Good afternoon all,
Did you notice the following in the release notes and wonder WTF?:
Well, instead of delaying the release I pushed it without finalizing the code for that feature. You may have noticed this new feature in my latest releases but it became more complicated here due to the "Tee-Hee" cheat code conflicting.
It is resolved. Prepare to have your mind blown (well it's pretty damn cool regardless imho).
Here's a brief and simple example of how it works... and yes, name changes are truly reflective across the board or as I stated in the release notes "fucking all of it". The feature is 100% non-destructive (it doesn't physically alter any of the default script code), and it's non-persistent (it all pertains to the current save only so you're free to experiment at will). There's even a "reset" button in case you change your mind, I'll save you all the re-entry of default names. With all that said, let's take Rachel for our example below:
- Default (OEM) screen/character info with the SanchoCheats screen open. Just as you've known before in the mod, dialogue is default, stats reflect her name, etc:
- Now, the player clicks on her name change button and proceeds to rename her something absolutely clever or diabolically stupid (you do you):
- Done. Now notice how all other characters now refer to her with her new name, her label is reflected, the ChoiceGuide is reflected, and even the SanchoStats are reflected:
Pretty damn cool, right? Yeah, I think so too. Do to the ChoiceGuide changes I still have work to do but once that's done I'll push a maintenance release so you'll have access.
P.S. - Oh, and you know that new "what music is playing" feature the dev "introduced"... well I already had that shit done and pushed public over a month ago (in a different title). It oddly looks almost identical in fact. That's rather curious: