4.20 star(s) 128 Votes


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
I can simpatize with getting salty with the release schedule of this particular game. I also simpatize a lot with CarbonBlue since i, myself, also are extremely fluctuant with my passion project and i might be super-productive for some time then very slow after, depends on the inspiration. Yet, i feel comfortable saying that this game is one of the far best of this site and we really want to keep playing it. That's why the slow pace can be very frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
So sorry CarbonBlue. Those of us with pets, know just what you are going through. I had to put to sleep my cat rather suddenly about 15 years ago, and I am still sad about it when I remember back, though I am happy with all the great memories of her life. I have a dog now, but as with all pets, its just a matter of time.
Nothing wrong with feeling the sadness deeply, but I hope with time you will remember more and more all the good memories of your dog's life with you.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Friday's Patreon Update:

Friday Update - Friday, April 9, 2021

Hello Patrons and Public alike!

I wanted to thank all of you for your kind words and well-wishes during this difficult time. Your responses have been a great comfort when I've needed it most.

To say that this dog was special to me would be an understatement. I mentioned that she came to my care at the lowest point of my life. It would not be an understatement to say that she saved my life, and that I saved hers.

So the mourning has been a process. In the beginning I would cry at random times - it would just all of a sudden pour out of me. My mind would race, and that was exhausting. But over the past couple of days my mind has been racing much less. The tears still come every once in a while but I don't cry pathetically at the drop of a hat anymore, heh.

As I move on, I am able to get back to work more and more. Right now I'm not close to 100%. The problem is that you kind of have to be in an appropriate mood to make sexy and funny renders.

I've always tried to be honest and open with you guys, and to give you a taste of that, one of my thoughts for a while there was about making a tribute to my dog in the VN. It would have been a guy sitting on a beach with a black lab (which is what I lost). Then the two would play together. Then they'd walk along the beach toward the sunset. The guy would stop and the dog would look back, and then continue alone.

But holy shit! This is supposed to be a fun and sexy VN! lol. There are and will be moments that I want to make you guys feel emotion through the story, but damn, that would have been too much. I'm not gonna be that emotionally manipulative!

Instead, I'll honor my dog at home, privately, and as I feel better I will continue working on the weird and sexy and wild girls of Unleashed. Those of you who are patrons will get a taste of that in a render following this post - sorry to those of you who are not patrons, but this will probably be a little too sexy for the Patreon free service.

With all that, again, I would like to thank you all for your well wishes! I am truly blessed to have the support of so many kind people.



Active Member
Aug 28, 2017
Half a year. Last release was beginning of October 2020.
It was only a part of the update (with practically no content, reportedly), which was just a bone thrown to the hungry patrons before they start suspecting something. It seems it worked amazingly well. I heard what we get now is some news about his dog or something like that.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
this thread has changed, some time ago (and for a long time) whenever I checked in hoping to see something new, it wasnt here and anyone even asking about the update or sstating the delay was hounded to hell by crazy fanatics with threats like Shannon will stab you hurrr durrrr !!!!! it seemed like a very tight knit and dedicated community (a good thing infact) in this thread but no doubt crazy for burying anyone into ground for asking for an update. Now it seems that the majority is asking for update, not happy with delays and no crazy threats (or jokes) in sight. A big transition.


Sep 17, 2020
I'm a big fan of CarbonBlue and will continue to support via Patreon, but I have to admit the delays are starting to wear a bit thin. I get this isn't his job but no update for 6 months and the carrot of updates always being a few days/weeks away isn't coming across as very credible.

I'll give it another month and reconsider my support if an update doesn't appear.


Mar 18, 2019
I'm a big fan of CarbonBlue and will continue to support via Patreon, but I have to admit the delays are starting to wear a bit thin. I get this isn't his job but no update for 6 months and the carrot of updates always being a few days/weeks away isn't coming across as very credible.

I'll give it another month and reconsider my support if an update doesn't appear.
I could never support him. This game isn't that good so far and the updates are small and so few and far between.


Sep 17, 2020
I could never support him. This game isn't that good so far and the updates are small and so few and far between.
I do have to disagree there. While the game, and updates, are short, I think it's an excellent VN with a refreshingly different approach to the usual "dead parents can I fuck my sister" ones that are out there. As I said though, I only have so much patience before moving my Patreon spend elsewhere.


Mar 19, 2020
refreshingly different approach to the usual "dead parents can I fuck my sister"
Actually he implements the "I'm moving in with my female family friend and her daughters" theme, which is equally ... let's say .. familiar ground. As Maeve said "do you ever get the feeling you have been here before?"

The big difference, as with all great literature. Is the character development. He created engaging characters that we care about.
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4.20 star(s) 128 Votes