8 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations


Best wishes,
Dream Now


Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
Goddamn it. I just met Kim and finally got a chance to lick some pussy but the option to taste her was blocked out due to lust but i could fuck her instead. NO! I wanna lick her! Fuck this, lmao. Onto the next game if all the oral scenes are locked.

Edit: omg i carried on and got to Carol and "Lick her" was again greyed out. That's definitely it now I'm done. Everything i wanna do is blocked. How frustrating.
Damn, this might be the first time I see someone rage-quitting because they suck so much at playing... AVNs... :confused:


Mar 26, 2023
Damn, this might be the first time I see someone rage-quitting because they suck so much at playing... AVNs... :confused:
Well when everything you want to do is blocked off and the only thing you can do is vanilla stuff it gets boring quickly. ~shrugs~

Also it's not really about sucking, it's just i came to check out the femdom aspect and found out it's not worth it so moved on. I accidently started something that doesn't have content I'm after so why carry on? Happens often so no big deal.

Lastly i never use Walkthroughs because i don't like them spoiling it. But i bet if they didn't exist many others would quit too. I mean even this game has a walkthrough so i wonder if anyone would carry on as far as they have without one? Doubt it, unless they have a guide telling them what options to choose they would likely quit as well and move on. Granted, i could download the walkthrough and find out how to unlock the content i'd like but meh, is quicker to move onto something else. ~shrugs again~
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
Lastly i never use Walkthroughs because i don't like them spoiling it. But i bet if they didn't exist many others would quit too. I mean even this game has a walkthrough so i wonder if anyone would carry on as far as they have without one?
You DO realize that 1) These are choice-based games that require players to explore the options where you can have multiple saves to do exactly that and 2) A lot of people don't use WTs... they just play the fuckin thing and back track if necessary... right?

Well, either way, there's just ONE character with femdom content (so, a small percentage of what the game offers), but considering how bad you're at AVNs, you'd probably fuck it up, so yeah, maybe try something else... or I dunno, maybe just stick with pornhub or something, sounds like this "game" thing is not working out for you :ROFLMAO: (tho I'm kinda surprised you managed to play Karlson's Gambit, tbh)


Mar 26, 2023
You DO realize that 1) These are choice-based games that require players to explore the options where you can have multiple saves to do exactly that and 2) A lot of people don't use WTs... they just play the fuckin thing and back track if necessary... right?

Well, either way, there's just ONE character with femdom content (so, a small percentage of what the game offers), but considering how bad you're at AVNs, you'd probably fuck it up, so yeah, maybe try something else... or I dunno, maybe just stick with pornhub or something, sounds like this "game" thing is not working out for you :ROFLMAO: (tho I'm kinda surprised you managed to play Karlson's Gambit, tbh)
Wow, you get quite angry pretty quickly right? This game is pretty different to normal AVN's since you need to choose the correct options to gain enough points to unlock more options. I peeked when i could and was a degenerate and still didn't have enough lust points or watever they're called to choose the options i wanted. And regarding going back, yea sure that's an option but i didn't care enough about it to do so. It's not too hard to understand it just wasn't up my alley it has nothing to do with being good or bad at AVN games. Like you say i've got 10 runs ongoing at once on Karlson's Gambit from K1 to K9 and have got every ending on Moving Down without a walkthrough. I love branching out to different options on these types of games and sometimes have so many branches i struggle keeping up with what i'm doing, or i've done when going back to it later after an update, lmfao. So again, continuing to try to trigger me by saying i'm bad at AVNs doesn't make sense as it doesn't imply here. Though i admit needing to manage points is a turn off for me I've only seen a few games that need those like this one & don't fully understand the need for it. Why can you fuck a pussy but not allowed to lick them first unless you have points gained by choosing options you normally wouldn't choose? Seems a bit forced tbh.

And thanks for the one character note. This probably explains things. Though i do prefer oral in general so doesn't have to be strictly femdom and the fact the only oral options in multiple scenarios were blocked off i saw no point in continuing. And like i said i didn't see the worth in going through it again and choosing other options like i did in games like Gambit due the fact the payout was so low (personnel taste, not disrespecting the hard work that went into this for everyone else, lmao).

Also Pornhub got terrible when it got nerfed a few years ago so no way using that place again :cry:

Edit: Also you say "A lot of people don't use WTs" but what difference does that make? I didn't say or mean everyone uses Walkthroughs. Nearly every game thread i've been in there are people always begging for walkthroughs even for linear games so they must be pretty popular. So copying what you say i can pretty much guarantee "A lot of people do use WTs". So my point of mentioning that if they didn't exist, many people would likely quit too still stands. :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2022
Wow, you get quite angry pretty quickly right? This game is pretty different to normal AVN's since you need to choose the correct options to gain enough points to unlock more options. I peeked when i could and was a degenerate and still didn't have enough lust points or watever they're called to choose the options i wanted. And regarding going back, yea sure that's an option but i didn't care enough about it to do so. It's not too hard to understand it just wasn't up my alley it has nothing to do with being good or bad at AVN games. Like you say i've got 10 runs ongoing at once on Karlson's Gambit from K1 to K9 and have got every ending on Moving Down without a walkthrough. I love branching out to different options on these types of games and sometimes have so many branches i struggle keeping up with what i'm doing, or i've done when going back to it later after an update, lmfao. So again, continuing to try to trigger me by saying i'm bad at AVNs doesn't make sense as it doesn't imply here. Though i admit needing to manage points is a turn off for me I've only seen a few games that need those like this one & don't fully understand the need for it. Why can you fuck a pussy but not allowed to lick them first unless you have points gained by choosing options you normally wouldn't choose? Seems a bit forced tbh.

