screen p20a_reply():
modal True
zorder 300
vbox xpos 1200 yalign 0.5 spacing 15:
textbutton "Great time for the party, for sure, ha-ha. Hope I can find some good company there.":
style "replies_style"
action SetVariable("p20a_commented", 1), SetVariable("p20a_comments_amount", p20a_comments_amount+1), SetVariable("nikki_rel", nikki_rel+1), Hide("p20a_reply")
textbutton "It could have been a great party if it wasn't for some frats.":
style "replies_style"
action SetVariable("p20a_commented", 2), SetVariable("p20a_comments_amount", p20a_comments_amount+1), Hide("p20a_reply")