4.20 star(s) 128 Votes


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
That is also a great way to get people from wanting to keep playing a game all because of some bs that the developer thinks hey this would be fun.
What would have been better is doing it so that it would not change your choice or the names. Also it is no joy to it just a pain in the ass. So if the developer wants to add a bunch of code that turns people off of their games that is all on them. Also I would call it a total waste of code to even give a choice and pull something like that.
As I have mentioned before, this developer's sense of humor is not for everyone. There are other games out there that probably won't annoy you.
The story is interesting, If they want to waste their time putting in worthless code that is on them let them waste their time. I will still play the game. As I said the story is interesting I would not but this game up in the amazing games. It is an ok game just interesting enough that I want to see how the story plays out only. At least they had enough sense to stop that error crap after the 1st 2 times.
Well, here's the thing. It may be 'worthless code' to you, but it's not to me. Nor is it to many others who play this game.

What you are saying is your subjective opinion... which is fine. But don't act like it is Gospel delivered from The Mount.
Look, just like Walter and I have both said, it's intentional and enjoyed by many of us. If you don't like it, that's OK. No one is saying you have to like it. We're just saying that it's not actually an error, and it's meant as a little bit of humor. In the specific case of the name change, there are a several different things the joke could be.
  • "You think you want to change Maeve's name, but if you really look deep inside, you actually don't. If you really consider it, Maeve is a perfect name for this character, so why would you ever try to change it?"
  • "Oh, so you think you're in charge here? Really? With these women, you actually think you're in control?"
  • The dev has criticized his own coding multiple times on this very thread. This could also be poking fun at himself: "[sigh] Yes, players, I'm not great a coding. See? I can't even let you change a character's name correctly half the time!"
There are more possibilities, too. Personally, I think another dimension of the humor is that you don't actually know for certain which way CarbonBlue means it . . . or if he means all of it. :unsure: But IMO this type of humor 1000% fits the general tone of the game.

The MC isn't really ever in control, even if he starts "getting it"; accepting the darkness (an option with Shannon at the house Olivia sold to Zita) can mean more than just letting yourself pass out. With all of the pranks Shannon plays, with all of the confidence coupled with self-doubt of Angel, with all of the actions and responses from Maeve — with everything the characters do, is the MC really ever going to control things? Should he even try? With all of these faux errors players will be shown regardless, should players even try to be in control? Is it more fun to just strap in for the ride?

Only you can answer those questions for yourself. I consider the above points and have embraced the darkness. I personally find it a lot easier and more fun that way. You don't have to embrace it all, but if it's going to bother you so much, you'll need to decide if your enjoyment of the rest of the game (what doesn't bother you) outweighs what you don't like.
Nov 18, 2018
And then there is the opinion that they're not jokes at all. They're components of the universe the game is set in. Something is not right at a quantum level and we need to find out what it is.

Maeve comments on the inability to change names. Does she know what happened? If so, how does a character in a game, know about a "code error"?

When you go to the club, it's obvious that Maeve is not normal. But is she really a werewolf, or was it the drug in your drink?

Is there really vampire in the library at school?

If you sleep with Angel, you get to see Shannon's butt going up the stairs. If not, you only see pixelated blocks. Why? Did the MC's vision go wonky, or just ours? (It might be reversed, but I think I have it right)

And much much more. There are mysteries concerning the very universe the game is set in. What is going on is the question that should be asked. The OP says it straight out: Unleashed is a slice-of-life Visual Novel designed to play around with your expectations. To do that it begins in the stereotypical way that many VN's begin. You might see hints throughout that allude to things being a little different.

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
The Friday update post from Patreon;

Friday Update - June 25, 2021

Writing - 90%
Rendering - 20%
Animation - 25%

Hello, Patrons!

I hope you had a better week than I had. I was busy as hell with RL work and family distractions. It was not my most productive week.

However, I have figured out the secondary ending and writing and storyboarding are basically all done for the update. That means that everything else should start going at a faster pace. Next week I'll probably set writing at 99%, because writing is never done until I finish coding.

In the meantime, I neglected to wish you all a happy summer, which started last week! For $5 patrons, you will get to see a young Olivia on a beach to celebrate. For $10 patrons, you will get to see a little more of young Olivia on a beach. For $20 patrons... she's topless, I'll just say it straight-up, you'll get bewbs.

For $1 patrons you will get my warmest yet cooled-down-with-a-lovely-beach-breeze wishes for a wonderful summer!

Thank you all for your support! <3



Sep 11, 2018
Fair enough, I agree, though unfortunately it just rubbed me the wrong way, when I thought it was a genuine error because I didn't know better at the time and looked for genuine help, instead of admitting it and saying it was intended, Cabon decided to try troll me and claim it shouldn't give errors and it really was a issue.

I have a serious dislike of liars, in games and IRL. Sadly the dev ruined his shot at making me a true fan and potential supporter when he did. Honestly I'd have had no issue with it if it had been honest about it though.
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Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
Friday's Patreon update post:

Friday Update - July 2, 2021

Writing - 95%
Rendering - 25%
Animation - 50%

Hello, Patrons!

It's a holiday weekend, so I'm going to keep it short. Everything is progressing along, albeit it's still a little slower than I'd like. I am soon taking some time off of my real life work, however, so I expect things will really pick up at that point.

I am really loving this update. There are some updates with some serious conversations and emotions, like the last one... and then there are updates like this one where there's not really a serious moment to be had. It's not called "Oh Long Johnson" for nothing!

I can't wait to get some good hours into the renders and get the update out to you guys. Until then, if you're an American, happy 4th of July! If you're not American, happy day on the internet without Americans!

Oh, and I'll get some renders and polls out to you guys soon, sometime after this weekend!



Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Does he became religious?
What does that have to do with anything? You think every developer who abandons a game — and Carbon is definitely not one of them — quits because of a change in beliefs? No, they can stop for many reasons: real-life tragedy (to themselves or family); insurmountable circumstances (one developer literally stopped being able to see well enough to keep making renders); success didn't come as fast as they thought it should; and various other causes. Going celibate or starting to pray a lot are probably an extremely tiny minority of reasons for abandoning a game.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
I've wanted to come up with a clever and funny response to this but, I mean... it's just so wtf that I got nothin'.
Facts leading Venus to the conclusion that you abandoned Unleashed because you became a celibate monk:
  1. The last release was over a month ago, so what the hell, man?! Obviously reading a dusty tome and praying is taking up all your time.
  2. Chatterbox had one douchebag working for him that did just that, so obviously all developers go the same route.
  3. Angel has some mysterious aura about her, so clearly that's from some deity somewhere.
  4. The MC passes out when someone roofies him, so clearly a higher power isn't happy with him.
  5. Um....
  6. Gimme a sec....
  7. OK, yeah. I also got nothin'.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
What the fuck with this religious shit ?? Everyone knows that we are super-nova dust, come to seed the Earth which at the time was only a ball of magma at 3000 ° C. So, let go of the bunch and treat ourselves to this fabulous VN, without questionable ulterior motives ...
4.20 star(s) 128 Votes