4.20 star(s) 129 Votes


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
No probs, I get it if you feel like you're being bugged about the update date. Most of us won't mind waiting as we know you will deliver quality content. But then again some like seeing solid numbers as a form of proof or something, but you're THE dev. If you say those numbers are insignificant, then they are insignificant. Excited about the update nonetheless!
hell most arent even paying for the game so should just stop bitching
Jun 21, 2020
So far so good, but I did get two errors. One was the choice on peeking in the redhead's room, I couldn't select the option not to peek without it going into the error screen, the other was the video call with the MC's father, but that might have been part of the game, since it only went into some kind of static screen and he might have made some comment related to it at the end of the conversation.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 28, 2017
What happened is pretty obvious: a new house was sold, MC's eardrums got fucked up, and therefore he has to communicate using sign language.
Judging by the suitcase I think Shannon is going on a trip, so probably she's warning the MC her train will be going through many tunnels and her phone will have no signal for a while.
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Jun 21, 2020
Neither are errors. Look closer and you'll see they only resemble errors. They have meaning, even if we're not completely sure what the meaning is just yet. Same with the names being reset to the defaults if you try to change them ... just in case you haven't come across that yet.
Thanks, I'll take a closer look then. Didn't know that the names reset if you tried to change them either, very mysterious...


Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
Alright! I'm loving this so far!
The characters look gorgeous, their personalities are really great as well, as the story seems simple, but is interesting.
What I didn't like is that the game kinda forces you into a number of choices even though you're supposedly given options - just doesn't make sense to me. Also, I get that for the sake of narration, and because it'd be too much of a bother, the PC has to make short replies, but come on, in certain cases (car bust) any normal person would try to give a proper explanation, which the PC does not do.
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4.20 star(s) 129 Votes