And thanks for the one character note. This probably explains things. Though i do prefer oral in general so doesn't have to be strictly femdom and the fact the only oral options in multiple scenarios were blocked off i saw no point in continuing. And like i said i didn't see the worth in going through it again and choosing other options like i did in games like Gambit due the fact the payout was so low (personnel taste, not disrespecting the hard work that went into this for everyone else, lmao).

Also Pornhub got terrible when it got nerfed a few years ago so no way using that place again :cry:

Edit: Also you say "A lot of people don't use WTs" but what difference does that make? I didn't say or mean everyone uses Walkthroughs. Nearly every game thread i've been in there are people always begging for walkthroughs even for linear games so they must be pretty popular. So copying what you say i can pretty much guarantee "A lot of people do use WTs". So my point of mentioning that if they didn't exist, many people would likely quit too still stands. :cool:
Something similar happened to me, but there is a simple solution!
If you find grey options in the choices not available, go back one screen and open the phone, there is an app to activate the cheats and get your stats up to the number you want, and you can even deactivate the cheats with the stats already up, then continue the game.
  • Wow
Reactions: WattsFU


Mar 26, 2023
Listen man I don't know why you wrote so much. You wasted so much more time writing this when you could have just figured out how to pick choices in a VN. Other guy telling you to just watch porn probably can't even help, you'd just pick the wrong genres and complain there too.
Quiet you. Run along.


New Member
Oct 2, 2021
Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything with the search function!
Since the last version of the game and now also with version 1.4.0 I always just get a black screen when there should be an animation! Everything else works just fine. I'm on the Mac version.
Any solution for this?


Sep 27, 2018

Hey there!

- ended (Rachel and Roxy are the winners)

- ended (Carol and Lexi are the winners)



Right now, I've completed about 90% of the planned work.

The roughly scheduled release date for 1.4.5 update is May 10-15.


Going back to what I mentioned in the , I've decided to take a break in May instead of dragging things out with all the medical stuff. That's why the release of update 1.4.5 has been pushed back to May 10-15. This delay will give me the opportunity to add a bit more content to the update before taking some time off.

Here are some key points:

  • The break is planned for the second half of May and all of June, but I'm hoping to be back in full swing by mid-June (there's a chance I might even be back by the end of May, so stay tuned)
  • During this time, I won't leave this page without new content. While there might not be any news or sneak peeks, I'll make up for it by increasing the number of custom renders to at least 6 per month.
  • Additionally, I plan to make some of these renders (as well as polls about which characters will be featured in them) accessible to patrons with lower-tier subscriptions than usual. I just want to ensure that every patron gets at least something during this downtime if they decide to stick around.
  • I might also come up with some other ideas, like sharing some of the unique renders I create from time to time. I just need a bit more time to think about what else I can offer.
  • I won't be pausing my page during this break. It's not about squeezing money out of you, it's just that if I hit pause, new patrons won't be able to subscribe and access the paid content.
That's all I have to say about my break for now, as I'm not entirely sure how it will go. So, stay tuned for updates.


About the v1.4.5 update

1) Events:

  • 1 big main event with Lexi -- 100% completed
  • 1 big event with Nikki -- 100% completed
  • 1 event with Nikki and Sara -- 100% completed
  • 1 small event with Natalie -- 100% completed
  • 1 additional event with Roxy -- 100% completed
  • 1 additional event with Rachel -- 100% completed
  • 1 big event with Carol (featuring Abby, and a bit of Lexi, Kim, Sasha and Alyssa) -- 50% completed
2) Renders and animations:


  • about 950 renders and 13 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations

  • 2 animations are ready

Best wishes,
Dream Now


Active Member
Mar 14, 2021
I don't get it: They vote for Rachel and Roxy who BOTH have tons of scenes and who will get scenes anyways, vote or not. Letting some other characters shine (Natalie *cough cough*)? Nope...


Active Member
Sep 29, 2023
I don't get it: They vote for Rachel and Roxy who BOTH have tons of scenes and who will get scenes anyways, vote or not. Letting some other characters shine (Natalie *cough cough*)? Nope...
That's how it works. The characters that are developed the most, are usually the ones supporters like the most as well, leading into these characters getting developed even more. :ROFLMAO:
4.30 star(s) 201 Votes